Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 681: Whose personal ability

Passing and controlling is a very advanced and fashionable football, but thinking that passing and controlling can solve all the problems of football is obviously a typical idealistic mistake.


   Transmission control is an outstanding branch of the entire modern football control theory. It is an improvement and correction of the ‘formation-only theory’ of the past few decades.


   pays more attention to the formation, and the position of the players is more blurred. Every player is required to be able to p2p, and everyone can both attack and defend.


Liverpool can be either 4-3-3 or 4-5-1. After surrendering possession, the five-man midfielder with Detu and Henderson as the defensive core is within the 40-meter line of the half. Cut the Manchester City double midfielder Fei Niao and Tintin.


  Ding Ding and Fei Niao are both very good players, but their midfield pass rate has been severely curbed, and they have lost the electronic communication level with their front-end teammates. They can only rely on old letters.


   Gundogan, as one of the broken flags, lost its role. He could only find inspiration by constantly pulling the sides. As for the most important wing, because Sane and Walker were in a state of confusion, Arnold had to run into the middle.


   After the score was behind, Manchester City's ball possession rate continued to rise, but most of them were inefficient back and forth and did not form a substantial threat to Liverpool.


  At a critical time, the player's personal ability is the real weapon to break the game.


   In the 14th minute, Zhuo Yang retreated to catch the ball and was double-teamed by Henderson and Mane from behind.


   pretended to want to find Ding Ding's transition, but turned his ankle, glued the football to the arch of the foot, turned the ball 180° on the spot, and drove the ball directly between the two who were completely unexpected.


   In an instant, Manchester City counterattacked like beans.


   Arnold put a shovel on the side, and Zhuo Yang, who was lifting his speed, pulled the fried meatballs and drove the ball to the right rib of Liverpool's defense line.


   There are no more ribs, the two central defenders Lovren and Van Dyke threw their positions and blocked Zhuo Yang, and De Tu also came up from the side.


   There is nothing to hesitate, Zhuo Yang swept the ball to pass the top of the arc.


   Sane is in place, Robertson can only drop Silva to make up. If Sane passes Silva again, it would be a very good choice, and he can directly challenge Karius.


   But it's okay to hit the door directly. As a shooter, it's not a shame to pursue it.


   But whether it's passing or shooting, you can't hesitate, decisiveness is the first element.


   Ke Sane made a difficult time at this time, maybe only 0.5 seconds, but it was enough to block Robertson before his eyes. As a result, Sane forced another shot and the football almost flew from Anfield to Goodison Park.


   Zhuo Yang Xian did not spit out a mouthful of old blood, Detu comforted him falsely: "Master Zhuo, you should shoot yourself."


   Zhuo Yang said angrily: "If your dog didn't come up just now, who wouldn't be shameless."


   "Ang~~Angang~~" Tu Ye let out a happy laugh.


   I don’t know why. Recently, De Tu laughed like a donkey and barked.


   The wise Zhuo Yang took his wife to South Africa to see the penguins. This has become a joke of the brothers, and it is spreading.


   Van Dijk said sincerely: "Brother Tu, the friendship between your brothers is really enviable."


   "That must be." De Tu is never humble on this. "My diamond business plane is the nine seats you took last time. It was given by your brother Zhuo. He gave us all of us."


   "Fuck me..."


   Van Dyke also has a few football-facilitated little brothers. He is going to find time to torture one by one to extract confessions, so that they can admit that they are hidden rich people who have been hiding.



  At a critical time, the player's personal ability is the real weapon to break the game.


   In the 20th minute, Salah and De Tu cooperated on the left side of the frontcourt. No one dared to let them do things. Five players including Zhuo Yang and Fei Niao immediately formed an encirclement to them.


   What a Detu, he didn't hurriedly signaled Salahkong to cut the bottom. After moving around in the crowd, he suddenly sent a pass to the top of the arc with eyes long behind his head.


  A mellow old man, once deceived, he will deceive the whole world and deceive the dead without paying for his life.


   Chamberlain stepped to let the ball come, and at the same time he completed his turn.


  Alex Chamberlain hasn't completely lost the stage name of "Zhang Jiu Ling", but now he has the nickname "Zhang Man Yu".


   This name comes from the match where Liverpool beat Manchester City 4:3 three months ago. In the 9th minute, Chamberlain broke the deadlock with a violent and aesthetic long shot on the left rib.


   He is a halberd, and when he met Manchester City, he came to the world wave.


   At this moment, Chamberlain once again faced Manchester City's goal from a distance of 29 meters.


   In fact, Manchester City is not free at the top of the arc at the moment. Walker has returned to the defense and he is between Chamberlain and the goal. There are Sane and Tintin, one left and the other right beside Chamberlain.


   It's a pity that the three of them are all three meters away from Chamberlain, and they can't immediately block them.


   Zhang Man met suddenly and decisively. After turning around, he didn't delay even a millisecond.


   is another world wave! It's violent aesthetics again.


   The angle was very tricky, and he directly blasted into the side net. Edson pounced, but he couldn't afford to provoke him, 2:0.


   Is Sane worse than Chamberlain? Obviously not, but Chamberlain is enough to teach Sane today when the opportunity of almost the same situation arises. Zhang Manyu's elegant name can sit down.




   Two goals behind, trouble.


   The fault tolerance rate of the Champions League match is much lower than that of the league. UU reading back to home with a two-goal disadvantage will be a heartbreaking entanglement.


   Actually, there is no need to wait until the next game. Now Manchester City is very entangled.


   0:2 is not the most uncomfortable. When Liverpool have seven or eight players occupying the Moments of Friends sports list today, 0:2 is the most terrifying.


It was also the first half three months ago. Manchester City was behind 0:2 and tried to regain it. However, it was directly torn apart by the Liverpool Wolves tactics like the Biaozi. They lost three goals in a dozen minutes and scored. Rush directly to 0:4.


   Do you think Liverpool can't do it today? If the tragedy repeats itself, there will be no more than a dozen points advantage for Manchester City in the Champions League.


   Zhuo Yang went to see Guardiola, hoping to get tactical instructions, but the old guy was obviously still in the details at this time, he dragged Laporte and kept talking about something, but did not see Zhuo Yang.


   Four days ago, Laporte was appointed as the left-back. His performance was quite satisfactory. The old man insisted on using him to play one side today, aiming at Salah who is mainly rampant in this half.


   It is true that in the first 20 minutes, Liverpool’s most active player was Salah, which disturbed half of Manchester City’s horror. The Egyptians are in very good shape today.


   Without Guardiola's tricks, Manchester City's tactics seemed a little messy. The attack group headed by Zhuo Yang wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack and pull one back, but the defense led by Lao Kong wanted to temporarily stabilize the position.


  The masters are facing each other, and they must not be false or sloppy.

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