Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 769: Peru's golden age

On June 22, 1982, at the Lizoya Stadium in Deportivo, Spain, in the third round of the first group of the World Cup, Bonjek led the Polish team with 5 goals ahead of its opponents.

   In the 83rd minute, Peru scored a goal by forward Guillermo La Rosa. Although they still defeated Poland 1:5, they were not shaved.

   That goal is also the last goal that Peru has scored in the World Cup so far. It has been 13,146 days.

   That game was also Peru’s last game in the World Cup before the trip to Russia this year. After 36 years, Kaka, Angela Chang, Wade, Songdao Feng, CD discs, they were born 36 years ago, and they are all dead now.

   In fact, Peru has participated in five World Cups, and this year is the fifth. In general, Peru has not been a strong team in South American and world football.

   On October 11, 1985, in the final round of the 1986 Mexico World Cup South American qualifiers, Argentina played away against Peru. In the second half of the game, Argentina was still behind 1:2.

   If you finish with this score, Argentina will miss the World Cup. In the 69th minute, coach Bilardo sent Boca striker Ricardo Garreka.

   The 27-year-old Gareka did not live up to the trust of the coach. He scored 2:2 and finally allowed Argentina to advance to Mexico as he wished.

   The comparable big nose failed Gareka. On the flight to Mexico in the coming year, he took Baldano, Enrique and Orati Cochea, but did not bring Gareka. It's a bit like Milu didn't take Xie Hui in the 2002 World Cup.

   In fact, there is nothing unusual, Bilardo did not even bring the famous Ramon Dias, let alone Gareka. He just needs to remember to bring that little man named Diego Maradona.

   Gareka missed the World Cup champion in this way, and his professional experience after that didn't mention much energy. He retired at the age of 36 in 1994.

   Two years later, Gareka became a coach and has been moving around in the Argentine football circle, with ups and downs in coaching results. Four years ago, after Alejandro Savilia dismissed get out of class, Gareka was also a candidate for the head coach of Argentina.

   After being kicked to death by Gareka in the qualifiers that year, Peru has embarked on a hard journey of eight consecutive World Cup absences. Perhaps it is reminded of the Chinese proverb that "you must tie the bell to untie the bell". In 2015, they invited Ricardo Gareka to coach the national team.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   As expected, Chinese proverbs are the truth. Gareka first led the unpopular Peru to win the third place in the 2015 America's Cup, and then finally allowed Peru to return to the World Cup after 36 years.

   Peru is a relatively low-key one in South America, both in terms of geographic location and national character, and relatively harmonious. This may have something to do with the composition of his national blood.

  Peru is the seat of the Inca Empire. Among its citizens, there are the highest ancient Indian ancestry in the world. Coupled with a large number of Indo-European, Indo-African descent, of course, there are also immigrants from Europe. There are more than 3 million Chinese in Peru. Such descent and ethnic composition make Peru very tolerant.

   Peru has eight people as big as Anhui, half of Anhui has as many people, and 1/3 of Anhui’s GDP. The national treasure of our country is the panda, and Peru is the alpaca, that is, the grass mud horse.

   With the leakage of Chinese Internet culture, the alias of alpaca, ‘GMH’, is now more popular in the world than its Latin scientific name ‘’ and English name ‘Alpaca’.

  Grass...Alpacas were originally a species unique to the Andes. Although they are now promoted to beasts all over the world because of their cute appearance, South America still has 99% of the population of alpacas, while Peru has 78%.

   In their country, there are more alpacas per capita than Chinese spiritual boys per capita.

Peru is also the fifth largest mineral producer in the world. It produces the world’s first silver, second copper, second zinc, third tin and sixth gold, as well as abundant reserves of uranium, molybdenum and iron. The relationship between Peru and China is very good. We are his largest trading partner and largest export market.

   The greatest stars in the history of Peruvian football are not Guerrero and Falfan, nor Pizarro, but Kubilas from the ancient times. This man was the one who stood up with Pele for a while.

   Kubilas participated in the 1970, 1978 and 1982 World Cups and scored 10 goals in 13 games. Because of the age of the time, the video information about him is very scarce, but someone who has seen it said that Ronaldo was imitating Kubilas afterwards.

   Da Luo Jinxian has not said it himself.

  The Kubilas era was the golden age of Peruvian football. At that time, their strength and performance in South America were second only to the two teams of Brazil and Azerbaijan. However, with the retirement of Cubilas and the subsequent 36 years of isolation, Peru has not only gradually moved away from Baaú, it has also been surpassed by the rising Colombia, Paraguay and Chile. In addition, Bolivia and Ecuador have come out from time to time to find something. South America is a bit more energetic than Venezuela.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   South American Football Association has only ten member states.

   So this time Gareka can lead Peru back to the World Cup, it is conceivable that he will be highly praised. There is also an upsurge of Peruvian football in the ‘second golden age’. The only regret is that Guerrero and Farfan, as the leaders, are both 34 years old.

   The once famous Peruvian "Bundesliga three strikers", Guerrero is actually the most common. After leaving Bayern to go to Hamburg that year, he played for three seasons and played as a substitute for two and a half years. The number of goals in the season has never been in double figures.

   At the beginning of 2012, Guerrero, 28, at UU reading, was recruited by the Brazilian giants Corinthians for his performance as the best scorer in the Copa America in 2011. After that, he truly became a Peruvian brother. After all, Claudio Pizarro, who played Bayern and Bremen's striker for 15 years, was already old.

   The 40-year-old Pizarro played in Cologne last season and played occasionally to save Da Zayong. At the end of the 2017-18 season, Cologne ranked first in the Bundesliga and was relegated. It was heard that Bremen was preparing to sign Pizarro for the fourth time.

   Before the World Cup, many Peruvians called for Gareca to bring Pizarro, but it was obvious that Jiashuai had the confidence to ignore everyone's calls.


   In the Yekaterinburg Central Stadium, Peruvian captain Paul Guerrero held Zhuo Yang's hand and said sincerely: "Old Zhuo, thank you."

   "You are welcome to raise your hand."

   Guerrero was banned by FIFA for 14 months because of the detection of cocaine in his urine in October last year. After repeated appeals, it was reduced to one year and then to 10 months.

   banned for 10 months, he just missed the World Cup in Russia. Guerrero, who is 34 years old, will miss this mistake for a lifetime.

   At the moment of despair, the old iron pig always lobbied around. The chairman of the Players Union, Grandpa Mo, came forward to make suggestions to the relevant departments. As Peru’s three stakeholder opponents in the World Cup group stage, the three captains of China Zhuo Yang, France Scar, and Denmark Kyle, they agreed and welcomed Guerrero. Participating in the World Cup, he finally got a reduced sentence and was able to return on the eve of the World Cup.

   So, you still have to make more friends at ordinary times. You don't know which leek will bloom at the critical moment.


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