Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 738: The first tick in the history of the Champions League

Real Madrid have reached the Champions League final four times in five seasons, and the lineup looks terribly stable on the surface.

In the starting lineup at the Kiev Olympic Stadium on May 26, 2018, seven players made the start at the Stadium of Light on May 24, 2014, nine players made the start at the San Siro Stadium on May 28, 2016, and 11 players were last year. The starting at Millennium Stadium on June 3.

   So you can analyze the shortcomings of Real Madrid from various angles, but they definitely have no shortage of experience in the finals.

Ibrahimovic said to Isco: "This little brother, I think you have a unique bones and a unique talent. You must be a unique football prodigy. You and I are destined. Come and let me tell you. Talk about the tricks of playing the Champions League."

   Isco: "Stop talking, I have played four finals, how about you?"

   Ibrahimovic: You are paralyzed...

   In the 53rd minute of the second half of the 2017-18 UEFA Champions League final, Isco, who played for the fourth time in the UEFA Champions League final, was replaced, and he looked astonished.

   Isco performed very well today, at least better than Magic Di C Ronaldo, and he is an offensive talent. Now Real Madrid is behind and replaced him, which is indeed a bit confusing.

   But when I look at the person who was replaced, I immediately realized it.

  The Great Saint Bell appears.

   Bell also participated in the four finals of Real Madrid, the first two starts and two substitutes. In front of the fathers and elders in Cardiff's hometown last year, Qi Zu didn't give him face, just like this year, it was only in the second half of the year that he came on the bench.

   Now that the relationship between Bell and Qi Zu has deteriorated, it has to be officially announced, but it depends on who can survive the most.

   Under normal circumstances, players will not be able to survive first, because youth is limited, where does the time go for a long time, but this time, Bell won, and he can finally get rid of Qi Xuanzong.

Its daybreak.

  Bell doesn't want to comment on anything about Qi Zu. You can't afford it, but you can hide it. It's good to go, and from then on, I will walk on my Yangguan Road with eighteen bends on the mountain road.

   Cristiano Ronaldo is also leaving. This is a joy to joy. Bell and Ronaldo have no hatred, but such a big **** left Real Madrid's striker, he wakes up at night without a smile unless he is not a normal person.

   Bell performed well in the finals last year. After coming on the bench, he broke through and **** was sent off for a foul. Speaking of which, **** had been crying out of the UEFA Champions League final for two consecutive years, and he was lucky.

   Real Madrid did not win last year because of Zhuo Yang's shamelessness and bravery. This year Bell appeared earlier than last year, just because Zhuo Yang was brave and not shameless.

   Bell may have no objection to Ronaldo, but he really has no objection to Zhuo Yang. To be honest, he is a little embarrassed to say hello to Zhuo Yang.

Four years ago, Zhuo Yang and Cristiano Ronaldo provoked the "Brazilian Hero Order" that made the football shooters commotion. The head of the Welsh national team scorer Bell looked hot, but Wales failed to make the qualifiers. He could only be envied. Envy and hate passers-by.

   At that time, Bell laughed at himself that Wales was too weak, but Zhuo Yang was taught a lesson seriously, using himself and the Chinese team as examples.

   "It's a man, just take your team to the World Cup, don't complain." Zhuo Yang said: "Four years later, brother is waiting for you in Russia, let's play together."

Four years later, the scale and influence of the'World Cup Heroes' Order was even greater. Zhuo Yang was also waiting for him in Russia as scheduled, but Bell's Wales was suppressed to the third place in the group by Serbia and Ireland in the qualifiers, even qualifying for the playoffs Not mixed up. It was Bell who missed the appointment.

   Bell didn't know whether Zhuo Yang still remembered this incident, but he did. But he not only hoped that Zhuo Yang would remember it, but also hoped that Zhuo Yang had forgotten this agreement.

   If Zhuo Yang remembered that he was a good person and would not deliberately expose his friend's shortcomings, he would not mention it. But then, Bell was afraid to see the disdain in Zhuo Yang's eyes, the disdain under the cover of gentleman's demeanor.

   But if Zhuo Yang forgets, he is a person who likes to joke with his friends. In case of a ‘what did you do in Wales’, Bell doesn’t want to be embarrassed.

