Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 775: Helpful and entertaining

() Peru's decisive change is indeed beyond the expectations of the Chinese team. The balanced offensive and defensive 4-2-3-1 has become a risky 4-1-4-1, which is quite bluffing.

The Chinese team did not move, and Sforza was able to calm down. This is the benefit of the first game. Although the Chinese team really needs this victory, it's not that if you can't win, you have to die.

But it's not a surprise or luck after the change. The Chinese team lost the ball again in the 51st minute.

Cueva broke through on the left and swept all the way into the penalty area and was surrounded by heavy encirclement. The Chinese team's defense line is not in chaos, and Kuiwa has no chance. He can only play three poles with or without dates and barely pass.

As a result, the football slammed on Zhuo Yang's outstretched leg, and instead of going deep into the penalty area, it collapsed to the middle outside the penalty area.

Falfan, who originally outflanked the right side, had a lot of character, but he appeared on the spot inexplicably, and no one cares about him. So Farfan kicked and passed it again and hung it to the back post.

A fair one-on-one chance, but Guerrero's long legs took advantage. He first leaned on Xiao Jiang, then half-turned and fell to the ground to shoot, dazed to pass the ball before catching up.

With such an unconventional operation, not only Xiao Jiang was confused, but Yan Junlin did not react. The football was swept by Guerrero and hit the side net on the other side, 2:1.

This goal, not to mention the various mistakes in front, directly reflects the personal finishing ability of'Peru Ronaldo' Guerrero, such a clever counter-chasing shot, to be honest, Brazilian Ronaldo may not be able to do it. arrive.

This is the first goal Guerrero scored in the World Cup. At the age of 34 years and 170 days, he ranked third in the World Cup in South America. The top two are Uruguay's 36-year-old and 279-day Varela and Argentina. Palermo, 36 years old and 227 days old.

The oldest World Cup goal record in the world was Mila in Cameroon in 1990. The uncle was 42 years old.

Guerrero was so happy that he turned somersault, Zhuo Yang shrugged: This one who gave Dali pills really had two chances.

In fact, the person who is really fascinated by the ‘Natural Viagra’ Maca is Peru’s coach Gareca. He is 60 years old after all, and he still loves life with his old heart.

Rough and simple does not mean bad. Gareka is a qualified and good coach from theory to tactics, or decisiveness in the locker room, but his presence has always been problematic, and the most important thing is to love entanglement, such as now.

He dares to attack if he needs to win, and he can defend decisively if he needs to keep him, but with a lead like this, time is still very rich, and there is Zhuo Yang, a big killer who has not yet shown his power on the opposite side. He is very entangled in whether to attack or accept. …Shou.

After Maro brushed the side and made a pass from the bottom, goalkeeper Galese fell to the ground and confiscates the football before Zhuo Yang Gaolat. Although the offense was not successful, Knockshan was obviously shocked. Gareka, who was guilty in his heart, didn't dare to struggle, and immediately ordered the team to recover and try to keep the advantage of this ball.

The outside world recognizes that the Chinese team is a strong team, but the concept of this strong team is very vague. It is difficult for anyone to play the Chinese team, and it is not easy for the Chinese team to play against anyone.

In terms of winning odds, the Chinese team is better than Peru, but it is normal for both sides to win and lose, and there is no upset.

But leaving Zhuo Yang aside, the Chinese team still has an advantage over Peru-Sforza can calm down.

The score fell behind again, Zha Ge didn't panic at all, at least he was still personable on the surface. He let Zhuo Yang continue to lead the team to play steadily, and it takes a little longer and consumes Peru's spirit.

In this way, the scene after 2:1 seems calm, and even the fight is not fierce. The singing of Chinese fans in the stands was not enthusiastic anymore, it was only when the Peruvians tried to sing in the air, they shouted and suppressed it.

Lao He and the two thousand Peruvian fans were hilarious for a while, but they were not long before they were overwhelmed by the crowds of Chinese. In fact, from a distance, because they are all wearing red clothes, it is not possible to clearly distinguish the camps of the fans on both sides.

The Chinese team drew the home team today and passed a red suit. Peru, who is also the main red team, drew the visiting team. They can only wear a white suit, except that there is a traditional red slash on the chest, which represents the ribbon.

At this moment of the competition, Lao He is actually quite envious of the Chinese. They have Zhuo Yang. As long as it is related to football, the Chinese have the confidence to go wherever they go.

No matter what country to show off, Chinese fans only need to say ‘we have Zhuo Yang’ to kill quickly, which makes Chinese people speak loudly in the streets and alleys.

He has never tried it, but I heard from my partner who came to Yekaterinburg to say that you don’t have to worry about meeting Chinese people in a bar. They never cause trouble, drink too much alcohol and don’t cause trouble, and as long as you say "I am a fan of Zhuo Yang", 'I love Zhuo Yang', the Chinese invited you this evening.

The Chinese love to treat guests, and they really turned your face off if you rushed to pay the bill. So Lao He thinks Chinese people are quite cute.

There was a bit of peace in the stands for the time being, and no one was singing on a large scale. Lao He was also going to take a rest, but found that the straight waist of his father beside him collapsed and leaned against the back of the seat.

He twisted his head and looked, his father stroked his chest and gasped for breath.

Father He has coronary heart disease for many years, and he has occasional attacks, but it is also normal for the elderly. After all, he is almost 80 years old.

"Dad, do you want a pill?"


Lao He hurried to dig out his small bag, and from the inside he turned out the small yellow bottle, which contained nitroglycerin, a life-saving medicine necessary for patients with coronary heart disease.

Before the bottle was fully opened, Lao He's elbow was hit by a daredevil companion behind him, and the small plastic bottle got out of his hand and fell on the steps next to him. It was faster than a football.

What a panic, this is a life-saving medicine, and quickly got up and chased it, but this can't be chased. A bottle in the blink of an eye disappeared in the lower stand.

That piece is a sea of ​​Chinese fans.

Lao He rushed over, yelling in horror: "Medicine, medicine!" Without Chek, he spoke Spanish.

Lao He's panic was finally discovered by Chinese fans. A beautiful Chinese girl looked at him vigilantly, and then asked, "What do you want to do?"

It is English, UU Reading www.uukanshu. How can com understand and speak.

"Please! please!" he was so anxious. "Please help me find some medicine, he is at your feet, life-saving medicine, please."

Even with the comparison and drawing, it was hard to make things clear, but the Chinese girl who suddenly realized that was also capable, and immediately greeted her companions for help.

Lao He of Chinese descent can't understand Chinese.

"Guys and sisters, let's help this foreigner find medicine, quick-acting heart-relief pills, a small yellow bottle. Don't move it, don't smash it anymore, look down and see..."

It is passed from person to person, and in an instant, half of the stands are all Chinese people who are helping to find things. In this posture, let alone the eye-catching yellow bottle, even an ant can pull it out.

After a while, the small bottle was handed over from underneath. Why didn't he have time to say thank you, and when he took it, he ran back and stuffed the old man's mouth with a slice.


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