Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 693: Lao Jianghu vigorously 1 stoke

"Matthew, kick the midfielder." After saying this, Zhuo Yang didn't know what to tell.


   Zhuo Yang can't be the head coach. He used to think he could, but his ambition was not there. I am a great piano master, who is rare to grab a meal with your stinky coach.


   has repeatedly passed the head coach on the court to direct the adjustment of his teammates, and it has been effective, and his teammates have also convinced him. At that time, Zhuo Yang thought that being a head coach was so simple and there was nothing mysterious about it.


   But then he gradually understood that such game adjustments are just tactics in the tactics, it is the simplest partial change, and far from the tactics of strategic tactics.


   And when he is commanding ultra vires on the field, one thing is very important-Zhuo Yang is on the field. This is the basis for several adjustments to be effective. If he does go to be the head coach without him on the court, it is estimated that he will be nonsense in all likelihood.


   This is also an important reason why many offensive talents are not necessarily able to do well after they switch to coaching. It is not the truth to kick and to teach.


   Do one line and love one line. Only when you love one line do one line. Only by relying on love to delve into it, and God will reward you again, can you really do this line well.


   Whether he has the talent to be a head coach is unknown, but Zhuo Yang is obviously not very keen, which is destined to be unable to serve this bowl of rice in the future.


   Zhuo Yang was unable to give more detailed instructions to Debuxi at this time because so far, Laogua’s tactics formulated before the game are not problematic. Looking at this game alone, after fully suppressing Liverpool, the 1:1 score was unfair, but the tactics were successful.


   Debich and Fei Niao have different characteristics and abilities. He summons De Bihi only because he is a trusted buddy, not because he can seamlessly replace Fei Niao.


   "You... kick it by yourself."


   "Okay, don't worry." Debuxi nodded and replied.


   Debich hasn't mixed up very well recently. After coming on loan from the winter window last season, Guardiola mainly used him to replace Sarnia at right back and run Yaya Toure in midfield. He also performed very well.


   But with Kyle Walker quickly adapting this season, Manchester City midfielder Fedingxi has solidified his class, and Debuich's game opportunities are not as many as last season.


  Especially after the fight with Edson, everyone didn't say anything, but his previous two devils' habits were even more calmly disgusted by his teammates. He also felt that he was ashamed of Zhuo Yang. When the old revolution met with new pressure, the performance in a few games was unsatisfactory.


   How fierce the Manchester City competition is this season, since then Laogua has given him fewer opportunities.


   In fact, football and martial arts are very similar. They are both naked and powerful. Being sleek or doggy might make you prosperous for a while, but if you want to be truly respected, you still have to rely on your own hard power.


   Manchester City had a thrilling journey last season, and finally won the Champions League with an unexpected victory over Real Madrid, but Debusch lost the qualification to register for the Manchester City Champions League because he played in Bordeaux in the first half of the season, so the championship last season has nothing to do with him.


   If you have no credit, you must keep a low profile. Look at how low-key Walker and B Xi are. After all, everyone is slandering the Debich two devils and pretending to be because he did not show the strength of the two devils under Zhuo Yang in Manchester City.


   But if you want to quantify all the ability items, it is difficult to say whether Debuich's overall score will be lower than Fei Niao.


   With the characteristics of Debuich, according to Guardiola's definition of passing midfielder, Manchester City is actually no waistline on the field.


   The first thing he did after the Derby debut was to completely shut down Chamberlain, who always wanted to do things in the middle. He doesn't have the ability to grab and cover the bird, but he is much more powerful in personal marking. Chamberlain dared to enter the 40-meter midfield of the frontcourt, and Debuich could make him unable to get the ball.


   Detu and Dum were completely suppressed by Ding Xijing. It is difficult to provide the offensive source for the Trident in the front court. Liverpool can only expect them to mix up on their own, and then Chamberlain's halberd will support them. Zhang Juzheng's role in Liverpool is actually more important than the former Kuniao.

   But when it was gone, it was gone. Chamberlain disappeared from the field, and Uncle Zha resolutely adjusted.


   Can't replace Chamberlain, and even less complacent if he replaces him, Uncle Zha used Manchester City's old Milner to replace center forward Firmino.


   Under the fierce offensive firepower of Manchester City, Fimi lost its role earlier than Chamberlain. The only role of the stub was to continuously retreat to help the midfield defense.


   In that case, it is better to add an interceptor in the midfield to make the midfield defense more solid.


  The most important thing for Liverpool now is not to score goals, but not to let Manchester City score.


   In the 61st minute, Liverpool adjusted the substitutions for the first time. When Milner came on the field, Blue Moon was in no mood to give him courtesy applause.


   James Milner played for Manchester City as a left-winger for five years. After his old age, he went to Liverpool and was transformed into an outstanding left-back by Uncle Slag.


With the growth of the Scot Robertson this season, the 32-year-old Milner was again taken as a midfield defensive general by Uncle Zack, filling the vacancy behind the butcher, Henderson, and Dum. His ranking is even higher than Emre. Zhan.


  Milner and Debuich’s experience and styles are quite similar, but they are in different order. In terms of ability, Debuich is more technical, and Milner is a bit more masculine.


   In the 67th minute, the score was still 1:1, and time became increasingly unfavorable for Manchester City.


   Liverpool's counterattack failed, Stones took the ball to the midfielder.


   Debuich can also be the midfielder's shot point. His overall view and timing are still very good. In the front court, these masters ran in their respective positions, depending on whom he rewarded for the pass.


   It must be Zhuo Yang's.


   Zhuo Yang took the ball on the left to break through, and after crossing Ding Ding, he knocked the football back twice and hit the wall. The wall is the lingering butcher.


   Tintin handled the ball very decisively, and he smashed it back without delay, just to bypass the blockade of Master Tu.


   but Zhuo Yang missed it, because from the corner of his eye he saw the right Debich inserted into the ribs at high speed.


   Debuich suddenly became very distressed, he stabbed to the penalty area line, and then stabbed again, regardless of the crowds in front of him. UU Reading


   And this stabbed very big, the football shot straight to the bottom line, even if no one cares, he can't catch up.


   As long as you don't stretch your legs, Debuich is a club this time.


   But Milner stretched his legs, he couldn't help sending a few.


   Two steps in the penalty area, Debuxi didn't hesitate to hang on Milner's leg and fell into a crunch, and the football went out of the bottom line as promised.


  Raos’ whistle blew, penalty kick.


   Obviously, Debuich was purely looking for a penalty this time, and had no intention of breaking through. As a result, Milner became a stick.


   Speaking of old treacherous and cunning, 33-year-old Debich is standing here, Milner can't, Ding Xijing hot b can't, and Zhuo Yang can compare with him when he was shameless.


  Milner gritted his teeth with anger. Just now, he and Dum and Robertson were blocked in front of Debuich, and they thought he was going to cross Zhuo Yang or divide Silva.


  Dum and Robertson were both unresponsive, and Robertson was also pierced by Debuich's kick. But at this moment, dullness is a blessing.


   Zhuo Yang pulled Derby from the ground, hugged him, and clapped his hands vigorously to cheer his teammates. The penalty hasn't been kicked yet, but everyone counts the goal.


   Unsurprisingly, Zhuo Yang volleyed a dead corner on the left bottom that Carrius was not good at, 2:1, with a total score of 3:5. Manchester City still need to play two more to have a chance.

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