Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 615: Are you okay?

It is inevitable that John Stones was a little confused when he was hit in the face by the ball.

But being foolish is not the same as being foolish, and the person who should be foolish will arrive as promised without having to hit the ball in the face.

Eliaquim Mangala knew that Guardiola disliked him for not controlling the ball at his feet and not passing the ball forward, but Mangala didn't say anything, but he was not convinced.

He feels that he is just a little bit inferior in this respect, absolutely not to the point of nothing, but the old guy is too demanding and refuses to give him the privilege of holding the ball in the game.

In other games, the Premier League and the Champions League, Mangala did not dare to fool around easily, but he did not pay attention to a team that was beaten in the English Championship.

After being cautious about halftime, Mangala decided to give it a try and let Guardiola see if he had any life under his feet.

In the early years when Mangala was in the standard Liege youth training, he played as a forward, and it was his agent Michael Baker who advised him to change to a defender. Baker was also Ballack's agent that year, and he has a very good relationship with Chelsea.

In the summer of 2010, central defender Mangala was close to Chelsea infinitely, but it was one of the two choices at the time. My car coach, An Pang, naturally prefers Ponpon Luis.

That time he failed to become Chelsea, Mangala was very disappointed. After arriving in Porto the next year, he changed his agent and replaced it with the famous Portuguese broker Mendes, the one of Ronaldo and Di Maria.

Pei Gong Pellegrini's agent is also Mendes, so Mangala came to Manchester City where Pei Gong coached in 2014.


In the 44th minute, Bristol City's counterattack was blocked by Manchester City's midfielder, the football passed back to the back line, Stones received the ball, and Mangala pulled the side to respond.

The robin receded like a tide, and Stones pushed Mangala.

Gone. Mangala knew that the opposing winger Brownhill was coming, but he still aimed confidently towards the front, wondering if he would give a Pirlo-style pass to show it.

Brownhill said in his heart: Who the **** do you look down on?

Mangala didn't panic at all, and he would throw away the unknown person with a touch of the side. Unexpectedly, Brownhill's speed of 176 was much faster than him, and more flexible than him. He was robbed without the slightest slowdown or change of direction.

Mangala panicked, and chased Brown Hill to fight back. As a result, he was suddenly stopped outside the corner of the penalty area by Gakruyff and turned around, which made him feel bad.

Pushing towards the middle, Reid slid into the restricted area with a stroke of his side.

Forcing Stones to put a shovel behind him, the shovel made Reed roll around.

Bobby Reid is of Jamaican descent. He is 169 so fast. It is quite difficult for Stones to shovel out even if he is so caught off guard.

The referee Taylor's whistle sounded and Stones yellowed the set.

Stones Pit, Stones Pit, Stones Pit End Mangala Pit...

Stones was pitted by Mangala.

Although we have Zhuo Yang's penalty kick bug, we can't pit our teammates like this. Mangala knew that he was wrong, and his face became darker, so dark that my face turned into a nonsense.

Reid is the Robin's top scorer, he personally came to take the penalty kick.

At this moment, for a shooter of his level, it is only natural that he can't make a free throw, and he has made a free throw to become famous. What else do we need to worry about? Just pay attention to the blood.

Since Bravo became a dead substitute this season, he is no longer a ‘shoot right and die’. He saved Bristol City’s counter-attack shot in the first half.

The 35-year-old Manchester City's first veteran has a very relaxed mentality.


Reid was very confident, but he owed a bit of footwork and did not catch up to the dead corner. The football was touched by Bravo's finger and hit the right post and then ejected.

Manchester City has a plan, and Bristol City also has it. In an instant, people from both sides rushed to make up for it.

Delph was the fastest, faster than Reid, who was upset for a moment.

But perhaps because he thought it was a low level to open the bottom line and give the opponent a corner kick, Delph took a step diagonally and then turned and drove towards the front side of the court.

The Mangala pit ends the Delph pit.

The ball hit Corey Smith and bounced back into the crowd. Jamie Patterson opened the bow and shot it, and then shot it on Zhuo Yang's leg.

It's a mess.

Delph pit finished the Mangala pit.

Mangala stretched his leg and then relieved,...there was a defect.

The football weirdly passed through the crowds and landed in front of the relatively lonely Reid, and he was in the small restricted area in front of the goal.

Without a word, Bravo didn't know where the ball was.

1:0, Bristol City took the lead.

Zhuo Yang rubbed his head vigorously, he felt that he had a concussion.


"Zhuo Jue, are you okay?"

"Never ask if a man is okay."

Manchester City shot 13 times in the first half, and Zhuo Yang took 6 of them. Whether it will work or not, only he knows.

Manchester City's game state is indeed not very good, Zhuo Yang is no exception. At this point in the season, it has also reached an adjustment period for Manchester City as a whole.

Bristol City is indeed not very strong, but they are very happy, this excitement is enough to raise the level of competition to 120% of the original. The extra 20% may be the gap between the British Championship and the Premier League.

Guardiola didn't get angry during the intermission because he didn't care about the loss. On the contrary, it proved Mangala's pit attributes at a critical time and made him firm in his determination to introduce a central defender.

It's good to buy one, how bad can it be worse than Mangala?

As for the game, what if you lose? In another round, he did not believe that Bristol City could be upset in both games and 120% in both games.

There is no substitution, because Guardiola is not in a hurry, because he actually thinks Zhuo Yang is okay.

Little Johnson felt better. During the intermission, he emphasized that he must be more determined to retreat in the second half. Once offensive and defensive changes, he must immediately retreat to the end in the first time.

He doesn't want to not follow the tactical trend of on-the-spot press, but he knows that there is a gap between the team and Manchester City in terms of hard power.

But full-speed contraction also has obvious disadvantages.

In the 55th minute, Bristol City counterattacked to no avail, Stones took the ball to Zhuo Yang who returned to the penalty area.

Then, the whole field started the race, Manchester City ran forward and Bristol City ran backward.

Zhuo Yang took the ball and strode the meteor, UU read www.uukanshu. No one from com slowed his pace, and his opponents were desperately retreating home.

In this case, even if you withdrew to your nest in time, the formation is scattered.

Zhuo Yang took the ball to the opponent's penalty area in one breath, and then a guard hurriedly stopped him. There was no nonsense, and there was no extra effort, Zhuo Yang saw Jing Duoan brushing down his side.

When Mr. Jing hit the ball to the bottom line in the penalty area, Bristol City's defense was already in chaos.

Back in the inverted triangle, Zhuo Yang's side was as empty as a brokenhearted love.

Such a quiet shooting opportunity for such a long time is rare for a veteran shooter of the heavenly king level, and failure to shoot in is enough to become a scandal.

It is impossible to be happy, Zhuo Yang is not Sterling.

For the goalkeeper Frank Fielding, who has been in the Premier League team Blackburn for five years but never played a Premier League game, this is the first time he has faced a legendary shooter in his career.

Fielding said heartily: I feel like a fire today.

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