Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 627: 1 make-up match for Swansea

After the 23rd round of the Premier League, the scalp tingling'Christmas and New Year schedule' finally got a breath.

  This ‘a trace’ is because there is no match in the middle of the week, and the powers can finally fix the time for a week.

   Just like the ‘996’ workers all the year round, occasionally leaving get off work and weekends on time will give rise to a sense of happiness.

   But such a small happiness belongs to others, Manchester City have no part, they must play in the middle of the week because of the Club World Cup, which was postponed for the 17th round.

   Swansea have no part, because they are Manchester City's make-up opponents.

   ‘Swan Sea’ Swansea played stinky this season. The first fourteen rounds only won the Crystal Palace and the newly promoted Maha Town, and then the bottom of the points from the 15th round has been up until now.

   At Christmas, Paul Clement, who took office with a high profile at the beginning of last year and led Swansea to relegation last season, dismissed get out of class. It was the ‘Old Iron’ assistant who followed Ancelotti all the way from Chelsea to Paris, and then from Real Madrid to Bayern.

   This is the third consecutive year that Swansea has released an employer coach at the end of the year. Two days after Clemente left office, 52-year-old Portuguese coach Carlos Carvajal became Swansea's new coach.

   Carvajal has a rich coaching resume. Swansea is already the 14th team he has coached. This also shows that he is not a celebrity coach. How can a celebrity coach change jobs so often.

   Carvajal also just finished class, and got a job and got promoted. He brought the veteran champion of the British Championship, who was almost promoted last season, into the lower half of the standings on Wednesday and was fired on Christmas.

   What is the coaching change of Swansea Club this time? Maybe I just want to change hands like a knife.

   Old Iron Clemente left get out of class. According to his previous habits, he should go to Ancelotti again. After he left get out of class in Derby County in early 2016, he went to Bayern.

   But now An Pang himself is still in middle age, which leaves Clemente nowhere to invest. However, he heard that Reading's head coach was unstable, so he took the initiative to post it.

  The head coach of Reading is Stam, that's Stam.

After Carlos Carvajal took office, Swansea had 4 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses. It was a good deal, but the pit dug in front of the old iron was too deep. Swansea was still at the bottom, and it was ranked last. The second West Brom was 5 points less.

   Of course, they missed one round and made it up today.

   Just three days ago, he experienced a very exhausting battle and added the new injury number of Delph. He was kicked by Firmino in the game against Liverpool and injured his ankle ligament. It is expected that he will need to rest for at least one month.

   But Manchester City's deep bench advantage is now reflected. Compared with three days ago, Guardiola calmly replaced five starters.

   Goalkeeper Edson, central defender Stones and Otamendi, these three defenders can't be replaced, and the old guy can only hire people again.

   Anfield was scolded by Zhuo Yang on the court. After coming down, the three immediately apologized to the team with a very sincere attitude. What else can I do? Everyone naturally chooses to forgive myself.

   Right back Walker and midfielder Fei Niao belong to physical lunatics, and they had planned adjustments before, and now it is a bit redundant to take a three-day break before the game.

   Captain Zhuo Yang also started, he said to Guardiola that he couldn't stand it.

  Only mixed four-foot shots against Liverpool and was blocked by the old brother De Tuo three times. How can he not be embarrassed?

   Tuye did not fall well either. He strained his thigh at the end of the game and had to rest for three weeks after the diagnosis. In the same room, the brothers fought against the wall, making the entire Premier League hooked.

   Left back Zinchenko. In fact, today's strong and weak match is more suitable for Danilo, but Lao Gua really hates his invisible sinkhole attributes.

   and Zhuo Yang partnered with the Trident in the B seat and Sane. These two had been on the bench in the last 20 minutes three days ago, and they also had a lot of strength and did not vent enough.

Most importantly, De Bruyne and David Silva made a comeback together. The two midfielders of Blue Moon made the start together. The well-known "Feding Xi" finally got a straight and refreshed. Thrilling free court.

   Tintin is coming back from injury, in fact, he could come back three days ago, he was suffocated by Guardiola until now.

Silva's premature son Mateo has passed the most dangerous stage. Although he needs to stay in the hospital again because of his frail nature, his little life is saved, and the rest is to grow up slowly. .

   girlfriend Jessica also survived postoperative complications, and now she has no other problems except for a slight postpartum depression.

   After playing the Club World Cup, he rushed back to take care of his family. David Silva was absent for a whole month. In fact, he called back twice to ask Lao Gu if he would come back to help him, but he was persuaded by Lao Gu. Family talent is the most important thing.

   Men work hard outside to make money, not just for their wives and children. Of course, except for Zhuo Yang, he is a soft meal.

   The team lost to Liverpool, Silva did not call again, and returned directly to the team the next day. When he comes back, he will bury his head and practice hard for three days, and if he is so hard that he will not let him go to the old man, he will feel very mean.


   Zhuo Yang is stunned, Silva and Tintin are also stunned, Manchester City are all stunned.

   In a battle against Liverpool, Manchester City had only 11 shots on goal, while Liverpool had 19 shots. It is one of the few games that Manchester City has been suppressed by their opponents on this data.

   But in the last twenty minutes of Anfield, Manchester City had the advantage of shooting 6:4. Zhuo Yang first returned to the defense to stabilize the military spirit, and led a counterattack after returning to the front line, successfully restoring the team's morale.

   Although the final score was lost 3:4, all Manchester City players believe that even if there are 10 minutes of the game, they can definitely equalize or even reverse Liverpool.

   But time is a ruthless executioner after all, and Manchester City was almost suffocated by its abrupt end.

   Sai Weng loses his horse, Sai Weng is very busy. A 3:4 defeat did not become Manchester City's Waterloo, but even more inspired the team's courage.

   Winning streak is the driving force, UU reading www.uukānshu. com is also a huge pressure, and now the power is still there, but the heavy burden is still removed.

   Swansea was also unlucky. After the coaching change, his record finally improved. After a draw with Newcastle three days ago, he turned around and met Manchester City, who was looking for a place.

   After playing this game, the next four days will be Liverpool, who has just finished with Manchester City. Fairies fight, who did Swansea provoke?

   The Premier League teams have an arms race every season, to varying degrees. Swansea just failed to get results in the transfer operation last summer, thus continuing the fate of the relegation favorite.

Renato Sanchez, the 2016 European golden boy on loan from Bayern, and Timi Abraham, who performed well in Bristol City on loan from Chelsea last season, bought from Manchester City for 12 million and was very good in Stoke City. Center Bonnie.

   But Sanchez felt resentful because he only saw Manchester United, Paris, Chelsea, and being loaned to Swansea made him feel humiliated. He has never played well with emotions, and now it is very difficult for him to even make the big squad.

   Abraham didn't have the bravery he had in the Championship last season, and he is still a glass body. This season, he has more rest than played.

   Boni is purely renting a fairy, but if he is rented out, it is a good green onion, but after being completely bought out by Swansea, letting him kick the starter is to hit himself in the face.

   The three major heavyweight signings on the striker have turned into three waste woods, which is somewhat of the former coach Clement's pot.

   Zhuo Yang, who has tied the '21 streak', led his team to the free court. The whole world is waiting to see him set a new record.

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