Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 731: Real Madrid Naduna Wall

After Serbian Milorad Marzic blew the opening whistle, the first shot came from Zhuo Yang.

   In the second minute of the game, Zhuo Yang burst into a frenzy in the middle, and a long shot from a distance of 30 meters from the door shot up, which tested Navas.

   Before the game, the media and various professionals analyzed Manchester City and Real Madrid in an all-round way, and the ditches were broken and counted. It is inevitable that the 22 people in the audience will catch and compare this kind of thing.

   Except for Zhuo Yang to crush Isco, Manchester City are all at a disadvantage in the other ten positions.

Needless to say, Cristiano Ronaldo-Jesus, there is basically no suspense, the magic flute is the direction of Tintin, Akuan is more comprehensive than Silva, Fat Tiger is the main force in the national team, the bird is the substitute, the flatterer It's the first left-back Delf who made a cameo, Ka Dasha has seen more of the world than Walker, Shui Ye is obviously stronger than Laporte, and Varane is entering the god-level Stones and is still digging.

   In terms of goalkeepers, Edson is Alisson's substitute, and Napa is the number one champion among all goalkeepers today.

   In the time period of 2018, Costa Rican Kylor Navas is the world's number one goalkeeper. Few people in the industry believe it, but he is indeed.

   Navas, who is only one year younger than Zhuo Yang, is a late bloomer. He is really known to be in the 2013-14 season before the Brazil World Cup. Because of his excellent data in Levante, he was named the best goalkeeper of the season in La Liga.

   Then it was a great save to bring Costa Rica into the quarter-finals of the World Cup. The unpopularity attribute is even higher than that of the Chinese team.

   Next, Navas came to Real Madrid, and finally became Naduna in the 2015-16 season. He created the second highest league record of zero sheets in Real Madrid's history.

   In fact, Real Madrid was very bad during that time. It was the most turbulent period in recent years. Casey and An Pang were gone, and Benitez was abandoned. Nadé’s enemy on the court is definitely not just the opponent forward, he must guard against all 21 people besides himself.

   Real Madrid won in many games inexplicably. People attribute this to Qi Zu's metaphysics, which is actually Napa’s effort to turn the tide. That season, Real Madrid won the Champions League and the La Liga in a mysterious way. What Ronaldo and Akuan are all scumbags. There are only two heroes-Tuye and Napa.

   Father Na is a father, but Master Tu is a mother.

   Zhuo Yang and Navas only had a short half-season meeting in Real Madrid, and the two did not have much interaction, but there was one thing Zhuo Yang was very impressed with.

   Other goalkeepers used to play football and Navas to play tennis during training. Use a tennis ball to hit it, or simply ask a professional tennis player to kick it on the spot, both and solid.

   Apart from the height of 184, Napa has no weaknesses in goalkeeping skills. But why do people always feel that he is not as irritable as Feng Haohan, duck lion lion and pantyhose? And this is exactly where the Lafayette dislikes him, this ‘always feeling’ is very important.

   Navas really has no star temperament, no tidbits off the court, no news on the court, and even his looks are neither handsome nor ugly, purely a passerby.

   A handsome guy can be a star, and it’s okay to be ugly. As long as he has characteristics, it doesn’t matter if he is ugly as Ronaldinho's three bars, but you can never look mediocre, and you can’t have eyes. Napa suffers a lot in this regard.

   And Costa Rica, his home country, which is the base of his fans, can't help him because of its small area and sparse population.

   In this way, the commercial value of Napa really doesn't mention the spirit, which is a big crime in Real Madrid.

   Napa does not have an EU account and is very unpleasant. The small team is good to say that rich players are rarely willing to give valuable foreign aid quotas to the goalkeeper position. Of course, Galeries Lafayette is also inevitable.

   That’s why Real Madrid’s famous “fax machine incident” occurred at the last moment of the 2015 summer window. Had it not been for the fax machine malfunction, and the time limit was exceeded by 28 minutes, De Gea and Navas would have exchanged owners.

   Navas later admitted that he was waiting for the flight to Manchester at the airport, and couldn't help crying after hearing the news. So people also say that Navas cut the wire of the fax machine ahead of time.

   Of course, it is also circulated that the reason is that Galeries Lafayette finally thought that De Gea was too expensive, but he did not want to fall back on the truth, so he found the fax machine as an excuse.

   In the past few years, De Gea, Courtois, Kepa, Donnarumma and others have had scandals with Real Madrid, and the heart of Lafayette’s change of goalkeeper is very Sima Zhao.

   And this is also the second biggest difference between Qi Zu and Galeries Lafayette in terms of team personnel, second only to Ronaldo.

   Ronaldo and Napa in tandem, plus Magic Flute and Shui Ye, Qi Zu thinks that there is nothing to worry about on this central axis. Lafayette said: But the four of them together are over 130 years old...

   If it weren't for Qi Zu Libao, Napa would not be able to stay in Real Madrid until now. But now that Qi Zu is about to withdraw, Napa didn't know whether he should be confused about the prospects.


   threw Zhuo Yang's vicious long shot to the bottom line, then swept the moon in the air to take off the corner kick taken by Deding Laoney. Napa held the football in his palm and watched the two teams retreat like a tide.

   To clean up, Napa would habitually throw the ball on the ground, and then kick it to Marcelo and let him find the fault.

   Flattery turned his head, but there was a weird expression of horror on his face, Shui Ye turned his head too, he was so nervous that he opened his mouth and didn't call out anything.

   Napa was surprised at first, and subconsciously wrapped the football tightly in his arms, curled his elbows to lock it, and then looked back violently.

   Sure enough, Zhuo Yang was quietly sticking behind his back like a ghost, UU reading turned around and the two almost faced each other.

   "Fuck... Old Zhuo, you scared me to death."

   "Ahahaha~~" Zhuo Yang laughed: "Why don't you throw it away, it's too unjust, hahaha..."

  Papa Na also laughed, this one is really fun.

   Zhuo Yang touched his head, Napa patted his butt, Zhuo Yang couldn't steal the chicken, so he hurried away with a smile.

   "...Be careful—~~~" Shui Ye finally called out.

   Seeing Zhuo Yang smiled and kicked Shui Ye's ass, and ran away, Napa thought this item was more interesting.

   Zhuo Yang's three-and-a-half years of trouble with Real Madrid is not trivial, I am afraid it can be counted as the number one troublemaker in team history. What is strange is that Real Madrid has hardly criticized him from top to bottom. Sometimes when everyone talks about him, it is obvious that they miss the taste of that time very much.

People like Isco, Magic Flute, Varane, Flattery, Bell, Nacho, and Akuan are full of praise when they mention it, but Benzema, who has survived Zhuo Yang’s explosive hammer, sometimes can’t help but want to complain. Sentence, but always be drunk "shut up" by Ronaldo or Shui Ye immediately.

   Napa didn’t know if Zhuo Yang was still in Real Madrid, Qi Zu and Ronaldo would leave, whether he would still be rejected by Lafayette, these are still unknown.

   But Zhuo Yang is such a fun person, but he has not been a teammate, which is a pity. I don't know if there will be a chance to be teammates with Zhuo Yang in the future, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

   In order to cover up the embarrassment just now, Lord Shui took the initiative to ran back to catch the ball, and Napa threw it to him.

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