Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 815: Goujian

() What is the coolest thing about football?

There are a lot of strange people, so the fans are different in their respective cool points. Some just want to be champions, some watch the game just to scold the street, some chase stars, some pretend to be force. But in any case, scoring is always the most refreshing point in football matches.

And for the vast majority of professional players, scoring is also the coolest moment. Regardless of the value of a single goal in the game, in terms of the way of scoring, the coolest way to score is to take a long volley.

Whether a forward, a midfielder, a defender, or a murderous man who scores a lot of goals, he takes a solid volley, the kind of cool method that people who haven't been cool can't understand.

The body is fully stretched out, the force is just in place, one point is not more than one point, and the feeling of the ball hitting the instep is full and does not increase or decrease. Such a sense of impact under perfection can be met but not sought, even if it is a character like Zhuo Yang, it is not possible to come if you want to.

Friends with obsessive-compulsive disorder, think about all kinds of animations or pictures on the Internet that make you very comfortable. Yes, this is the feeling.

Not only is I cool, but the fans also feel cool when they look at it. A full house of flowers drunk three thousand guests, a sword of frost and cold fourteen states.

Zhuo Yang scored such an extremely cool volley long shot, the Chinese team 2:0 Brazil.

Fei Niao's kick was magically right for Exon's sprint, and the football collapsed far and high, but it happened to land in front of Zhuo Yang who was sprinting. So, out of the pursuit of refreshing points, after slowing down, he pulled up his left foot.

How cool is such a blow? Anyway, as soon as the ball left the foot, Zhuo Yang knew that he had made it, because it was a perfect volley. It's not just Zhuo Yang, any professional player knows that the ball will definitely be scored at this time. It doesn't matter whether there is a goalkeeper or not.

The ball was scored, in an incredible and unstoppable way.


2:0 is an amazing score.

Brazil has been unbeaten in 17 games, and the last time it lost was a 0:1 loss to Peru in the Copa America group stage two years ago. In these 17 unbeaten games, Brazil has only conceded 3 goals.

The last time Brazil was led by two goals by its opponents was in the World Cup semi-finals four years ago, when it died 1:7 to Germany.

Everyone can think that it is not easy for Brazil to play the Chinese team, but no one dares to fall behind 0:2 in the first half, even if the Chinese team had a brilliant record before.

Participated in the World Cup 21 times in a row, and reached the quarter-finals for 7 consecutive times. Brazil is recognized as the strongest on the surface and is also the World Cup's premier "dark horse terminator". It's not that the Samba Army can't lose in the World Cup. He only loses to a strong team at the same level.

All dark horses have completed their historical missions when they come to Brazil.

Zhuo Yang's goal made the Brazilian shudder. The score of 2:0 finally allowed them to truly face the ‘revenge theory’. It turned out that Zhuo Yang was not just a simple psychological warfare, he really wanted revenge.

I thought that after pursuing and fighting hard, the opponent's counterattack step by step was getting more and more sharp. How was this scene similar? The score of 1:7 four years ago was concocted like this.

The Chinese are as sinister as the Germans.

It's also creepy.

The Brazilians panicked, they don't know how to face the next game. 0:2 and 0:3 or even 0:7 are actually only one line apart.

In the stands of the Rostov Stadium, Chinese fans no longer occupy an overwhelming numerical advantage. The Brazilians have the longest expedition tradition and the widest range of non-national fans.

Zhuo Yang and his teammates celebrated with the Chinese Red in the stands on the sidelines, shouting loudly. Twenty thousand Brazilian fans were silent, and some even started crying early.

Four years ago, I started crying after 0:5.

In the VIP rooms on the top of the main stand, Pele, Ronaldo, Kaka and others looked serious, and these celebrities also realized the seriousness of the problem.

The Brazilian team did not have the frivolousness of four years ago, but retained the bad luck of four years ago. The night at the Mineiro stadium that can't bear to look back is vivid, and now it has to face the risk of coming out all over the place. But the Chinese team's defensive counterattack, because of the existence of Zhuo Yang, did not lose the power of the Germanic that night.

Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team in the field have celebrated and are ready to continue the game. With his hands on his hips, he smiled and looked across, like a bowed king cobra.

Ronaldo and Kaka are very clear that Zhuo Yang will never show mercy to Brazil, because this is the World Cup and because the opposite is Brazil. Zhuo Yang is not a moral bitch, not a false high on the court, his cruelty does not prevent you from continuing to call you brother after the game, even if you have crying and become blind.

And Brazil does not need the pity of others, even if this person is Zhuo Yang, just like the Chinese table tennis team never needs the opponent to hand the ball. Pity for Brazil will be more difficult to accept than death. Pity is to forge a feud, Zhuo Yang must know it.

What to do, is there no way to go in Brazil?

Brazil's coaches have a low sense of presence, and they have forgotten Teeter.

Tite is a professional coach who understands the dangers at this moment better than everyone else. The Chinese team has been the same as Germany four years ago. How to fight back and how to fight back is a non-human football that burns.

Today I overestimated Marcelo's state, miscalculated Fei Niao's adaptability, underestimated the Chinese team's tactical determination, and mispredicted the team's offensive efficiency.

Tite didn't change players right away, but stood on the sidelines and yelled to make the team retreat. Don't think about the score behind, but hold your ground. Back, back, back—!

To be honest, everyone was surprised by Titt's decision. Thinking that he would show off on offense, he just admitted it.

Let the Brazilian admit it after being behind by two goals, Tite is the first person, even if it is temporary.

Zhuo Yang was also surprised by Tite's determination, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help but admire him. To be able to put down the figure and recognize it first, for the Brazilian football coach, it is almost similar to the former Yue Wang Goujian.

But the Brazilian players obviously don't have the courage of Tite's lying salary, nor the professional coach's keen awareness of the situation and the awareness of being beaten up. Some people have followed the orders, and some people still want to attack and return the score as soon as possible in accordance with the tradition.

In the 37th minute, Zhuo Yang personally cut off William's attempt to break through the ball on the left, and then flipped to the side to instigate a counterattack. Udeshui, Kadasi and Exon made a classic triangle pass to reach the goal of Brazil.

Fortunately, Ti Xi is safe. Fortunately, Peng Peng suffered a big loss four years ago. He is a long-memory individual.

Tisch got stuck in the line that Udeshui traversed, and Ponpong personally interfered with the old man's shot at the last moment, and the football hit the corner of the goal post and flew out of the baseline.

Teeter burst into swearing on the sidelines and jumped up to curse.

Peng Peng was also scolding, and even Neymar scolded together. As a result, the Brazilian team was finally honest.

There was a weird ‘what’s wrong with letting him three feet’ on the court. The two-goal leading Chinese team played steadily, and there was no reason to be eager, and the lagging Brazil was also as stable as a mountain, using skilled personal skills to pass back.

Both sides seemed to have lost interest in each other and played like a **** match-fix.

The Brazilian fans booed in the stands, and the Brazilian players in the stadium soaked mushrooms with their red faces.

Shame or shame, at the end of the first half, the score was still 2:0.

Bailey shook his head slightly, Ronaldo and Kaka couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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