Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 612: The thermos chrysanthemum is cold

Fans who like to watch the Premier League must have heard of the names of some teams that are still missing, such as Sheffield, Queens Garden Rangers, Charlton, Blackburn, Coventry, they are now struggling to live. Champions League, League One or League Two.

Of course, there is Nottingham Forest, in the British crown.

However, I believe that a considerable part of the fans learned about Nottingham Forest and Brian Clough coaches to a certain extent through the book "The Godfather of Champions" by the starting football **** Lin Hai Tingtao, because they have never been ups and downs in the Premier League. Go to the center of the stage.

Before Manchester United ruled England, the overlord was Liverpool. Nottingham Forest had never established its own era, but their greatness lies in the fact that in Liverpool's heyday, they were born to **** an old League One championship and win the Champions League again.

Forty years have passed since today, which is too long.

In 2005, Nottingham Forest dropped from the English Championship to the League One, becoming the only former Champions Cup champion in the history of European football to be dropped into the third division of the country.

Now Nottingham Forest is just a mediocre team that survives internal and external troubles in the British Championship, and there is currently no coach.

On the last day of last year, coach Mark Warburton was dismissed because of poor performance, and youth team coach Gary Brazier temporarily acted.

But this is the Nottingham Forest, which has been sluggish in the English Championship, but in the third round of the 2017-18 FA Cup, 4:2 eliminated Arsenal, who won three trophies in the past four years.

The "insulation cup" in Professor Wenger's hand was cold, the wolfberry was scattered, and the chrysanthemum withered.

The professor has coached Arsenal for 21 years, and this is the first time in 21 years that he has been out of the FA Cup in the third round. For the Premier League team, the third round is actually the first round, and Arsenal was beaten by Standard Chartered when they went out.

The last time Arsenal were out of the FA Cup so early, Wenger was still coaching the Nagoya Whales. At that time, the professor's hair was black and a little flowing.

Losing is not terrible, and an upset loss to a lower level is not the end of the world. What is terrible is that Nottingham Forest still occupies the advantage in the game, which makes people feel that Arsenal lost shamelessly.

Wenger is the coach who has won the most championships in the history of the FA Cup, leading Arsenal to seven championships. The establishment of Wenger's marshal halo, the 03-04 season undefeated wins accounted for 30%, seven FA Cups accounted for 30%, jokes accounted for 30%, and the remaining 10%.

Losing is not terrible, even if the defending champion loses to the scum of the British crown is not the end of the world. But a loss is four goals, Arsenal feel shameless.

The last time Arsenal were scored four goals by a low-level team in the FA Cup was against Hull City in 1908. At that time, China was still the Qing Dynasty.

Wenger's predecessor, Scot Bruce Rioch, also lost to Aston Villa in the third round of the FA Cup during the 1995-96 season.

After the end of the season, even though he led the team to fifth in the Premier League and had a UEFA Cup spot, Rioki was dismissed due to transfer fee budget issues.

Later, people said that Rioche’s only credit to Arsenal was that he bought Bergkamp from Inter Milan for a sky-high price of 7.5 million pounds.

One more thing, in 2008, the profile of coach Bruce Rioch was also placed on the desk of the Chinese Football Association and became a candidate for the coach of the National Football Association. He later went to the Aalborg club in Denmark.

I don't know if he is out from the third round again 21 years later, and the thermos cup is gone, Professor Wenger will think of Leoqi, who has long since retired.

汜豜汜. This is the biggest and even the only upset in this round of the FA Cup. The remaining Premier League teams either pass the barrier smoothly, or are unfortunately tied and need to play a second additional game.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Manchester City VS Burnley, another dialogue between the Premier League, Liverpool VS Everton.

The most expensive defender in football, the Dutchman Phil Gil van Dijk, played for Liverpool for the first time in this game and was the starter.

In the game, Van Dyke played fairly defensively, and Liverpool's overall state was also very ordinary. But in the 84th minute after the 1:1 tie, Van Dyke pushed Chamberlain's corner kick into the Everton goal, and Liverpool won 2:1 to advance to the top 32.

A goal was scored in the first show, and Van Dijk's at least a good omen in Liverpool.

Uncle Zha's new guard is in place, but what about Manchester City?

Barcelona will not sell Umtiti, let alone sell Neymar, not short of money, even if they are short of money, they will not sell.

Chiellini is not optimistic either. Jiaojiao is indeed a super-class central defender today, but he does not know whether he wants to leave Juventus or Serie A.

Jiaojiao's contract with Juventus expires next year and is currently in the process of renewing the contract. Maybe she wants to use Manchester City to add bargaining chips to herself.

And Jiaojiao is not young anymore. The 34-year-old veteran has never left Serie A before. If he is not used to coming to Manchester City, if his fame is ruined in the Premier League, who is it?

Now is different from before. In the past, the Italian classic central defender was reluctant to play abroad because of his pride in Serie A. Now the pride is basically gone, there is not much self-confidence left, and the big style of football has also undergone tremendous changes. It is the defenders produced in France and Spain that have become popular.

Chiellini really came to the Premier League. At his age, Manchester City and him are actually gambling.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Umtiti is not very old, just past 24 years old. And this year, in Barcelona's defensive system, there must be no problem adapting to Guardiola. But God knows if this will be his only peak year? Will it become a reverse crouching dragon and phoenix next year?

For Manchester City now, it is really harder for UU to buy a good defender than to have a baby at an advanced age.

The guard hasn't been bought yet, but a former meritorious veteran has completely left. After the winter window opened, Yaya Toure freely joined Olympiacos, Greece.

In the 2005-06 season, Toure moved from Donetsk Metallurgy to Olympiacos, where he went to Monaco after a year, and then went to Barcelona a year later, this time also equal to returning to his old club.

After his contract with Manchester City expired last summer, Toure did not get a contract extension. At that time, he was very unconvinced, so he wanted to find a home in the Premier League, hiding his desire to make Manchester City look good on the pitch. The goal was directed at BIG6 and the other five, even Chelsea and Manchester United were the first choice.

But until the transfer window was about to close, Toure finally knew that he was very stupid and naive, not to mention BIG6, BIG16 also couldn't talk about it.

Including contacting Barcelona and Monaco, Toure lowered the conditions, and expressed his willingness to start from the substitute, as long as a contract is enough.

Football is a utilitarian arena. If you want to talk about feelings, you must have absolutely irreplaceable strength. The transfer window closed, and Toure knew that the world was cold.

Mi He Mi. The 34-year-old is really going to be a waste of one year, it is better to retire directly, not everyone is called Zhuo Yang. In order to maintain the competitive state, Toure put down his figure and returned to the Manchester City training center to do basic training with the team.

It was not until the end of November that the Manchester City club learned from other sources that Toure had basically reached an agreement with Olympiacos, and only informed him that he needed to leave.

After that, I am afraid it will be difficult to return to the five major leagues. For four consecutive terms of African Footballer and one of the best stars in African history, Yaya Toure has actually embarked on the road to hermit.

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