Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 795: Football should not be regrettable

() On the last day of June, the knockout matches began. In the home stadium of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Chinese team and Portugal took the lead in their appearances.

Some players in football are likely to be born for a major game, such as Scherazzi and Goyechea in the 1990 World Cup, such as Salenko in 1994. After the competition, they did not leave much to the mainstream football. Traces.

Of course, it is far-fetched to say that Ronaldo in 2014, Hames, whether in Real Madrid or Bayern afterwards, still has quite a demonstrable performance.

There are also players born purely for a game, such as Portuguese striker Edel.

In the 15-16 season, Edel's performance in Swansea was hailed as one of the ‘Top Ten Parallel Imports’ in the Premier League, but he scored in the 2016 European Cup final in overtime and defeated France.

The next season, he became a parallel importer of Lille Ligue 1, and now at Lokomotiv Moscow, it is not known whether it is a parallel importer, because it has been a long time since I saw his news from the media.

Basically, it can be said that that goal is the mission of Guinea-Bissau immigrant Edel in Portugal. After the championship, he was abandoned by the Portuguese Football Team. The old coach Santos never thought of bringing this hero to Russia, and the media did not call for it at all.

He has been here, and it seems that he hasn't come all.

Lost in Portugal's World Cup squad this time, there are also famous player Nani, and the 2016 European golden boy Sanchez. As for Zhuo Yang's old teammate and former Real Madrid left-back "Golden Retriever" Coentron, he has been away from the national team for three or four years. He is still in Real Madrid, but almost no one remembers that he was still there.

And two years ago, the main left-back of the European Cup champion Eliseu, 2016 was also the only glorious career of his career. More than a month ago, after the 2017-18 season, at the age of 35, he retired from Benfica.

There is also Ricardo Carvalho, the old **** Mourinho where he took. In 2013, he left Real Madrid to play in Morocco for three years, then went to the Super League SIPG, and retired in Shanghai SIPG to enter the coach. Team assistant Boas. After Boas finished class, he continued to assist Vitor Pereira.

In addition to the above, Portugal has basically maintained the European championship lineup. The old coach Santos is also willing to take a knife while holding on.

The 64-year-old Fernando Santos has been coaching for 30 years, but his coaching resume has not been transferred to Portugal and Greece. The same is true for the national team.

Santos is one of the few coaches who have coached in the three giants of the Portuguese Super League. In the summer of 2003, Santos took over Romanita Boloni and became the head coach of Sporting Lisbon.

At that time, the core of the offense of the Lisbon team was Quaresma. The 18-year-old Ronaldo was just a new star, but Santos keenly discovered the potential of Ronaldo and decided to use Ronaldo to lead the offense in the new season.

In order to prove his vision, Santosti helped the club arrange a warm-up match with Manchester United. As a result, the core Ronaldo was forced to beat the Red Devils 3:1.

As a result, Ferguson made up his mind to sell Ronaldo to Manchester United.

Santos: "..."

Many years later, Sang Shuai kept saying: I regret letting Ronaldo play that day.

He did not catch up with Lisbon when the club was short of money. Not only did they sell Cristiano Ronaldo, they also sold Quaresma to Barcelona. As a result, Santos could only reverse the tactics he had prepared for a summer vacation, and then a season later, He was fired.

After the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, Santos succeeded'Otto the Great' Rehagel as the head coach of the Greek national team. Afterwards, he did not miss Greece in the 2012 European Cup and the 2014 World Cup. He also led Greece to the top 16 in Brazil. .

Portugal died in the group stage in Greece. Returning from Brazil, Santos replaced Paulo Bento in charge of the Portuguese football. Cristiano Ronaldo's light is too strong, both invisible and tangible have weakened the Portuguese football coach, but Santos is undoubtedly the leading hero in Portuguese football history, because the 2016 European Cup is Portugal's only major championship so far.

Some honors can't be filled by winning many league titles or the Champions League. Zhuo Yang, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are all missing the championship, but Cristiano Ronaldo is not missing now.

Everyone knows that boss Mei is holding the World Cup and the America's Cup, forcing the little meat to be full of curly hair and crow's feet. But Zhuo Yang has never expressed his intention to win the World Cup on any occasion before, and the reason goes without saying.

As for the Asian Cup, I won't take it at noon, because it will be taken sooner or later, but obviously the grade is not enough.

But all of a sudden, because of Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal, Zhuo Yang couldn't make a clear connection with the World Cup champion.

Nuno Gomez and Zhuo Yang had a fate. In the 05-06 Champions League group stage, Fort Madi and Benfica met in the first round. Nuno was the starting striker of Benfica at the time. It was also Zhuo Yang and Ma. Diebold played the Champions League for the first time.

The story has been a long time ago, but in the game, Zhuo Yangyi helped Benfica midfielder Pettit, and Nuno and the old rivers and lakes were quite favored, and they also met Figo through them.

However, Zhuo Yang and Nuno are always unfamiliar, and have not had much contact since then. Sometimes they met at awards and other occasions, and they exchanged a few words of relationship affectionately, and then they didn't eat afterwards.

In the 2012-13 season, Nuno went to Blackburn in the British Championship and played the last season of his career. In April 2014, the 38-year-old Nuno Gomez officially announced his retirement.

After that, he returned to Benfica Club to participate in business work. The year before last he was invited by the Portuguese Football Association to serve as the national team's business representative and press officer.

Ronaldo and Portugal were caught in the media's irritation because of the last round of "victory without force". Under Ronaldo's instruction, Nuno directly opened the tout model of the Chinese team and Zhuo Yang.

All kinds of beautiful words, changing angles and positions, blowing fiercely, extremely shameless. This is not the most important thing, he said with red mouth and white teeth that the Chinese team is the biggest favorite to win this year. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Because of three wins and three victories, and also because of Germany's overwhelming focus, the Chinese team's odds of winning have risen to sixth, second only to the British and Portuguese, and even higher than Uruguay, Spain, France, Croatia, and host Russia.

But the ranking is not important. The odds of 1:20 can explain the problem. The odds of the top five are all less than 1:10. This is the gap. So sixth to sixth, no one really thinks that the Chinese team will have the possibility of winning, after all, the European and American powers are not dead.

However, Nuno Gomez insisted that the Chinese team would win the championship with his iron mouth and teeth.

A series of excellent records and large-scale naturalization are not the key. Zhuo Yang is 33 years old. It is unthinkable that a star with such a magnificent position like him does not have a World Cup. There should and must be, otherwise it will be a pity for football. , And it is impossible for Zhuo Yang to wait until the age of 37 in four years, only this year.

It's just too reasonable. Just a word to wake up the dreamer, the media moved after hearing the wind, and quickly launched a lively discussion with the Chinese team on the World Cup win.

Even Zhuo Yang felt that Nuno made sense.

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