Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 4: The whip of the white python turns into a leg

Many people say that compared to ancient times, modern fighting techniques have regressed. It's not that modern people are stupid and lazy, but since the advent of firearms, fighting has lost most of its meaning.


   You have practiced boxing for a hundred years, and you can’t beat a white-faced scholar with a revolver to give you a spray. Without demand, naturally there will be no progress or even regression.


   But there are also some people who firmly believe that modern fighting technology is far stronger than ancient times, because modern training science is more advanced and there are more fighting competitions. Standing on the shoulders of our ancestors, we will naturally do better.


   These people believe that the ancient martial arts masters coming to the modern era will be easily defeated by various golden belts.


   In fact, these two statements are reasonable, but they also overlooked one point: Unarmed combat technology, whether in ancient or modern times, has never been mainstream.


   Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ancestors knew when hunting to take a thick stick, or to tie a sharp piece of stone to the front of a thin stick—this is called a stone axe. When fighting for life, who eats too much and plays empty-handed with you?


  The ancient killing skills and war technology have always been 18 weapons, the same at home and abroad. Now the most powerful force is naturally all kinds of bullets and express delivery.


  Unarmed combat from ancient to modern times, from China to the outside world, has always been only an auxiliary training technique under limited weapons. The unarmed combat is only used for daily training, and the meaning of fitness is greater than killing.


   can use weapons and never empty-handed-eighteen swords;


  Able to attack from a long distance and never close to the body—bows and arrows, ballistas, guns, artillery;


   If you can exceed the visual range, you will never be able to see the missile.


  The purpose of force is always to kill the enemy, while the purpose of unarmed hands is only to win, especially in modern fighting competitions.


   So what martial arts is seriously degraded due to the emergence of hot weapons is the combat technique, knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.


   From the standpoint of unarmed combat, its purpose has not changed in ancient and modern times, and its state of existence has not changed. So when the ancient martial artist came to the modern age, he would still be a master. The current golden belts can also hit ten in one go back to ancient times.


   However, modern training science and nutrition science can indeed bring out the human body's potential better, and the training effect will definitely be more obvious. This is beyond doubt.


   Former British State Tour lightweight boxing champion Mark Prince, if he traveled to China during the Southern Song Dynasty at his peak, he estimated that the force value should be about the same as the nine-bag elder Lu Youjiao of the Beggar Gang. But it’s not easy to say that Pu Boxer doesn’t know how to leg, and will suffer a lot in fights.


   Zhuo Yang's wrestling and leg skills are quite good, and it is rumored to be higher than his boxing skills. If the restrictions on martial arts are released, it will be very unfair to the boxer Prince.


   But if Zhuo Yang only used boxing skills, it would obviously be even more unfair. Therefore, after a simple negotiation, the two agreed that Zhuo Yang could not use the throwing method, did not have the ground and the lock, and could use his legs, elbows, and knees, but he could only attack the position above Prince's belt.


   Zhuo Yang saw Prince as soon as he entered the door, he began to swindle and continued to stimulate with words, so that Rooney finally fell into the trap of ‘20 seconds of no contact knockout’.


   Because he agreed to compete with Rooney, it was just a boring football affair, but by chance, Rooney couldn't arouse Zhuo Yang's interest anymore.


   I was free to bite Wowotou to pass the time, but a three-foot-long Aolong was brought up next to him, and eating Wotou again would be depraved.


   King Qi Xuan likes Xia Yingchun instead of Zhong Wuyan, but he has a simple man's mentality.


   Today's Prince is Aolong and Xia Yingchun, because Zhuo Yang and his realm masters have not yet played. The sheep has been beaten, but that is a dream.


   Prince was also completely aroused by Zhuo Yang's easy teasing of Rooney. Although Zhuo Yang didn't make a punch, his posture and pace were outstanding. A master meets a master, and there is no one who is competitive and cannot do competitive sports.


