Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 799: Shaolin Temple Monk Pepe

() Pepe is different from Mario and Carvalho. He is the same as Beauty Costa and the "Brazil Three Front" of the Chinese team. They all belong to the standard Brazilian Overseas Naturalization Corps.

In fact, with the exception of France, the naturalization history of European powers is very short. Camoranesi in Italy, Asamoa in Germany, and Senna in Spain as the first people to eat crabs all caused great controversy at that time.

Portugal's first naturalized player is Deco, who has been boycotted by big names such as Figo and Rui Costa. But these are all things that have passed, and when Pepe is naturalized, everyone is used to it.

At the age of 18, Pepe was abducted from Corinthians, Brazil as a star of hope by the Portuguese Madeira Nautical Club. At that time, he was still playing in midfield and he also had hair.

Madeira was sailing in Ronaldo’s hometown of Funchal, but Ronaldo had already gone to Lisbon when Pepe came, and Ronaldo’s previous team was the Navigating Club’s rival national team in the same city, but this experience is still for the next two. People gathered in Huangmara and got a lot of topics.

In 2007, the 24-year-old Pepe was naturalized immediately after obtaining Portuguese citizenship. In fact, the Brazilian coach Dunga had recruited Pepe a year before, but perhaps he saw the huge competitive pressure on the Brazilian defense line. Pei refused, waiting to serve Portugal.

Pepe has been in the defense of the Portuguese football for ten years. It was him ten years ago and he will still be ten years later. Together, he and Fonte are 70 years old and constitute the oldest center-back combination in the top 32 in Russia this time. Looking at the world, it is definitely an old and strong existence.

At the same time, this also reflects the lack of success of the Portuguese football team in the central defender. Pepe and Fonte's bench, one is the 37-year-old Bruno Alves, who is also naturalized in Brazil, and Pepe's defensive partner in Porto before moving to Real Madrid.

The other is the hope of the whole of Portugal, 21-year-old Ruben Diaz from Benfica, and he just played the main force for half a year last season.

Therefore, according to this posture, Fonte and Pepe estimate that they will have to spend a few years in the national team, and they may be 40 years old in one breath.

Companionship is the naked hatred. In the vanity fair of football, there are not many deadly friendships among professional players. Six Musketeers are undoubtedly the benchmark of love. But the six brothers are not the only ones with each other, and they each have irons that are as good as the Six Musketeers.

For example, Zhuo Yangzhi and Kaka, Pig Sum and Peru Guerrero, Mo Grandpa and Ferdinand, Meng Er and Jiaojiao, Scar is almost in this respect, but he and his former teammate Warcraft Drogba can also be called a wife and son.

The relationship between Detu and Pepe is quite solid, although there was a disturbance in Real Madrid's assistant coach Zendor, but it did not affect the friendship between the two in the end.

Ronaldo has no friends, and seat B is still somewhat timid, so in today's Portuguese foot, Zhuo Yang has the best relationship with Pepe.

Friends belong to friends. When Zhuo Yang traveled to the offensive area, especially the middle road, he was basically entangled by Pepe. This is the main job of Nan Peipei, a non-staff monk in the European branch of Shaolin Temple today.

Peipei is no longer the villain who used to fly his fists at every turn. He is now reborn on the court and looks good and well-dressed, and even has the taste of a refined general.

Tu Chao is not a place for good people. In the 14th round of last season, Besiktas played Galatasaray at home, a traditional and popular rivalry in the same city. Unsurprisingly, the two sides clashed during the game.

When Pepe rushed over with staring eyes, some of Galatasaray's thorns inevitably played drums in their hearts. Tigers don't eat people, but they are notorious. This master is not a vegetarian.

Unexpectedly, after Pei Pei rushed into the battle group, she immediately be kind-looking, and opened the two sides with a sincere smile, fully explaining what it means to convince people with virtue.

It's probably not because of how awesome Pepe is, but because the two sides are stunned, after all, the contrast is too big.

Such a highly respected Pepe with both ability and political integrity, coupled with the arduous task of today, played very practical and rigorous, and his performance was low-key, far inferior to that of his partner Fonte.

Pepe is a murderous heart-shaped central defender. His ability to handle the ball is not as good as Fonte, so the pass task of the Portuguese defense is basically in Fonte. The Portuguese midfielder is muddy after a fight, and Fonte can even be regarded as another organizational core.

From time to time, he went to the midfield to help punches. In addition, the first danger of the Chinese team was caused by Fonte in the corner kick. Therefore, once the offensive and defensive changes, the Chinese team did pay more attention to Fonte.

After the opening of the second half, both sides did not adjust for the time being, and they still played cautiously and conservatively. Portugal's ball possession rate exceeded 60%, but because it did not dare to press it, it did not actually pose a real threat to the Chinese team.

In the 53rd minute, Portugal One Star Cristiano Ronaldo took the lead. After taking a long shot from the corner of the penalty area and pretending to be a long shot, he quickly changed direction and wiped it into the penalty area, leaving the Chinese team's defense behind him like an active antelope.

Xiao Yan attacked the angle, Cristiano Ronaldo was not as unique as Cristiano Ronaldo, but instead hit back and made the ball like Cristiano Ronaldo.

The old coach Santos must regret not paying the B fee at the moment, because the A seat, which replaced the B fee, faced the huge empty goal and shot the football on the leg of the only one who could make up for the goal. The ring on the vibrato He didn't know for sure.

The football was blocked from the bottom line, the Chinese team escaped and Portugal got a corner kick.

The Chinese team and Portugal as a whole are not known for their height headers, but Cristiano Ronaldo's jumping and stagnation are considered outstanding in today's football. It is naturally the same powerful and domineering Zhuo Yang who is marking him in the penalty area.

R. Guerrero drove out, Ronaldo leaped forward and ripped off Zhuo Yang and the iron egg. At the same time, Fonte swooped back and pulled Xiao Jiang and Dongzi away.

The Chinese team's defensive positioning kick was not messy, but when Pepe suddenly emerged from the middle, Xiao Hao and C Zhe immediately felt that they weren't the same, and Pepe who flew up and covered his face gave them a lesson. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

I’m Pepe. You can’t see the knife in my hand because the knife is in my heart. You can't see the knife because you are floating.

After one head exploded, the football was in the door, and C Zhe and Xiao Hao Zhan were spinning around on the ground. They felt that their internal organs were shaken so that they would all rush out of their throats.

1:1, the score equalized. Pei Pei made a contribution, and Ronaldo Red Flower Green Leaf also had half the credit.

This goal is very important for Portugal, because the backward situation cannot be dragged on any longer, and it is bound to take risks. This actually goes against the conscience of the old coach Santos.

But the score equalized, and Portugal can stay conservative for the time being, and compete with the equally conservative Chinese team to make the first mistake.

After all, Sforza was younger and more courageous. He didn't get messed up because he was evened out suddenly. Before the celebration in Portugal was over, the Chinese team replaced Sean Junmin who was limped by Pepe with Udeshui.

This is not a tactical strategy, but a tactical strategy drawn up in advance.

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