Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Knock down Zhuo Yang in 20 seconds

"Boss, I am your security captain, not a thug." Brent Wild said righteously: "I can't compete with Mr. Rooney. First of all, it's not my duty. Second, I don't have my fists and eyes, just in case I hurt When it comes to Mr. Rooney, this is very bad."

   Zhuo Yang shrugged toward Rooney and spread his hands: Look, people don't want to fight you.

   Now Zhuo Yang will take Wilder wherever he goes. This is a rule set by his wife for the family, and no one dares to violate it. The reason why he took Wilder instead of Xiaotong was because Xiaotong had already left.

  At the beginning of the year, Latvian bodyguard Julis Wu did not negotiate with his employer Zhuo Yang due to personal treatment issues and resigned as a driver and bodyguard. But obviously, this is just Xiaotong's excuse to the outside world.

   In essence, Xiaotong has lost the meaning of work here in Zhuo Yang. All potential powerful enemies have been eliminated. The rest only needs some general normal security work, Xiaotong has no use for it.

  In the original plan, Julius Wu would go on an adventure in Africa, where there would be a place for him to show off his skills.

   Xiaotong once had a dream, in which he led a mercenary in Africa, fighting desperately with other military forces in the dark world for the benefit of a great power in the east. In the beautiful and rich African continent, similar dark wars are taking place every day.

   Xiaotong also dreamed of fighting side by side with the dreaming "fangs" and cooperating with Jiu Shan, his former comrade-in-arms, to complete an extremely important combat mission for a big country in the East.

   Such a dream made Xiaotong's blood boil, and it made him impatient to go to Africa to start a new job.

   However, Xiaotong understood very well that once the story in the dream happened, it would not be judged, and then all the stories would be gone.

   So, Xiaotong returned to China with great regret, took the formal letter of introduction from the old leader of the original unit, entered the counter-espionage department of the Ministry of Public Security, and became a special agent.

   This is also very good, at least he is still in the disciplined force he likes, doing what he is very good at, and being able to accompany his wife and children often.

   So, Julius Wu disappeared from this world. It is said that he went to Africa, but there is no story about him in Africa. Xiaotong started a new life and work.

   Now Brent Wilder has become Zhuo Yang's follower, take him everywhere, and the same goes for Rooney's house, which is not far away.


   "Old Zhuo, let's's not suitable, just play with Wayne." Pu Lao Boxing Wang also persuaded.

"I agree with Mr. Prince's opinion." Wild said: "Mr. Prince is a professional boxing champion. Your Royal Highness will not agree with you to compete with him. Boss, you must know this very well. Mr. Rooney is obviously weak. Chicken, play with him casually. I don't think Her Royal Highness will object to it."

   "Weak chicken? Am I the **** weak chicken?" Rooney's head shot up.

   "Shut up!" Zhuo Yang and Pu Boxing King snapped together.

   "Brent, there are some things that are not necessary for the princess to know, do you understand?"

   "You go and tell your Highness this, don't tell me."

   "Brent Wild, I officially inform you that you have been fired."

   "No, you have no right to expel me. My employer is the princess, and the person in charge of our family is also the princess. You can't expel me."

   "Brent, you are itchy."

   Brent's eyes reddened immediately, and his tone was full of grief and anger.

   "You can beat me, I can't beat you anyway. But if you beat me for fulfilling your duties, I...I will report to the princess."

   Zhuo Yang: "..."

   "Hahaha..." Prince laughed and said, "Old Zhuo, you are a very interesting security captain. I like him."

   "If that's the case, what would we do?"

   Prince's laughter stopped abruptly: What logic is this?


"Shut up." Zhuo Yang drank Brent and said to Prince: "Let's do it. You obviously think that my skill is very different from yours,...No, don't be polite. Just ask, if you and Rooney How long will it take to knock him out?"

   "Hehe, it should not exceed 30 seconds."

  Rooney: "This can't be..."

   "I use 20 seconds." Zhuo Yang said: "I will let him lie down within 20 seconds."

  Rooney: "..."

  Prince: "It's not difficult to just lie down, I know you can wrestle a little. This one is better than me, I can only boxing."

   "No, no, I don't need to fall, in fact, I can make him fall within 20 seconds without any contact."

   "Oh?" Pu boxing king is obviously interested: "What are you going to do?"

   "I will prove it to you. If I do, will you fight me?"

   Brent took out his cell phone: "I will report to the princess now."

   ‘Wow—’, Zhuo Yang snatched his hand and snatched the phone. Then while Brent stepped up in a daze, his left foot hooked his right ankle and pulled up, forcing Brent to open his hips, then withdrew his left foot and stepped on the bend of his left leg behind him.

   ‘Oh~’, the sturdy former French special forces crouched to the ground, and Zhuo Yang pointed at him with hatred of iron.

   Prince's eyes lit up. Zhuo Yang's hook and step action is very clever, and the action is very understatement. However, Pu Boxing Wang believes that he will not be easily succeeded by Zhuo Yang if he is replaced by himself.

   Although the boxer does not attack with his legs, he is very particular about the movement and stability of the bottom plate. Secondly, Brent obviously didn't have the consciousness to guard against Zhuo Yang, and was considered a sneak attack.

   temporarily deprived Brent of the right to make a small report, Zhuo Yang no longer talked about it, and there was no need to discuss with Prince.

   "Wayne, hurry up to warm up, I'm in a hurry. Don't warm up for too long, two or three minutes is enough, anyway, only 20 seconds."

   Rooney is really angry: "Zhuo Yang, UU reading is too crazy."

   "Hehe, you and I can still open up a stance on the court and play for 90 minutes. Well, 20 seconds is your limit."

   Rooney is a violent temper. How can he stand such a ridicule, Zhuo Yang can blow his head quickly with a few words.

   "Zhuo Yang, you will regret it. I will knock you out in 20 seconds."

   "Hehe, then don't talk nonsense, and hurry up to warm up."

   "Heat your body and start directly."

   "Wayne, I'm doing it for you, don't hurt yourself."

   "No need."

   took off the amateur boxing gloves from the wall and put them on. Zhuo Yang also put on his own special fighting gloves, and the two of them prepared to practice in the spacious living room of Rooney's house.

   Old boxing champion Mark Prince smiled and looked at the two of them bickering, and shook his head from time to time.

   Brent Wilder seems to have noticed the call, but he obviously hasn't forgotten his responsibilities, sneaking from behind Zhuo Yang to touch the phone on the Bogu shelf.

   "Mark, trouble you to time it." Zhuo Yang said, "20 seconds."

  Mark: "Okay."

   With the start of Pu Boxing King, Rooney couldn't wait for the small jump to approach, and his left hand jabbed through the air.


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