Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 926: Bright spine

I can't help it. Zhuo Yang is a football player and a piano player, but he is an outstanding representative of the Chinese spirit.

The sun is a **** in the West, and it knocked eight times a day earlier. Our ancestors were too hot and shot down nine of ten suns.

The fire in the West was stolen from the gods, and our ancestors used to rub it out.

Western food and medicine are bestowed by gods. Our ancestors tasted food and medicine one bite at a time.

The Western world has had a great flood, and they are still repenting of their original sin. We had a great flood, and our ancestors picked up Mu shovel and dried his mother.

The attitude of the Chinese towards God has always been hello and me, hello everyone, if you are responsive, I don’t mind offering you, but if you make things happen, Lao Tzu will come by himself.

What kind of princes will Xiangning? Amazing? I gave the Jade Emperor the surname Zhang, so he could only have the surname Zhang. The legend that Jiang Ziya, a mortal man, held a whip to beat the gods of all walks of life, only appeared in Chinese mythology.

I can't help it, so Zhuo Yang must rush back to participate in this game.

Hurry up, and only caught up with the second half. In the first half of the game, Zhuo Yang competed with Kou Kou at his home under Zhongnan Mountain. After fierce melee, with the husband's humility, his wife won a small goal.

The two sides lined up again in the second half, and Zhuo Yang's special car happened to drive into the city stadium. At this time, even Burnley had no intention of playing, and everyone was staring at the passageway.

three minutes…

five minutes…

Ten minutes later, this grandfather walked out leisurely, wearing a short-spanking tough guy powder on his lower body, with a bare spine on his upper body and a jersey in his hand.

That is called a mountain whistling a tsunami.

He didn't run, and he didn't change clothes on the spot ten years ago, but the shirtless Zhuo Yang still let Blue Moon feel satisfied and revisit his heartbeat.

Zhuo Yang belongs to a body that looks thin and undressed. He wears ordinary clothes. In fact, the angular muscles of the upper body are very powerful. Various lines and muscles have always been very oppressive.

Kou Kou is such a little fairy, but Fan Zhuo Yang has a bare spine. This eye-catching muscle is C medicine to her, and the effect is lasting. In the summer, it is always difficult for Zhuo Yang to wear a shirt at home.

It's cheaper. Today, the Blue Moon women of the City Stadium, who makes us all our own. This means it can’t brighten the lower body...

Zhuo Yang arched his fists to thank the fans for their love, clasped his fists on all sides, and then put on his jersey and walked towards Guardiola who looked through the autumn water.

"Brother, I'm back."

"Really all right?"

"Otherwise, am I playing around this week?"

Ouch, fuck, you're just playing around.

"It takes so long to come from the door?"

"Pooped shit."

"Can't pull it on the plane?"

"It's all cities along the way, and it's not good to pull anyone's head, right."

"Shirtless shit?"

Zhuo Yang closed his short hair and did not answer. In fact, he just wanted to show off all of a sudden, and simply wanted to show off.

"Brother, is there really no problem in the knee?" The old man was serious: "I must confirm this."

"I won't make a joke about my health. Thanks, brother."

Zhuo Yang is an inconceivable strange person, the closer the people to him are, the less he will make a fuss about it, the old guy believes it.

"Okay, you play now, replace the big clever. Brother, it's better to relax, it doesn't matter whether you win or not. Go ahead."

"Brother, I haven't even warmed up yet, how did you become a coach?"

Old melon: "..."

In the 61st minute of the second half, Zhuo Yang, steaming on his head, replaced Sterling. By this time, many Blue Moon's voices were already screaming.

After receiving the armband handed by Lao Kong, Zhuo Yang looked at Burnley and licked his lips.

In fact, he is related to the Red Wine Corps. On the last day of 2016, the last game of the year, in the 19th round of the 16-17 Premier League, Zhuo Yang and Manchester City went to Anfield to challenge Liverpool.

Although the match was lost 1:2, Zhuo Yang, under the careful planning of Uncle Zha and Master Tu, was forced to restart the severely injured football skills, which was equivalent to being sealed, with the perfect death of Zhuo. Riding scored a goal, declaring his complete return.

Two days after the New Year, a brand new Zhuo Yang led Manchester City to usher in Burnley at the City Stadium. That was Zhuo Yang's first start after his comeback, and it was also his first time to wear the Manchester City captain's armband.

In that game, the score was 6:0, and Zhuo Yang had three shots and two passes.

Burnley is a memorable opponent for Zhuo Yang. Injuries, healing, running around, today's Burnley is equally meaningful, so Zhuo Yang decided to drink up this bottle of red wine.

Burnley, the Red Wine Corps, also had blood mold for eight lifetimes, and came across such a product back in time.

From the live broadcast during the flight to the landing and arrival, this media campaign was very successful, and the individual will be affected by the psychology. The slogan coach Dai Qi is no exception. His courage is suppressed by the gradual sense of oppression.

While Zhuo Yang was still warming up, Dai Qi made two adjustments at the same time. Defender Ashley Westwood replaced wing Lennon, and New Zealand center Chris Wood replaced Arrow Vaux. UU reading

Woodby Vaux will stand and be better at grabbing. These two substitutions mean that Burnley's tactics are further focused on defensiveness, that is, to counsel before a fight.

Before Zhuo Yang appeared on the field, Burnley really played well, especially Lennon and Vaux were very active, but they also really didn't make much contribution to the defense.

For Manchester City, because Zhuo Yang finally appeared on the field, looking forward to a home, the teammates seemed to have the backbone and focus, hey, go up to the sixth floor without breathing.

One ebb and flow, the front and the back immediately became two games, unrelated to each other.

In the past, the legend of the world: if the sky is sentimental and the sky is also old, I will kick it when I meet Hartmund. Time passed, and the rumors were vaguely forgotten by most people. Perhaps only Hart himself was unforgettable, but Zhuo Yang didn't remember it anyway.

But this does not prevent him from getting a kick.

In the 65th minute, Zhuo Yang, who ran and fully mobilized his body, caught the ball in the penalty area and pushed back the midfielder to Fei Niao. After running sideways, Fei Niao's ball was returned again.

Wipe the ball inward and then turn around, lift the instep to the right, and shoot away from Charlie Taylor.

That's right. Hart did not react, and the football went straight to the net, 1:0.

Zhuo Yang braggingly raised the right leg of the shot, which was the right leg that had just been severely injured a week ago.

Madrid, after watching the live broadcast of the game, the authority of the sports specialist of the Saint Mary Memorial Hospital and the expert of the medical department of the Real Madrid Club, after being stunned, he mumbled: God, Newton, Einstein Galileo, this... **** unscientific.

If there is someone who understands them, they will know that Zhuo Yang told them to keep it secret a week ago, not because he wanted to hold back a big news, but out of goodwill. Otherwise, how straightforward the medical diagnosis is, and how many slaps after the reversal, will greatly affect their reputation in the industry.

Zhuo Yang puts on his pants, after all, he still pays attention to people.

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