Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Soldiers never tire of deceiving Newcastle

   Zhuo Yang looked at Jose Lu who was smiling, and couldn't think of him anymore.

   Going down during the intermission, Joselu took the initiative to call Zhuo Yang. I thought he wanted to find fault, and only slightly punished him ten minutes ago.

   Unexpectedly, Joselu said very easy-going: "Old Zhuo, let's exchange jerseys after the game."

   What you say is not the most important thing. The tone of speech is often more true than the content. Joselu's tone of this sentence is like a piggy scar and they said: slut, go and rub it later.

   Zhuo Yang was a little confused, and then casually replied: "Why?"

   Joselu is not disgusted. "Old Zhuo, it looks like you really don't remember me."

  'S words are still familiar, not self-familiar, it seems to be true.

   "Remember, of course, you are the one...the other..."

   "Hehe, I'm Joselu."

   "Yes, it's you, I remember who you and that...that's who..."

"Old Zhuo, you really forget things." Joselu still doesn't care: "At Real Madrid that year, we played the Copa del Rey against Málaga. After you scored, I ran a lap behind you. "

   In the first half of the 2011-12 season, Joselu trained with the first team many times and signed up for the Copa del Rey squad, but did not appear once.

   I am a little impressed.

   "Oh~~~" Zhuo Yang patted his forehead: "I'm sorry, brother, I'll just say why you are so familiar."

   Regardless of whether he was really familiar or not, but he reached out without hitting the smiley person, Zhuo Yang did not wait until the second half, took off his jersey while walking and gave it to Joselu, and also expressed a small apology for the behavior just now.

   "I didn't recognize it, don't mind."

   Joselu and Zhuo Yang are close together because they miss the days in Real Madrid. Although there was a little friction in the first half, he felt that Zhuo Yang's character was quite good.

   He was in Deportivo last season and he was close to Benzema when he was playing against Real Madrid. Uncle Guo only regarded him as the air, and he didn't care.

   I am afraid that people are better than people. With comparison, Joselu believes that Zhuo Yang, although his brand is huge, is more easy-going and sincere.

   Joselu is not innocent, but he has obviously not been beaten by society.


   Although Newcastle's overall strength is not good, Benitez's defensive skills are really not covered, or why Munirio has been watching him unpleasantly.

   Manchester City's possession rate has reached 80%, leaving Newcastle with 20% left in the top league is unimaginable, Mourinho dare not be so shameless, but Benitez has not even changed his face.

   But the score is always 1:0, Benitez is not in a hurry, but Guardiola is a bit in a hurry.

   He also hoped that Zhuo Yang would score as soon as possible, and secretly hoped that he would not score today.

   After scoring a goal, he can be replaced. Strategic nuclear weapons must be used sparingly, not to mention that the year is still so old.

   Today, Newcastle not only has a tight defense, but also a fierce defense. In case of another injury to the big animals, it will not be worthwhile.

However, Guardiola hopes that Zhuo Yang will not score a goal in the whole game today. After the killing streak is interrupted, he does not need to be persistent on this. If he does not play well in the future, he will not be able to challenge himself .

   So in the 66th minute, Aguero made up an empty goal but was ruled offside by Marina, Guardiola replaced him with Mangala and brought Fei Bird back to the midfield, in order to make the B seat prerequisite.

   Why not replace Zhuo Yang? Replace him without scoring a goal. To be honest, the old man dare not, but he didn't have the slightest entanglement with Aguero.

   This opportunity was earned by Manchester City's active anti-robbery in front of the Newcastle penalty area. Zhuo Yang and Sterling pressed on the spot, allowing Walker to pick up a leak in the ribs. After a cross pass, Tintin swung his leg in the arc for a long shot, and the football hit the post and bounced back.

   Aguero made up a shot, but made up for loneliness because of offside.

  Before this, Manchester City had four more threatening shots. If you are not threatening, let's not go into details. The total number of shots has been as high as 18, and Newcastle still only had the one shot by Alons in the first half.

