Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 635: Magic Master Crazy Brother

The reason why Ivo Pogleric is called the "Voldemort of the Piano" stems from a very vivid answer to "Should a beginner play loyal to the score".


   Beginners are like students at Hogwarts. The spells must be pronounced accurately for magic to appear. But you still have your own voice and mana, just like you play a music score, the music will still have your personality.


   mantras have a main paragraph and a sub-sentence, just like a building has foundation stones and decorations. The master can change the pattern, but will not shake the pillars, and art always has unlimited possibilities.


   "Since the possibilities are infinite, in the world of music, I will also see Voldemort?"


   "Yes. One day, you will hear Poglerich playing."




   In terms of playing skills, Bogo is already impeccable. At this level, if you only talk about techniques, it is craftsmanship. The key is to see the performer's understanding of the music.


  What is understanding? It's actually the emotion you feel.


   "Zhuo Yang's Magical Dreamland" opens the first song, which is the key to the entire magical romanticism-"Magic Code".


   This is a prelude to praise love and fight against suffering, and immortality in the fire, but Poglaeric conveys the profound and extraordinary tranquility and peace in the suffering.


a thousand reader with a thousand hamurate. In fact, you don't need to understand classical music, nor do you need to listen to other people's explanations.


  Don't use literary and artistic methods to explain music. Music is the art of hearing. Feeling the beauty of pure hearing is the most important way of appreciation.


   "Sonata No. 14: First Movement", starting from the first note, Pogleridge's inner great power seems to be gushing out. The pedal processing in the song also behaves more decisively, as if to turn the music into fragments.


   A feeling that is sometimes tender but broken, sometimes struggling and cruel is revealed from the music. Perhaps Boge wanted to tear off the skin and remind people of what kind of expressions Zhuo Yang used to look like when he was composing these tracks.


The concert attracted the attention of the world’s classical music circles, with Ali Vardi, Carl Norman, Maurizio Polini, Maria Joao Pires, Uta Viande, Stanislav Youdanich, Louis Kentner, etc., these former teachers and present colleagues, they all came in person.


There are also Zubin Mehta, Ricardo Muti, Marta Argerich and many heavyweights in the industry, and of course Mark Winst, Elena Grimaud, Sean Chap Friends like Man and Warner Saroyan.


   Angelica Giannini, Andrea Morteni, and Judy Aouguila are three new young pianists who are Zhuo Yang’s best students.


   Zhuo Yang’s family will never be absent. Kou Kou frowns from time to time, sometimes with a frightened expression.


   It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the ideological connotation that classical music wants to express, because music is an emotional art.


   Feel the indescribable indescribable nature of the pure heart, the unspeakable subtlety, and the most important way of music appreciation that touches your momentary emotions.


  Music has never had a standard answer. It can move you and cause fluctuations in your heart. It is a good piece of music, and the emotions it brings are your standard answer.


   Classical music is much more complicated than pop music. At first glance, it seems not only incomprehensible, but also difficult to listen to.


  The rhythm of pop music is fixed. Four or four beats are four or four beats, and four or three is four or three. Classical music is full of variations and polyphony, and the rhythm is jumping and changing at any time.


   Everyone has their own aesthetic principles, but one thing is absolutely common: simple things are easy to get tired, and complex ones are more niche, but deeper, and have a longer life force.

   Everyone's aesthetics will change with age, rich life experience, and emotional precipitation, that is to say, people's aesthetic threshold will gradually become higher.


It’s like a laugh. At the beginning, “there was a donkey” can make people laugh out of breath, but after watching too many jokes, the small video is full, and then the rabbit can learn how to call a donkey, but also scratch at all Not your laugh.


   When people’s aesthetic threshold is raised, and to a certain extent, it will naturally move from online literature to traditional literature, from popular music to light music to classical music.


   What should I do if I’m not used to listening? Listen more to get used to it.




  Real pianists dislike the same imitative performance. However, when the musicians break the restrictions, people feel scared and refuse to accept it.


   Boge is not mad and is not alive, he has jumped to the extreme, but his extreme and performance personality is indeed very suitable for interpretation of magical romanticism.


   Only Zhuo Yang's magical movement can convince him such an unruly genius.


Bogo told the media: “If a Martian comes to our planet, he wants to explore the planet’s deepest culture with curiosity, and wants to bring back the highest honor of our culture and the best reflection of human research results. Rare treasure, I will recommend Zhuo Yang’s 22 piano songs to him without hesitation."


Zhuo Yang said: "Ivo's performance is not sentimental, but brilliant. The tragic fragments in the first and fourth movements, the ominous, complex and changeable scherzo movements, and the focused broad-board movements have been achieved. Balance. In the wide board, time seems to have stopped. His performance made me hold my breath."


The last piece of the concert, "Rhapsody No.17·Fourth Movement", Bogo used incredible slow speed, deep breath, oppressive music tension, and seemed to place every note under a magnifying glass. , Which greatly shocked the audience in the Palatine Opera House.


   When the last bass roar fell, UU Reading Poglerich broke the piano string.


   is really a ‘heavyweight’ master. This arm strength, this strength, this vigorous penetrating power, practicing'Nine Yin White Bone Grasp' is definitely a good hand.


   In the shocking silence of the audience, Zhuo Yang, who was sitting in the first row, stood up and applauded, and then the audience thundered in applause.


   "Zhuo Yang's Magical Dreamland" was a huge success.


   Before today, Zhuo Yang is the piano master, after today, he is the master.


   In 2018, Hanyin University, Miyin Academy, Bayin Academy, Royal Horse Music and Royal Beiyin successively added courses on the style of magical romanticism in their respective piano departments.


   Since then, many music schools around the world have followed up.


   He declined the proposal of five music schools to hold the ‘Zhuo Yang Piano Competition’. It's too early, I'm still young, wait a minute.


   Bogo has the ‘Pogleridge Piano Competition’ that belongs to his name. It was first held in 1993 at the Palatine Opera House in London. At that time, the first place was Chen Yuxiang, a female pianist from Daiwan, who was hailed as the'Pride of Treasure Island'.


   "Zhuo Yang's Magical Dreamland" came to an end. After a day in London with his colleagues in the classical music industry, Zhuo Yang returned to Manchester and the world of football.


   He is complete, but Manchester City is not complete. In the 26th round of the Premier League match at the same time as the concert, Manchester City was tied 1:1 by Burnley away.

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