Golden Greenery

: Chapter 78: Da and Da are not the same

() The turning point of the Second World War was not Pearl Harbor, nor Normandy, nor Li Yunlong's siege of Ping An County, but the defense of Stalingrad.

It is said that there was a riddle: Japan surrendered-hit an ancient Chinese name.

There are three answers: Su Wu, Qu Yuan, and Gonggong. Which answer you choose depends on which side your **** sits on. You taste, you taste carefully.

People must have a conscience. Seventy-six years ago, the Soviet Red Army blocked the most powerful army in human history for half a year at the cost of 2 million casualties, and eliminated more than 1.5 million fully mechanized German devils.

Coupled with the battle of Minsk that followed, the German army turned from prosperity to decline, from offensive to decline. Just ask Stalingrad without blood, who can stop the German soldiers at the time?

Stalingrad is a tragic and heroic city.

He is now called Volgograd, but unlike what people think, the name ‘Stalingrad’ has not been discontinued. There are six days a year, namely—

On the day of the start of the War of Defense, the day of victory, the day of Germany's surrender, the day of Japan's surrender, the day of the Soviet-German war, and the day of the launch of the Defense War Uranus plan, the city will be called back to Stalingrad to commemorate that heroic history .

The Chinese team arrived here and just missed the anniversary of the beginning of the Soviet-German war on June 22, so it was still Volgograd.

Since it is called Volgograd, it is naturally on the Volga River. The Volga River is Russia’s mother river, and its status is equivalent to China’s Yellow River. We have "The Yellow River Cantata", and Russia has "Trackers on the Volga."

Calculated by length, the top ten rivers in the world include the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Heilongjiang River, but no Volga. But the Volga River is number one in Europe and fourth in Russia. This is not surprising. The top three Ob, Yenisei and Lena rivers are all in Siberia, and that is Asia.

Volgograd is not a big city, smaller than Kazan and Yeburg, but the day the Chinese team arrived, it caused a sensation in this city with a population of just over one million.

Putting down their luggage, Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team all dressed in formal attire and collectively came to the famous Mamayev Hill and presented flowers to the hero monument here, accompanied by thousands of Chinese fans.

Volgograd has hosted two group matches, but the previous four teams have been to sightseeing, but no one has such formal activities. The Chinese team didn't want to please anyone, but their actions from the heart quickly won the favor of all city residents.

More than seventy years ago, the Soviet Red Army suffered two million casualties here. The residents of Stalingrad also went out for funerals. There are not many ancestors who have sacrificed.

Mamayev Hill is a small hill and a huge tomb. The Mongols of the Qincha Khanate were buried here. More than 7,000 Red Army soldiers were buried 76 years ago.

On the top of the hill is the landmark statue of Volgograd. The 85-meter-high ‘Motherland’s Mother Is Calling’ is holding a sharp sword. Standing here, you can clearly see the Volgograd Arena one kilometer away at the foot of the mountain.

Volgograd does not have a Russian Super League team. The original stadium is the home of the Volga Rotors of the Russian League. It is quite old. For the World Cup, the stadium was completely torn down and rebuilt in 2014, and a professional football stadium with a capacity of 45,000 people was built, which was completed only two months ago.

The Russian League is the second division of Russia, but it is also the largest football league in the world. Almost all of the 16 Russian Premier League clubs are in the relatively prosperous western Russia, and the 20 Russian League teams are truly all over Russia.

From the Baltic Club of Kaliningrad in the west to Ngia in Vladivostok, the flight was 7,500 kilometers across nine time zones, with jet lag first.

European giants call the Champions League away from home all day long and team fatigue. The Russian League teams are competing across continents every day. To be honest, air tickets alone are not a small burden, and the Russian subordinates themselves are very reluctant to earn.

Especially in the Asian part of Russia, the predecessors of professional clubs are the former enterprise factory and mine teams, so the Russian League teams are very difficult to live, often clubs change hands or simply disband.

The owner of Volgograd's rotor is the local metallurgical factory, but nowadays metallurgical workers are often owed salaries. How can the team be better?

The original Volgograd stadium was a famous rotten vegetable field in the Russian League, but there was no money to repair it. If it weren’t for luck to catch up with the World Cup, Russia’s financial allocations would cover the cost of the new construction, and the stadium would have to go down forever.

Although China is not as empty as Russia, it is still dazzlingly big compared to Europe. In the past, in order to save travel expenses, the Chinese first team took a 20-hour train to play away.

The small has a small life, and the big should have a big way of playing.

Zhuo Yang and the Chinese Football Association are engaged in reforming the competition system of the domestic league. The deformity of the Russian Super League and the Russian League has a good negative reference for the new competition system.

Both China and Russia are very big, but the two ‘big’ are not the same. Russia has an area equivalent to 1.8 China, but its population is less than 19 of China, and most of them are concentrated in Europe.

In Asia, which occupies 34 of the country’s land area, Russia is truly terrestrial and extremely sparsely populated. The distance between cities is very long, and many places leave the city in nothingness.

And even in the relatively remote Qinghai, Xinjiang, there are urban agglomerations of different sizes, not to mention the central and eastern regions. Football is a sport that relies on population and cities, so China cannot be like Russia, only big and no technology.


The Chinese team will play the third round of the group in Volgograd and Denmark. This game is full of mysteries. UU Reading

The Danish and Chinese teams arrived here, and the Danish star and now Schmeichel's father Schmeichel also came to cheer for the team.

23 years ago, Lao Shu was Manchester United's goalkeeper. In the first round of the UEFA Cup that year, Manchester United was tied 0:0 away by their opponents and returned to Old Trafford. In the first half, they were defeated by their opponents.

In the second half, Scholes pulled back a goal, the game entered stoppage time, Manchester United got a corner kick, Schmeichel ran across the court and scored a 2:2 equalizer in the opponent's penalty area.

Although Manchester United was finally eliminated because of away goals, that scene is one of the most classic scenes of Schmeichel's career. Manchester United's opponent in that game, officially Volgograd rotor, this is also their farthest in the European arena.

The elder Schmeichel set a record of 470 minutes without conceding a goal in the Danish national team, and his son Kasper Schmeichel, as the current Danish national goal, was drawn after the team drew 0:0 with France. , Rewrite the record of not conceding a goal to 480 minutes.

The son broke Laozi, and it was difficult for both the father and the son.

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