Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 784: Captain Scar fires infinitely

() The Chinese team does not care about France, but it is impossible for France not to care about the situation of the Chinese team.

After a few minutes behind 0:1, the Frenchman who was hit by Frost had not shaken the white on his eyelashes, he heard a huge sigh from the stands, which was the wailing of French fans.

As a result, Scar and his bad guys knew that they had been patched. Then they confirmed from the sidelines that Denmark had one goal ahead of the Chinese team, and the rest of the game time was nothing more than choosing a style for the coffin board.

Giroud went to fight for the top, and overturned Peruvian goalkeeper Galese in the small penalty area. Although the foul was committed, it was still a normal confrontation and not serious at all, but Gallese shouted dizzy and just couldn't get up.

A ball lead began to delay the tactics, in fact, there is no big chance. But the French were even more unpromising. No one protested, and no one urged Calese.

The French heart is dead.

If both sides finish the game with this score, then Dan is 7 in 6 with 3 secrets and 3 method 1. France is not even worthy of the coffin and belongs to the wilderness.

But this is not France’s “unseen shame in a century”, because “only one point in the three wars and only one goal” they did in South Africa eight years ago, not to mention in 2002 in South Korea, sitting on the three major “Italian, French and British” France, the top scorer in the league, not only scored one point in three games, but also missed a goal. 16 years have passed.

After eating **** in eight years, will you open your mouth again this year?

We were planning to win the championship before we came.

At this moment, it is not a joke to say that the champion is a joke, but a scolding, and even the promotion of the group is a slap in the face. Leaving aside the points, just a goal difference of seven with Denmark is enough to shame the ancestors.

Kanter asked, "Brother Scar, what should I do?"

"Come on? Cold!" Scar said: "Eight years ago in South Africa, it was exactly the same as this year. Lao Tzu entered one, and France entered Lao Tzu's one. Ma Mai criticized Zhuo Yang and laughed Lao Tzu for eight years."

France won the 2006 World Cup runner-up, four years later Scar swept the French team's goals.

"I am used to having a thick-skinned face, so he can bite his eggs." Scar said to Kanter: "You have a tender face, wait until Zhuo Yang laughs at you for eight years."

"No, Mr. Zhuo is pretty good."

"Good, your ancestor Guier banban!" Scar was suddenly angry. "Wait until you get up, isn't your turtle able to cover 70% of the earth's surface area? Go and cover Zhuo Yang's mouth to see. You can cover Cui Zi."

Kanter: "..."

Debuxi hurried over to complete the game. "Don't mind Lao Scar, Lao Zhuo's mouth is just joking..."

"Cuizi is joking." Scar shook his body, stunned, and saw whom. "His turtle mouth can plow the ground, you guys, wait till you get up."

Debich: "..."

"And you!" Pogba was scarred as soon as he walked over with his face hanging on his face. "You bury one hundred million in approval, you just don't want to face it at all."

Pogba: "..."

"Your turtle is 180 million." Mbappé didn't hide. "Take your 180 million to buy some masks, and see Zhuo Yang so I can cover my face."

Mbappé: "..."

"You have a lot of money to approve?" Ma retired and said that I shouldn't have come here.

Grand Jirou was clever, and turned his head before leaving.

"You ran away, you rushed to criticize~"

Giroud: "..."

Hernandez said: "Scar, let's find a way to fight back..."

"I'll beat you up!"

Kim Pembe said: "Scar Team..."

"Team, you're going to blame!"

Varane didn't dare to open his mouth at all, but Scar still didn't let him go.

"Your Guier has also been teammates with Zhuo Yang, so hot mom criticizes...Bah!"

Lloris looked at Scar nervously.

" are mad!"

Lorris: "..."

Ten teammates did not fall, and they were all scolded by the scars. Then, in the numb, dissatisfied or sympathetic eyes of everyone, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself severely.

Snapped! Snapped!

"Frank Ribery, Lao Tzu, you are a fairy-"

Ten teammates: "..."

The start was so cruel, the ugly face was flushed.

"You die, you die hard." Scar said: "I know what you want, and I'm not waiting for Zhuo Yang to kick Denmark four or five and save us."

"It can't be saved, there has never been a savior of the world. Zhuo Yang can't save us, he will laugh clearly, none of you can escape."

"Zhuo Yang is my brother, but he won't save us. Let's fight wolves, Zhuo Yang will pass a knife, we eat shit, Zhuo Yang will pass a spoon."

"The man Zhuo Yang is very proud. He will never stop you from eating shit, let alone save you. Lao Tzu tells you that today we are eating **** and gulping."

"I tell you, don't look at one hundred million, one hundred and eighty hundred million, and don't think that some of you are Zhuo Yang's teammates, some are old teammates, and some are old Madibao people. If you ate **** today, don't want to let Zhuo Yang Yang can look up to you all his life."

"His turtle is eating at the table, is it the same table that eats **** with you?"

"I don't want to eat shit, I want to eat hot pot, I want to eat four dishes, I want to eat... Well, I want to die. I still want to die today, this ball kicked me to death."

"Come and do it, ask me what to do? Don't want Zhuo Yang to laugh, don't want him to make us piano ancestors laugh for generations, just win this game."

"Qualified, Cui Zi! Let's stop eating shit. Lao Tzu is going to fight it out. Today, the Peruvians will either win Lao Tzu by five or let La Tzu hit the ball back."

"Because I don't want to eat shit."

The French team players come from all corners of Africa. It is nonsense to tell them about national honor. Since ancient times, there has been no such concept, and Scar also has no such concept, and he does not have the knowledge and level of national honor.

The French team is not Tiger Mountain, and Scar is not a mountain eagle. This is actually the first time he has been a captain for so many years, indiscriminately cursing and mad, and also the first time he slapped himself in front of the world, really slapped his face.

The frothing corners of Scar's mouth, coupled with his constant "shit" and "shit", heard the French teammate's stomach churning. Galese, who pretended to be dragging time over there, was finished, they still didn't realize it, just intoxicated by the churn.

The head referee Bakari Gasama of Gambia came over and asked: "Captain of the French team, can you still play?"

Scar looked at him: "What are you eating tonight?"

Kanter: "Uh~~" He is small and has a shallow stomach.


"Bah! Bah!"

Zheng Zhi spit out the grass in his mouth and asked: "Team Zhuo, how to kick down, you say something, brothers listen to you."

There are actually counts on how to play the game, but no one knows how Zhuo Yang plans to play. That’s why Lao Zheng asked. Everyone will not work for France, but for the Zhuo team.

"Don't attack." Zhuo Yang said.

Old Zheng didn't understand. "Not attacking...what do you mean?"

"If you don't attack, you don't attack. What else can it be!"

Seeing that Zhuo Yang was impatient, Lao Zheng didn't dare to speak much, he could only walk away with a question mark on his forehead.

"Little Lizi, Team Zhuo can't attack, do you know what it means?"

Li Ke: "No way~, my Chinese is rotten like a gourd yangzi. Old Zheng, you have to ask me this is purely a blind cat molesting a dead mouse, or you can ask Xiao Jiang again, he might understand you What do you say."

Old Zheng: "..."

Lao Zheng is a sincere man, he would not care if he was ridiculed by Li. However, he soon understood what Zhuo Yang meant when he said "no attack".

Because it means literally.

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