Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 749: No longer a sacrificial chicken

The three major religions in the world, Keifou. Taoism is not. Taoism is native to China, because it is too aloof and can't even do these three in China.

   The three major religions have a long history and radiate a wide range, reaching every corner of the world to influence local culture, as well as architectural styles.

   Because of its geographical location and historical opportunities, Kazan, the capital of the Russian Republic of Tatar, has become one of the only two cities in the world that has gathered three major religious architectural styles. The three major religious civilizations live in harmony here.

  The other is Kashgar in China.

   The first match of the Chinese team's World Cup group match was in Kazan. When Zhuo Yang and his team arrived here, they were six days away from their first match with France.

The Mongols built Kazan into a walled city. 900 years ago, Temujin's "Four Mastiffs", Subutai, General Zhebie, and Golden Swordsman Guo Jing, led the Mongolian cavalry to kill all the way from here. Ukraine defeated Russia and the 100,000 coalition forces of Chincha, and arrested a dozen dukes and drove them to death on wheels.

   Nine hundred years later, Kazan is the eighth largest city in Russia, connecting Central Asia, the Caucasus and the important hub of eastern Russia.

   Zhuo Yang had been to Kazan before, and also in his dream. At that time, Guo Jing’s great ancestor and a famous general in the late Tang Dynasty, Guo Ziyi had not been born yet. Earlier than this, in 2009 and Barcelona came here to play the Champions League group stage, opponents of the Kazan Red Diamonds.

   Nine years later, the rudimentary Kazan Central Court was flattened and rebuilt, and it became the now-stylish Kazan Arena, like a lotus flower.

   The Chinese team has arrived in Kazan. France has not yet come. Scar and his Gaul black rooster will not leave until the US team has played at the French stadium. It was their last warm-up before the World Cup.

   France has warmed up 2:0 Ireland and 3:1 Italy in the previous two games, showing a good state.

   The Chinese team also had two consecutive matches, 4:2 Chile and 2:2 Germany, but it is not over yet, and there is one final match in Kazan.

  The strong team warms up to the finale before the competition. They all like to find a weak group to sacrifice the knife. The meaning is similar to the bloodletting of an innocent chicken before the bandits go down the mountain and rob.

  Before, the Chinese team was almost such a chicken, and they were often politely asked to sacrifice their swords.

   But at that time, the Chinese team was not strong enough, but their life was very hard. They often splashed blood on their faces first.

   In the 1998 World Cup in France, South Korea's final warm-up match before going out, matched the ‘Korea-fearing’ Chinese team.

  Because they will go to France the next day, the Seoul Stadium held a grand ‘departure ceremony’ for the Korean football, and then it deeply stimulated the Chinese ‘Huo’s Army’ which is nothing.

   No one remembers the 1:1 score of that game, but the goalkeeper Jiang Jin’s sliding shovel directly caused the South Korean chief center, and even the first Asian forward Huang Sunhong at the time, to swell his knees to the size of a sand bowl. It is memorable.

   Huang Shanhong cried all the way from Seoul Stadium to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Seoul Medical College, and then cried at home until the end of the World Cup group match.

The 50-year-old Huang Shanhong is the best coach of the K-League. The 50-year-old gray-haired Jiang Jin was released from prison at the end of 2015 three years ago. Now I don’t know what he is doing, but his brother Jiang Hong is a personal character in Xi’an night market. You can brush your face for free.

   In the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, Milu’s national team was also opened, but it was still a weak group. This time, it was Portugal who came to the door to refresh the satisfaction of the ‘golden generation’s last battle’.

   In the warm-up match in Macau, the international team did not abolish anyone. Nuno Gomez and Pauletta easily defeated Mi Jiajun 2-0 with goals, and then everyone went to South Korea together.

   The Chinese team doesn’t matter. In the three World Cups, whoever loses is not a loser. Before the match, Jiang Jin said, ‘I’m going to beat Rivaldo like Huang Shanhong did four years ago’.

   He threw a hammer!

   Portugal, ranked fifth in the world, lost to the United States and South Korea in the group stage. After ranking third, they also went home. Seeing that this was unfortunate.

   Portugal, Italy, Spain, the Koreans were black against Xishan Coal, not allowing black Li Kui, Portugal was the head of the "Han Sanhei". Of course, this may probably have nothing to do with the fact that it has nothing to do with looking for the Chinese team to sacrifice the sword before.

   Although the 17-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo was not a national or a green onion, he has already remembered, so he still doesn't treat Koreans much, and he can have two drinks with Chinese people.

   Four years later, before the 2006 World Cup, the French invited the Chinese to sacrifice their swords and chickens.

   There are still six days to go to the first match, the French have to eat and support the Chinese team to go to Saint-Etienne. The score of 3:1 is not important. It is not important that Zhu Guanghu's beloved general Wang Yun helped France with a peerless oolong. It is an unforgettable memory that Zheng Zhi kicked off the calf bone of Ligue 1 striker Wang Xisai.

   That game was 12 years ago today.

   12 years later, the 37-year-old Gibril Cisse retired for two years and returned to play in the Swiss third division. The 38's Zheng Zhi is the deputy captain of the Chinese national team, Lian Po is a fan, and, as always, dare to be bold, and I hope the French will remember Cisse after seeing him in six days.

   Another four years later, before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the French who remembered their food came to the Chinese team again, and the two sides enjoyed each other on the beautiful island of Reunion.

This story already belongs to the football history of "Golden Green". Deng Biaoxiang's fallen leaves cut France 1:0, not only changed the roles of the French into chickens being sacrificed, but also caused them infighting and indirectly triggered the World Cup. During the "strike training" storm.

   That time, France scored one goal in three group matches, two losses and one tie, and the group was the last. Scar swept all the goals of the French team's South Africa trip. Up to now, whoever mentions him and who is anxious.

The time came four years ago. UU read www.uukā in the 2014 World Cup. The unopened host Brazil was blinded to find the Chinese team. As a result, Zhuo Yang was absent due to injury and they were happy to be in Recife at 8:0. Sky lanterns. The most tragic failure in the history of the Chinese team is still in Zhuo Yang's heart.

   At that time, the non-international footballer Kaka said to the international footballer: I will be unlucky. As a result, Brazil really hurt the character, a 1:7 loss to Germany can suppress the hearts of a generation.

   In short, the last warm-up before the World Cup tried to find the Chinese team to win a favor, and none of them ended well.

   Now Zhuo Yang’s Chinese team is already a strong team, and has completely lost its qualifications as a sacrificial chicken. There is no such thing as chaos that has to look for the Chinese team to play the ‘hottest match’.

   The German team is not. They will have a warm-up with Saudi Arabia after 2:2 with China. Saudi talents are the sacrificial chickens of the Germans.

   France found the United States, Spain found Tunisia, Argentina found Israel, Brazil found Austria, England found Costa Rica, Portugal found Algeria, Belgium found Egypt...

   There is no such thing as a popular team to find the Chinese team. On the contrary, the Chinese team, which has become a strong team, finally has the qualification to find a sacrificial chicken in the ‘hottest game’.

   In the last game before the big game, find a weaker team to score a few goals, which can increase the team's confidence and inspire the state. As long as you don't play it, or don't meet the former Chinese team like the killer.

   Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team don’t look for it, they just look for it. They have to be an authentic underdog. It’s better to be so weak that even their mothers are embarrassed to recognize them.

   So, the Chinese team found Kou Kou's family team-Liechtenstein.

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