Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 788: Death sickle breaks again

() Didier Deschamps is a coach who pays attention to balance between offense and defense. Their group, including Zidane and Blanco, are deeply influenced by the meritorious coach Aimee Jacques.

But these years, saying "balance of offense and defense" can basically be understood as paying more attention to defense. Mourinho and Kong Er Lengzi also insisted that they have a balance of offense and defense.

If it is the usual, the full-back is sent off, Deschamps will fill up the man, the specific operation is to withdraw the next winger, but today Deschamps gritted his teeth, because 3:1 is not enough, France still needs to continue to score.

So Deschamps stood still and sat watching the support of his lame line of defense.

Such a difficult choice shows that Deschamps still has dreams in his heart, and does not intend to humblely lead a victory home. It also shows that he also has expectations for the Chinese team, although such expectations are also very humble.

The hands are almost out of fire in their pockets, but no matter how Deschamps' heart is suffering, football still depends on the players on the field to play. At this moment, the French team is getting more and more difficult, and they can no longer maintain the advantage brought by their previous bravery.

At this time, the French are all regretting why they didn't fight for one more goal against the Chinese team. Why didn't they fight for Denmark to win the game. Only Scar didn't think so because he couldn't take care of it.

tired! Scar can't remember when the last time he played so tired, Fort Madi? Chelsea? Barcelona has not been so tired anyway.

Just now because of tired legs and weak legs, Carrillo broke the ball, which forced Hernandez to use means to lift the defense crisis. This pot knife scar must be backed, fortunately he has a thick skin, second only to Zhuo Yang among the Six Musketeers, so it doesn't matter.

But like Deschamps, he knows very well that this score is not enough. If you want to wait for the good news of the victory of the Chinese team, France will have to score at least two more goals, 5:1 plus Denmark's loss, in order to level it. The goal difference between the two sides before, overwhelmed Denmark by the number of goals.

One less player will score two more goals. Do you really think that the World Cup is our Ribery’s business?

So even though he was tired, Scar didn't dare and couldn't be sentimental at the moment, and the left back was vacant behind him, so he picked up his old career when he debuted in the Madiburg youth team, and one person on the left has three jobs.

The conscience of heaven and earth, that was already 16 or 7 years ago, and the most fashionable mobile phone at that time was still a flip.

Scar estimated that after the kick, he would vomit blood.

However, before he vomited blood, France did not expand the score. There was good news from 900 kilometers away-Zhuo Yang scored again and the Chinese team surpassed Denmark.

In the 73rd minute, it was the same trick again. After a long time bewildered, Zhuo Yang made a sudden blow.

But this time, it wasn't that he didn't talk about martial ethics personally, but that he faked Wu Lei's hand.

Leizi is a smart person. Although Zhuo Yang hadn't communicated with him before, he figured out the taste after the penalty was scored. As a forward, four years later, he changed from a main force to a substitute. Today, he finally had a chance to start. Of course Leizi wanted to score a goal. He scored four years ago.

So after the penalty kick, Leizi paid attention. He is actually one of the few indigenous players in China who can play with his brain.

It is nothing more than running back and forth, neither delays the defense, but also allows himself to always seize the opportunity to attack. Leizi is a man who dares to run and is willing to run. Four years ago in Brazil, Leizi ran five times in five games of the Chinese team.

Although four years old now, but still 27 years old, Leizi ran into a little Nezha without saying a word.

His actions naturally fell in Zhuo Yang's eyes. Smart people often like to deal with smart people.

Right-back Henrik Dalsgaard, who played for the British Championship at Brentford, is Lee Ke’s club teammate and the only player in the Danish 23-man roster to play in the secondary league.

Regardless of individual Dan Chao, Tu Chao, they are always the first level.

Nowadays, the full-backs of the Premier League tend to be miniaturized. In addition to the basic tactical awareness of position, the requirements for speed are also very high. Therefore, Dalsgard, who has experienced the Dan Super League and the Premier League, has been 29 years old and is considered to be experienced. Last season, he only defected to the British Championship. The key reason is that his 192 height and speed can not be shot.

Speed ​​is not inversely proportional to height, Bolt is still 195. Dalsgaard's defense and forward awareness are good, and his passing is not shabby, but the point is to turn around and catch up slowly.

So when Zhuo Yang finally passed the ball to the Leizi who was always ready, Dalsgarde was caught off guard by the deception of two smart men.

Although in the British Championship, Dalsgard's ambition is always in the Champions League, and the heroes of the world don't convince him much.

When he was at the club, he once said to Li Ke: "Your Chinese team is also Zhuo Yang. The others are really not good, ha ha."

Knowing his virtue, Li Ke rolled his eyes. "It's not just Zhuo Yang, some of my teammates are quite cowhide."

"Who? Tell me to listen."

"At that time you will know."

Leizi was not included in the "some teammates" that Li Ke said, but at this moment, Leizi dexterously got rid of and turned around and accelerated, which made Dalsgaard quite shameless.

Therefore, when the Danish defense line was not scattered, and Leizi just rushed and did not break through, Dalsgaard caught up from behind, and after Leizi was effectively blocked by Denmark and had to slow down, he rushed to let him go from behind. Leizi smashed a dog to eat shit.

As a result, Dalsgaard got the first yellow card from both sides of the game.

Leizi is a good young man and has a good temper, but he still jumped up to fight with Dalsgard. After running for a long time, I felt a little cramping again, and finally touched the side of the restricted area. Even if you **** let me shoot first.

The position of the foul was outside the corner of the penalty area. Zhuo Yang first comforted Leizi, and then waved his hand to signal the big men to press into the penalty area.

There are not many big men in the Chinese team. UU reading is not even compared to the Danes who are generally touching the sky. But it doesn't matter. Right now it's a red dress standing in the restricted area, and the white dress of Denmark has to take it seriously.

But Dwarf is always short. If you switch to the German Danes, you will definitely be more attentive, and this almost whole game of idiot is not crazy, so that they can no longer concentrate on it.

The same goes for Schmeichel. He is determined that with his own hands, he can easily pick the moon from the heads of the dwarfs of the Chinese team.

Really or not, everyone was fighting for space near the back point of the goal. Zhuo Yang raised the death sickle on the inside of his right foot and directly screwed the football from the goal into the upper corner of the goal.



The French fans in the stands of the Luzhkini Stadium, 900 kilometers away, uttered their warmest cheers since the end of World War II.

The game is not over yet, but according to the current score, 9 Dan 4, 4 Secret 1, Denmark scored 3 goals net 1, France scored 4 goals net -1, hope finally came.

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