   In fact, Zhuo Yang did forget, and he doesn't know whether Wales has scored in Russia. Therefore, Bell has been tortured by Qi Zu in the past two years, so sentimental. Still the monkey spirit in the monkey, but without the heroic spirit of the great sage, soaring into the sky.


   After Bell and the gloomy Isco took over on the sideline, they ran into the court briskly without going to see Zhuo Yang.

   Qi Zu replaced Bell for Isco who performed well, which stems from his extreme pursuit of tactical balance.

   One goal behind needs to strengthen the offense. It is reasonable to let Bell, who has strong finishing ability and impact ability, come up, but it can't break the balance of the midfield, so the replacement can only be in the front-end trident.

   Cristiano Ronaldo must not be played, otherwise it will be disarmed. Benzema can provide a tactical fulcrum, unless there are obvious mistakes or go crazy, he can not play, so only Isco can go on, the reason is that simple.

   Unless Real Madrid gets to the edge of the cliff and must take off their shirts and fight for their lives, Qi Zu will not break the balance between the three lines and the overall formation. There are forty minutes behind 0:1, far from the edge of the cliff.

   Frankly speaking, Bell is always better off the bench than his starting performance, so if I were Qi Zu, I would hold him on the bench.

   In the 54th minute, Akuan made a straight pass. Bell overtook Delph on the right and sent a standard bottom pass to Cristiano Ronaldo in the penalty area. However, the president didn't get Stones and the attack ended without a problem. This is Bell's first touch of the ball after his debut.

   Two minutes later, the second foot came.

   Marcelo and the magic flute continued to cooperate and hit the extended line of the penalty area on the right of Manchester City. At this time, the three strikers of Ronaldo, Benma and Bell have been in place in the penalty area, and they are scattered.

   The flatterer grabs Walker to block the prequel.

   I don’t know if he didn’t pass well or Ronaldo and Stupid misunderstood. They pressed to the inside of the white spot, but the pass line was a little bit outside the penalty area.

   Only Bell's legs slowed down a little without pressure, and he quickly withdrew when he saw it. Suddenly, inspiration came.

   Bell flew up suddenly, volleyed with his back to the goal, his posture was not necessarily cool, but the height was quite impressive, and his left foot was almost up to the sky.

'boom! ’

   Have you ever seen the footwork falling from the sky?

   Bell shocked the sky and blasted the football straight to the goal, and went straight to the upper dead corner.

   I don't know if Marcelo didn't pass it well or what happened. His impact deceived everyone, including Manchester City defender and goalkeeper Edson.

   Edson is an attack type. The moment Marcelo got his foot, he moved out, ready to pick a point on Ronaldo's or Dummy's head, but Bell hooked him from a distance and hung him on the road.

   It's too late to flutter, not flutter is like a fool.

   Edson can only leap into the air and bend backwards as much as possible, but as expected, he can't reach, UU reading and it's a long way off.

   The Edson guy hasn't landed yet, but his heart is already cold. The size of the ball dropped is one of his attack errors.

   Suddenly, Edson, who was facing upwards and falling to the sky, only felt a blue shadow flying over from the upper side, and the blue sky was flying.

   There is still a hint of red in Laoleng's figure.

  Pink, or Sao Fan, or Tough Guy Fan.

   ‘Boom!’ Edson fell firmly on the ground, he seemed to hear a ‘boom’.

   As a goalkeeper subconsciously, Edson went to watch the door first, however, there was no football inside.

   saw Zhuo Yang standing between him and the goal.

  What happened to the kidney?

   Bell, who was shocked by the sky, looked at Zhuo Yang in horror, and could put Mrs. Niu's small fist in his mouth.

   Ronaldo's eyes stared like a donkey, and the stupid horse's chin almost hit the instep.

   In the distance, Marcelo knelt on the ground and stuck his tongue out like a demented child. Stones and Laporte wanted to cry because they saw God.

   Have you ever seen an undercut? I'm not asking Bell about this.

   Have you ever used an undercut to clear an undercut? Very good, you saw it today.

   The first hook in the history of the Champions League is not a shot, but a clearance.

   Zhuo Yang Feng stood there calmly, stretched out his right arm and flicked forward, then bounced back and stroked the short hair on top of his head with his fingers from front to back.

   If you hold a lit cigarette in your left hand, this pretending look can give you full marks.

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