Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 818: Fight for the red jersey

() When Renato Augusto came up, it was the 84th minute of the game.

Augusto was born in Flamenco, a famous player in Pakistan. At the age of 20, he landed in Europe to join the pharmaceutical company Leverkusen as a genius with great popularity.

Augusto, who plays in the midfield, is similar in style to Gundogan. In conscience, he played very well at the beginning. Although the numbers are not impressive, he and Kisling and the transfer from Madiburg Helmes formed the Bundesliga's most trident combination, and it was also quite awe-inspiring to destroy the city and the village. At that time, Juventus, Liverpool and Inter Milan had already issued substantial offers to him, but they were all rejected by the pharmaceutical companies.

But good days are always short. Helmes and Kisling are two sick people, and Augusto has not escaped the bad luck of injury. In the Bundesliga with Fort Madi, he was beaten by the dog, Rand, for half a season.

After a long time of injury, his position was replaced by the rapidly rising Akuan Cross. Even if Akuan returned to Bayern afterwards, Augusto could not regain his footing. In essence, he can be regarded as a short-lived in Europe, there are too many geniuses like Brazil.

At the beginning of 2013, Augusto returned to Barcelona to join Corinthians coached by Tite, where he was trained by Tite as a Brazil international and also participated in the World Cup four years ago.

The year before last, Augusto moved to the Super League. Two years later, he was called "arrogant" by Chinese fans.

Tite regretted starting Fei Niao instead of arrogant. If it is a strong arrogant and Violent bird partner, it is equal to Jingdogan + Vidal. The midfielder will undoubtedly be very tough. Zhuo Yang will just want to play Huan'er again. It's not that easy anymore.

However, Tite did not immediately switch to the arrogant, which also showed his calmness. When the team is behind, Fei Niao's coupling and propulsion functions are more needed, now and then, even if he made a mistake before.

Until the end, he had to fight for his life, and Tite finally took out his confidant Augusto, and replaced the Violent Bird. In the past two years, arrogant has played as a midfielder in the Super League and has double-digit assists every season. At this time, Tite needs his last pass.

Neymar, Kuniao, Fimi, the dog's leftovers, the arrogant, plus the flattering and Fagner inserted on both sides, at this time the Brazilian offensive has been the elite, constantly beating and tearing the Chinese team's defense line, Zhuo Yang was forced back to the back midfielder.

Brazil has scored a terrifying 27 shots, while the 2:1 lead of the Chinese team has only 8 times. Among them, the No. 1 killer Zhuo Yang accounted for 3 times. So it is hard to say whether the score is a comparison of the strength of the two sides or other data.

But one thing is clear, there is a big gap between the thickness of the lineups between the two sides.

In Tite's Brazil, the first three midfielders are Kuniao, Fat Tiger and Violent Bird, while Feiniao and Aogu are wingmen. In the previous four games, Aogu came off the bench twice, once for violence, and once for Kuo.

Except for Zhuo Yang, Aogu is at least at the same level as the Brazilian three forwards in the Chinese team, and belongs to the upper class. But Brazil's three forwards are already the best in the national football team, but arrogance is just Brazil's dead bench. This is a manifestation of the depth of the lineup.

Zhuo Yang led the midfielder to drive the Brazilians as far as possible, allowing them to pass, but refused to be broken. Let the Brazilian go to the penalty zone to grab a header, this is the least harmful.

Zhuo Yang has a lot to worry about in front of the central defender, not only to prevent Neymar and the dog left from changing positions, but also to prevent Peng Peng and Ti Xi from inserting them. These two goods are the existence of the killer. The ball was just lost like this. of.

Thousand days to guard against thieves, and you still don't know who the thieves are.

In the 89th minute, dawn was ahead, and the Chinese team touched the knocker in the semifinals.

Neymar was driven so far by Maro to start the ball and hang to the top of the arc.

Ai Shen was tired and tried his best for 90 minutes. His legs were a little weak. In addition, the pedicles were very fierce, and the chest was a little bigger. Tixi took the opportunity to raise his leg and kicked the football to Ku Bird on the left.

Neymar, Goulu, and Fimi were all pushing in, but they all followed. Zhuo Yang believed in his teammates, and he quickly rushed towards Coutinho who was holding the ball.

In fact, if Kadasi is still on the court, Zhuo Yang will follow Fimi down to the penalty area to assist in guarding at this moment, because Kadasi must be on top of Kuniao at this time.

Both Xiao Hao and Li Ke just stare at people and are dragged by Neymar and the dog to run, but ignore the football that seems to be out of the danger zone.

While Zhuo Yang leaned towards Ku Niao, he also reminded C Zhe to be careful and get in trouble.

Pengpeng didn't have much trouble, Kuniao didn't wait for Zhuo Yang to post it, he just adjusted it and passed it.

The arrogant bone was inserted behind him. He suddenly penetrated the junction of Dazhi and Tiedan, suddenly appeared behind everyone, and appeared in front of Xiao Yan's surprised expression.

Ku Niao made a small pass diagonally, and then jumped in and used inertial take-off. He shook his head and knocked the corner under the unmarked side. The football bounced off the side of Xiao Yan's body and rubbed the column and entered.

2:2, Brazil is absolutely flat.

Suddenly, the door to the semi-finals was closed. The Chinese team, including Zhuo Yang, was dumbfounded. Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Who is to blame? It seems that no one made a mistake.

A 2:2 draw with the Chinese team, if placed in the past, it is not worthy of Brazil to show off. But at this time, the Brazilian is as excited as having won the World Cup. Augusto, who scored a goal, was embraced by the ecstatic teammates, like a national hero, even Tite was embracing his assistant with old eyes and wetness.

The Brazilians knew they hadn't won yet, but they couldn't restrain the wild mood of the rest of their lives at this moment. too difficult.

The Brazilians know that the game is not over and there is still stoppage time to make a fuss, but at this moment they just want to vent their frightened and strong emotions. too difficult.

To escape from the dead, the Brazilians just want to relax.

Because it's so **** hard.

Human sorrows and joys are not the same. The Chinese team was frustrated and tripped on the last step. It is difficult for anyone to accept such a contrast. Zhuo Yang panted with hands on his hips, and some people simply slumped on the ground.

The boiling Brazilian fans in the stands sang and danced. No one is better at singing and dancing than them. At this moment, the west wind was overwhelmed by the east wind, and the yellow drowned the red.

The game was not over yet, Zhuo Yang had to cheer up his teammates.

He ran the goal and hooked the football out with his feet, slowly kicked it into the middle circle, and started to bump the ball. He slowly climbed to the top without fancy or showy. It was the most basic bump, with both feet taking turns one left and one left. right.

When the eyes of his teammates and all Chinese fans were on him, Zhuo Yang stopped reading.

He stomped the football under his feet, raised his arms flat, and jerked upwards.

—All yelled at Lao Tzu.

Following the command and command of the Chinese captain Zhuo Yang, the Chinese fans broke out with a loud roar, the red rose again, and the east wind blew.

Brazilian fans know more, and Chinese fans are highly organized. With the same number of people, the shouts and singing of Chinese fans quickly suppressed the Brazilians' singing and dancing.

It was only 2-2. The Chinese team did not lose. The red flames of the Rostov Stadium are still burning.

Captain Zhuo Yang gathered everyone together, and eleven people put their hands on their shoulders and surrounded the city in a circle.

"Brothers, the game is not over yet. Look at the jersey on you, look at the fans above, the fight will continue. Brothers, fight for the jersey, fight for the fans. Kill!"


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