  Not much to say, the two seriously did a ten-minute warm-up, and Zhuo Yang put on his fighting gloves again. Pu boxing king naturally didn't carry his outfit with him, so he had to pick up the thick glove with Rooney's nose in disgust, and put it on after rubbing and rubbing on the sofa.

   Zhuo Yang didn't agree if he didn't clean it up. In case he wedges his fist on his mouth, he would be disgusted before he was killed.


   The two masters made a move. The living room was not wide enough. The competition venue was moved to Rooney’s mansion on the artificial turf in the backyard where he usually plays ball.


It can be seen from Prince’s attire that he might have expected to compete with Zhuo Yang before he came, because he was wearing loose-fitting sweatpants on his lower body, the kind that can be thickened and waisted, and he was wearing high-top sports boots on his feet. This is a boxing suit in itself.


   took off his shirt on the upper body and bounced in a tight waistcoat. It can be seen that although he is almost 50 years old, his muscles are still well-defined.


Prince is a lightweight champion. Now he has gained a little weight, but not much. It is about 140 pounds and less than 65 kilograms. It is only a small level more than when he was professional, indicating that he does not play this game. For one year, fitness and training did not let go.


Professional boxing is divided into 18 levels, and the 18 levels can be classified into 7 items: heavyweight, middleweight, lightweight, featherweight, bantamweight, flyweight, grassweight, and the last three influences Smaller, the boxing champion is not well known. Almost all of the champions we are familiar with come from the top four.


   Zou Shiming won the wbo world professional champion gold belt in 2016, which is flyweight, also called the second bantamweight. The weight limit of this class cannot exceed 49 kilograms.


   Under normal circumstances, weight and strength are directly proportional. Zhuo Yang is 186 and weighs 78 kilograms, which is several levels larger than Prince. However, he is not a professional fighter, and because he can't practice his upper body strength vigorously by playing the piano, his weight cannot account for Prince on this point alone. Cheap.


   Facing a professional boxing champion, one cannot be as casual as Rooney, otherwise he will not respect the boxing champion and himself. Zhuo Yang carefully wrapped bandages on his feet and hands, and then put on the non-slip soft shoes he carried—if he could not wear thick-soled hard-top sneakers, he would kick people to death.


   Everything was ready, there was no more nonsense. After the courtesy impact of the four gloves, Zhuo Yangduo made a hand-wringing ceremony and the contest began.


   Although Prince is a boxer, he has had many experience with mixed martial arts. If wrestling, grappling and locking skills and ground skills are eliminated, and the MMA only attacks above his belt, he has quite a wealth of experience in winning.


   After all, boxers are very good at upper body defense, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and distance control is unique in the world, this is the first of all fighting events.


   Zhuo Yang knocked Rooney down in 16 seconds just now. He used boxing techniques in both steps and body styles, but he did not attack, just dodge, and these are passive skills.


   At this moment, Zhuo Yang's style suddenly changed greatly. He took the initiative to attack, and raised his leg with a kick.


  The weird thing is that other fighters twist the waist and send the hips and then stretch their thighs and calves together, and combine four forces to produce a straight line attack.


   However, Zhuo Yang's legs are from bottom to top, with obvious bends in the air, and his calves bend first and then bounce, like a soft whip.


   was so weird that Prince had no time to lean back or dive to avoid him, so he could only hold his fists and protect his head and hardly connected this leg.


  The huge slamming force made Prince ‘punk’ to withdraw two steps to the side before it was resolved. He was very surprised.


   Zhuo Yang did not pursue the victory, but raised his hand in place, as if to say hello.


   "Old Zhuo, your legs are very weird, is there any fame?"


   "It's indeed a bit famous." Zhuo Yang explained to Yiwu Huiyou: "This set of legs is changed from the soft whip, so it is also called the'white python whip'."


   "White Python...whip method, a very vivid name. Is it Chinese Kung Fu?"


   "Yes, it comes from an ancient Chinese fighting technique, from the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" about 900 years ago."

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