Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 745: Halftime to get the king of the Americas

Bravo is Manchester City’s ‘shooting to death’, but in the Chilean national team, he is the regent alone.

   After replacing Gabriel Arias in the second half, he was shot on target and died before he even touched the football.

   The right back of the Chinese team, Maro, dribbled the ball to the side and played with You Deshui in the frontcourt. Maro made an empty cut along the sideline to confuse the defense, and the Chilean was frightened by the extremely cold cut inside.

   Bologna's midfielder Eric Pulga put a shovel from behind and dumped Ude Water five meters outside the penalty area. The winner is a friendly match, which is really going to be put in a serious World Cup, and Pulga might get a red card.

   Zhuo Yang’s death sickle-style free kick passed through the goal of teammate Bravo and the score was 2:2.

   Although it is not unusual for Zhuo Yang to break the goal, Bravo, as a teammate of the club, knows Zhuo Yang's power better than others, but it is still very uncomfortable to miss a goal before he has done anything.

   It seems that "shoot to death" is not distinguished by Manchester City and Chile, but by region. England and the city stadium are by no means Bravo's good ground.

   Sanchez certainly does not have this taboo. His popular "Sang Thigh" came from the time he played for Arsenal, so this land of England should not be difficult for him. But it is very suspicious whether Manchester is his blessed land, after all, the beginning of Manchester United is very sad.

   The first two coaches of the Chilean national team, Argentine Sanpaoli and Spaniard Pizzi, both paid great attention to the team's defense. Chile also won two consecutive America's Cup championships relying on defense.

   Chile is known as Portugal in South America. The tactics of the two teams are indeed very similar. They are both shameless and shameless, relying on Sanchez and Cristiano Ronaldo to fight unscrupulously.

   But Rueda didn't do that anymore after he took office. He is a very traditional old-school South American coach, advocating an offensive playing technique. Brazil and Argentina have long been Europeanized, and Rueda was known as the "most charming American football" when he first coached Colombia.

   It's just like England's long pass is eliminated. Since everyone doesn't play, it means it's out of date. Old-fashioned South American football is too slow and tactically not sudden. Unless you have a crushing technical advantage, it is difficult to penetrate the opponent's overall defensive formation.

   Compared with the Chinese team, Chile naturally has a little technical advantage, but it may not be necessary to say how big the advantage is. Don’t forget that the "Eight King Kong" are all from South America.

   And Rueda’s tactics have made Sanchez and other players who have long been in Europe very awkward. They have become accustomed to the European football style, and they have long been unfamiliar with the South American natives. So in essence, Chile is now a pot of raw rice.

   As for the Chinese team, because of its long-term and clear development direction plan, it is now very familiar, especially in the past two years, the core personnel have been basically fixed, and Sforza has a very high degree of tactical running-in of the team.

   In the 61st minute, the Chilean team began to **** and **** off the frontcourt. It was like the rebirth of the 1982 Brazil team, turning the Chinese team around.

   But you are going forward, endless horizontal transpositions are used for eggs.

   Sanchez and Enriquez stood out from the ribs several times, but the football didn't come over, so they hurriedly retracted again. Back and forth, like a mole that keeps popping up.

   is too particular about a fatal blow, so it always seems to be hesitant to pass or not. When he meets a short-tempered forward, he can take off his shoes and smash it.

   After urinating for about a century, Lorenzo Reyes, the midfielder who played for Betis and is now in Atlas Mexico, finally passed forward. The opportunity might not be so good, maybe he couldn't stand it either.

   However, Sanchez was offside. He is always so helpless to beat the moles, and it will be sooner or later that he is offside.

   The Chileans exchanged grievances about the gains and losses of the attack, but the Chinese were not wordy at all.

   As soon as the referee blew the offside whistle, the central defender Zhang Tiedan reached out and pinned the football to the ground, and then quickly pushed it to Maro on the right.

   A gust of wind blew by from the right, and the Chilean was shocked and chased wildly.

   Maro crossed the center line with a whirlwind, turned his big foot diagonally to find the left. The Chilean looked back: Fuck, Zhuo Yang.

   The simplicity, swiftness and decisiveness of the Chinese team at this moment are simply the eighteen palms that the Chilean can’t take.

   Zhuo Yang didn't give his opponent a chance to foul, and passed the instep at 45°. The football drew a sharp arc in the air, and landed exactly in front of Golat, who was inserted between the two central defenders after the sharp cut line.

   Gao Lat unloaded his chest, and did not wait for the football to touch down with his left foot.

   Bravo: "..."

   3:2, concise vs. cumbersome, quick vs. slow, hurricanes and rains are good for the years, the Chinese team will lead the score.

   If it was placed in the previous years, being so overtaken by the Chinese team would make the Chileans very annoyed, because they are South American champions and the Chinese team is only an Asian team.

   But at this moment, the Chilean players, including the three big fighters, didn't think it was too abrupt, because Chile was the defeated team in the World Cup, and the Chinese team is already recognized as a strong team, not to mention the captain Zhuo Yang is more domineering in Europe than before.

   That is to say, Chile has suppressed all the so-called veteran teams in front of the Chinese team, and even a little inferiority complex.

   After the score was behind, Chile made a speed increase, but because the formation was loose and wide, it could not pose any threat to the Chinese team, which was compressing the space.

In the 79th minute, the substitute midfielder Pablo Hernandez suddenly shot a cold arrow outside the penalty area. Wang Dalei was blocked by the defender and did not react like a fool, but the high-quality shot was taken by the city. The goalpost refused. This was also Chile's most threatening attack in the second half.

In the 90th minute, the Chinese team pressed outside the Chilean penalty area. Zhuo Yang retreated to the top of the arc and cooperated with Maro. Then Maro suddenly slammed and passed Hannover 96 defender Albonoz into the penalty area. A low shot broke through Bravo's door.

   The Chinese team unexpectedly defeated Chile 4:2.

   After this game, the Chinese team confirmed the 23-man roster.

   Captain Zhuo Yang-3Q ball piano boxing three must, the king of the world, the demon fairy, the first player in football today;

   Team Deputy Zheng Zhi—Pierzhi, Dazhi;

   Zhang Linpeng-Zhang Tiedan, Zhang Moss;

   Three Sean Junmin-Honesta;

  The Eight King Kongs in the West:

   Maro-Ma Yanluo, Cafu II;

   You Deshui—You Lao Lao;

  Ka Daxi-Da Vinci;

   Li Ke—Little Plum, Sonic;

   Jiang Guangtai-Jiang Ai's wife, Waista;


   Gao Lat-Gao Li, Gao Lambo;

   Alan-orchid flower, Alandron. UU Reading

   Three goalkeepers:

   Yan Junlin—Yan Heya and Yan Fudong;

   Wang Dalei-Wang Toldo, Wang Feng;

   Zeng Cheng—(omitted)


  Zhang Xizhe—C Zhe;

   Zhang Chendong—Zhang Siluo;

   Wu Lei-Village Flower, Village Hope;

   Feng Xiaoting—Fondini;

   Wu Xi (omitted), Li Xuepeng (omitted), Zheng Zheng (omitted), Jiang Zhipeng (omitted).

   Chi Zhongguo, Jixiang, and Li Ang continued to accompany the team as injury supplements before the deadline for registration, while Zhang Lu, Wang Gang, and Liu Yiming returned to China directly from Manchester.

    After traveling thousands of miles to lose, the Chileans hurried to Warsaw again. They had to wait for a game in Poland, while the Chinese team's special plane left Manchester to fly directly to Russia.

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