Golden Greenery

Chapter 179: (Last) Lamenting the veteran to say goodbye

May 24, 2004, Victor Stadium, Fort Maddie, Hanover.

This is the final round of the second division, there is no competition for rankings, it is just a routine finale. But Fort Mady has a very strange starting lineup.

Single forward, No. 27, 36-year-old center, Spark Somerfield.

Five midfielders: No. 9 Ricardo Montolivo, No. 7 Frank Ribery, No. 8 Bastian Schweinsteiger, No. 6 Nigel De Jong, No. 31 35 Roger Samuel.

Four guards: No. 4 Pell Mertesacker, No. 5 38-year-old Ignaz Steubner, No. 26 37-year-old Sean Hodgson, No. 27 37-year-old Chuck Meyer .

Goalkeeper: Nelson Bellock, 37, on the 24th.

Fans looked weird, but the club knew that the eleven starting players will not appear in the Fort Martyn lineup next season. This is their collective farewell match.

The Five Musketeers will definitely leave the team. They can’t go away. The Fort Mady lineup cannot accommodate the huge starlight that each of them shines at the same time. Their versatile and outstanding personal abilities cannot coexist in the same formation of the existing football world. There is no such team in world football. The formation can put down six of them, but not the talents of the six. Moreover, Maddie’s small business cannot meet their increasing reasonable salary requirements. Even if Maddie’s business development is prosperous because of Chinese funds, it cannot satisfy the appetite of Six Musketeers at the same time. Work with money, salary reflects the value, no one can abduct them morally here.

Zhuo Yang's all-year low-key and sacrifices are in their eyes. They know how powerful their brothers were. Five Musketeers have been crazy all season, but they know they can be even crazier. Everyone made sacrifices for his brother, although not as big as Zhuo Yang's sacrifice. They are not going to rob, nor are they unwilling to rob, just because it is a brother.

They all have to leave. After leaving, they will have a big contract with the big club, and their income will double. And because of their departure, Zhuo Yang will inevitably get the top salary in the total salary of the Fort Mady players. If they do not leave, they will inevitably lower the salary of six people together.

For the dream of football, for the win-win situation of reality, for the love of brothers, they must leave this year. Just as last year, they chose to stay for brotherhood.

I stayed last summer because it was difficult to let my brothers go. I chose to leave this summer to make this friendship survive today.

Fans of Fort Maddie did not know that the five swordsmen would leave collectively this summer, and the club did not dare to tell them immediately, fearing to cause trouble. Only the fan leader sb has learned everything from Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang couldn't bear to hide him.

Big sb drank a lot of wine that day, and said nothing for half a day. Finally, he raised his head and said to Zhuo Yang.

"King, I'm a die-hard fan of Fort Mady. You know that. There aren't many fans like me. You can count them with your fingers. Do you know why?"

"It's not that Hanover fans are not good, nor are they following the crowd, because Fort Maddie is really unattractive, has no history, has no honor."

"I can become a diehard for Maddie, only because my father was the first generation player when Fort Maddie built the team. At that time, my mother often took me to watch my father's game."

"Therefore, there are few diehard fans, and we cannot blame us, because the former Maddie Fort is not eligible to have his diehard. If Fort Madie can stay like these two years, or if it can stay in the Bundesliga, In that case, after more than a decade or two, the entire Hanover will become a diehard loyal to Fort Maddie and will be passed down from generation to generation."

"King, the fans are very realistic, we need to get joy and satisfaction from the stands from the stadium. The team can't use the temperament and victory to bring the fans together, we will leave, we will use our feet to speak ."

"King, Mady Fort has begun to possess temperament and victory. The fans are gathering together. This will be a godsend. This is the best time to cultivate diehard loyalty."


Zhuo Yang is speechless. Even though he and Dasb are good friends, after all, they are in different places, and the angle of consideration is naturally different. Therefore, he did not enlighten and comfort the big sb, because he may not be able to understand, Zhuo Yang just had a dull drink with him in silence.

Later, the big sb staggered but his eyes were shining, and he asked Zhuo Yang.

"King, our Maddie will not return in a Bundesliga turn, right? Our Maddie will not return to the past valley, right?"

"Yes, absolutely not. Believe me."

"Are you guaranteed? king?"

"Yes, I promise!"


In addition to the five Musketeers, the other six veterans who will start will retire after the game. The age is not small, even the youngest Samuel is already 35 years And Samuel is also the most played among the six people except East Germany Cool Brother this year, but it is not too bad Nine games. The rest of the season is basically just counting together. Their abilities and age are quite reluctant to handle the second division. Originally, Samuel did not plan to retire so early, and the club also hoped that he would play for another year, but to be practical, Samuel had basically no chance in the Bundesliga. In fact, both sides knew it well. Eventually, Samuel gritted his teeth and decided to retire and went to the club's business department as a trainee.

Coupled with the short-legged tiger Hasler, a full of twelve people, Maddie Almost lost half of the team next season, it is difficult for the world football to see such a large-scale replacement lineup. But this is also something that can't be done. Madyburg has made great strides in the past two years, and has not given time to let the team step by step to update the lineup. In addition to these twelve people, there are still 13 people in the first team of Fort Mady. The oldest is 30-year-old Dennis Lauren, but the main lineup still has six, which is not too ridiculous.

Moreover, the recruitment of new seasons is quite exciting.


In this game, Maddie Fort Captain Mertesacker held the UEFA Cup trophy and the Deutsche B championship trophy and led the team into the venue during the welcome applause of players from Unterhaching. The original team captain Zhuo Yang and the old captain Hasler will not play in today's game. The two of them are standing on the side of the sweating sweat because of the very high play.

Before the game, Ke Qian, who was invited by Zhuo Yang, had their greenwind band perform at the Victor Stadium for an hour. Zhuo Yang and Hasler had been playing with the band in the center of the venue. The elder brother of the low-legged tiger sang the song, and Hasler, who had always been full of enthusiasm, sang the song to be full of pseudo-girly, and had no difference with the lead singer Jenna Pence, An Neng could distinguish me as a male.

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