Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 761: Mbappe 1 shrimp 3 eats

Erasing the three guards at a right angle and dribbling into the French restricted area, and then pushing at the far end of Loris at an oblique angle, the score was rewritten as 2:0.

   Before the game, no one in the industry would think that the Chinese team is still a weak team, but no one can boldly predict that the Chinese team will lead 2:0.

   Zhuo Yang scored twice. It is true that he is under pressure in the warm-up match. The Chinese team is France’s nemesis, so it turned out to be true.

  Sforza shameless is also true, he is always very realistic when facing the world's powerhouses. The celebration between the captain Zhuo Yang and his teammates was not over yet, the veteran Zheng Zhi stood on the sidelines, and a minute later he replaced C Zhe.

   The Chinese team changed 4-5-1 again, Zhuo Yang completely withdrew to the left midfielder, the midfielder's three midfielders were neatly arranged, and only Alan was left in front.

   The Chinese have become more determined to defend and counterattack. The tactical intentions are clear and decisive. The French can't attack anymore. There are still more than 20 minutes behind the two goals. At this time, if you don't smash the pot and sell the iron, you are giving up.

Tolisso, who was entrusted to guard Zhuo Yang but had never caught the Chinese captain, was first replaced. Deschamps did not pretend to be forced, and put the'wounded' center Djeiro on top to make the French trident complete and scarred. It's the 35-year-old halberd.

   This is the most powerful attack combination in theory by the French Legion today. Of course, those who have something good will mention Benzema, but he is not in the theory, and the French team does not reason with him.

   But theory is always theory, and it is still different from reality. Mbappé is very uncomfortable playing now.

   Mbappé’s biggest advantage is speed, especially his starting speed is likely to be unique. But his little skills are not good enough, and he has rarely seen him get rid of the extraordinary showy operations in a small area. He often takes the ball to his mother and eats raw by speed.

   His characteristics caused him to need the depth of the court and the space to sprint. But you have to say that Mbappé is only suitable for counterattack and it is indeed wrong to him. It is not only counterattack that will show space and depth. It is also available for positional warfare, as long as you have a pair of insights that are good at discovering.

When    presses the opponent's defense line to form a strong attack, the speed-type winger can use the open side to attack the bottom line, or retreat to attack the ribs suddenly. These are Mbappe's best skills.

   So there is only one question left, **** the opponent's wing.

   In the previous game, Mbappe bullied Zhang Chendong and C Zhe on the side of the Chinese team so hard that Doncelo could not cross the half, so he couldn't but dare not. Not to mention C Zhe, he was replaced because of physical insufficiency. In the first game, C Zhe was almost crushed by Mbappé.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   But apart from the surprise at the beginning, C Zhe and Doncelo never made Mbappe make a big noise on this side, but they did their duty in a desperate situation. However, if Mbappe is allowed to continue beating, perhaps the accumulation of quantity will eventually lead to a qualitative change.

   But the Chinese team changed. Zhuo Yangla returned to the left. Mbappe wanted to play the charge again, so he had to ask him if he agreed.

  Because of the Champions League encounter that year, Mbappé didn't like Zhuo Yang. He belonged to the seniors who stayed away. Saying that you don't like it is praise, but it's actually fear.

A few days ago, Mbappé opened his heart to the captain Scar, saying that he was a little overbearing Zhuoyang, and he hoped that Uncle Scar could help him untie the knot in his happiness, so that he could face the first game with an open and peaceful attitude. .

  He really knows how to find someone. Scar can have many role-plays. The bandit leader plays three abuses, and the leader is a wine bastard, all of which are not a problem, but he can't be an intimate eldest sister.

   Uncle Scar said: Right, you're screaming, I'm bluffing with Zhuo Yang, a tortoise son, and it's okay.

   So, Mbappé felt even more confused.

   In the 69th minute, Mbappe tried it and used his speed to break the bottom line, but he couldn't get rid of Zhuo Yang. This ‘sure enough’ is what he thought in his heart.

   Zhuo Yang didn't despise him, but Mbappe didn't dare to make a second attempt. He hurried back to Pawar who had assisted him, and then rushed to the depths of the penalty area to get together with Dajiru and prepare to grab the high spot.

   Pawar said in his heart: Shouldn’t you withdraw back and do angling with me?

   In the 72nd minute, Mbappé handed the football to Kanter in midfield to find a way. Zhuo Yang was still wondering: Brother, are you unable to run?

   In fact, even if Mbappe is not guilty, he can't rush up again. Once Zhuo Yang retreats to the defense, how can anyone single him out in this world? One is counted as one, and not all of them hide away like Mbappé.

   Mbappé’s personal ability is indeed very strong, but a considerable part of his starlight is caused by 180 million transfer fees. In fairness, as a similar type, he has not surpassed Bell.

The stadium consciousness is a little higher than Bell, and he can better discover the timing and route of the assault. However, Mbappe is not as good as he has just stepped out of Tottenham in terms of passing, front impact, shooting ability, header, and physical strength. The great sage of the mountain.


   In the 77th minute, France's mad attack continued. Scar took turns in the middle to fight with the bayonet of the Chinese team's three major midfielders. He was so tired that he almost foamed.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Mbappe took the ball from the left, Zhuo Yang blocked his inner cut line. Paval made an empty cut to the middle, and Doncelo at the bottom also retracted in advance to narrow the distance with Xiao Jiang.

  Scar's head braved the engine oil and stuck it obliquely into the corner, which could not only respond to Mbappe, but also caused the tangled Doncelo who had just taken in.

At this time, Mbappe is a good choice whether he goes down to give the scar or pushes it horizontally to Pawar, but he hesitated, because Zhuo Yang alone seems to be a mountain, and at the same time he is stuck at a 90° angle. Two directions.

   Of course this is impossible. Zhuo Yang is not that fat, and Kou Kou has to be willing. UU reading www.uukā is entirely Mbappe’s psychological factor. Facing Zhuo Yang’s defense, he feels unsafe going over there.

   Zhuo Yang saw Mbappe's entanglement, and decided to tease him when he was suddenly inspired.

   For Zhuo Yang, it is of course better for Pawar to get the ball than Scar.

   Historically, only passing the ball has made false moves, but Zhuo Yang is an exception. He can make false moves without holding the ball to defend the position.

   The shoulders only slanted to the left, and with his eyes and shaking buttocks, Zhuo Yang didn't even move his footsteps, but sent a clear signal to Mbappé: I'm preventing you from passing the ball to Scar.

   So, Mbappé subconsciously pushed Pawar on the inside.

   The old and cunning Zhuo Yang took out his long legs and knocked the football off the sidewalk towards the front court.

   Scar was in the corner with anger, Zhuo Yang and Mbappe, who was shocked, went after the football at the same time.

   Zhuo Yang got the ball first from the inside, but the speed of the young man was really not covered, so he pressed and forced Zhuo Yang to move him.

   Stop pulling the ball abruptly, use the bowed knee to gently tap the outside of Mbappe's leg, and then quickly lap the ball before leaving.

   Zhuo Yang walked far away, and Mbappe stayed where he was. The twisting of his legs violated the body's center of gravity, and he suddenly slapped himself on the ground, making him want to cry.

   One frightened, two deceived three evil tricks, Zhuo Yang ate three shrimps to Mbappe.

   Pawar is not a human being, Zhuo Yang just shook off Mbappe's work at this moment and was forced by Kanterche to the inside.

   Kanter's head is steaming, his face is distorted, he is the most difficult person.


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