   After 75 minutes of the game, Manchester City shot more than 20 times, of which Zhuo Yang accounted for 8 times. He also performed a long-range heel shot in the penalty area a minute ago, but it was resolved by Elliott.

   Benitez adjusted. The 26-year-old Ghanaian winger Christian Atsu replaced Alons. On the surface, this is a matchup substitution.

   In some respects, Benitez and Ancelotti are very similar, both are extremely good at making careful and detailed planning before the game, and tactics to the extreme. It is not their strong point to adapt to the situation on the spot.

  Master Bei counts as an exhaustive strategy. He judged that Manchester City, which was running on multiple fronts, was fighting to the half of the season, even if there were no major physical problems, it was definitely not as good as the young and single front of Newcastle.

   So he showed his weakness at home today, handed over the court, and was tossed by Manchester City. He only wanted to fight Manchester City during the 75 minutes of physical fatigue.

   Even one goal behind is within the acceptable range of Master Bei, which is also his bottom line.

   Master's prediction is very accurate, and Manchester City as a whole has indeed reached the critical point of physical fitness at this time. By convention, everyone has to collect more to let the ball run less and let people run. But things on the court cannot be unilaterally wishful thinking.

   Atsu replacing Alons was just a counterpoint, but it was also a signal, and Newcastle's counterattack had begun.

  The magpies came out, relying on their abundant physical fitness and the outbreak of being suffocated by a long drought, they robbed Manchester City into dogs in every corner of the audience. Walking in the garden had to turn into a head-to-head, and Blue Moon could only continue to fight for physical strength.

   In just five minutes, Newcastle’s shots have risen from the lonely one to five. Edson is busy.

   In the 80th minute, Benitez added another fire. He replaced the right center back Mbemba with the 21-year-old Spanish midfielder Mikel Merino.

  Merino is on loan from Dortmund, everything is fine, except for more injuries.

   Manchester City are dealing with the fierce Newcastle in physical fatigue, and the scene makes the fans who support them look anxious. Everyone is tired, but only Zhuo Yang is not very tired.

   Old Gu let him run only 6,000 meters. To tell the truth, Zhuo Yang couldn't do it. The habit of playing football for many years, suddenly such a shameless laziness, is actually more difficult than letting Boss Mei run 15 thousand a day.

   But Lao Gua's advice finally worked. He allowed him to run six kilometers in ninety minutes. Zhuo Yang ran about eight kilometers in 80 minutes. He should be the least in the team's starting lineup, except for Edson.

   Ke Zhuo Yang's physical condition and stamina are among the best in the Manchester City team. The old man asked him to run less, not because he was tired, but because he was afraid of injury.

   So at this time, Newcastle aggressively attacked, and Manchester City as a whole was trapped, but Zhuo Yang personally benefited from this. The defensive shackles around him became looser and the space in front of him was more open.

   In the 84th minute, Zhuo Yang successfully countered Russell in the center line, forcing the Newcastle captain to use a yellow card to prevent him from playing a private counterattack.

   Manchester City can take a sigh of relief after a pause, and Newcastle reluctantly retreats, everyone is slow.

   Zhuo Yang didn't want to be slow, he wanted to send fast, but'old teammate' Joselu stood upright in front of the ball very alert and smiled friendly to Lao Zhuoliang. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   "Help me see if this is broken, it hurts." Zhuo Yang lifted his jersey and exposed his back. "Just let your buddy give me a hard time, sizzle~~~"

   Jose Ludo is sincere, he immediately bent down and leaned behind Zhuo Yang's **** to take a closer look.

   said that it was too late and then it was fast. When he just gave way to the football, Zhuo Yang pushed the thief-eyed Jingdogan obliquely, and then ‘swish’ like an arrow and went out. Only the grass clippings were left in place, and Joselu, who was still bowing his head, was in a mess.

   The ball arrived, passing through all the people in Newcastle who were still careless, Zhuo Yang didn't plan to pass goalkeeper Elliott, and directly shot his half attack outside the penalty area.

   Soldiers are not tired of fraud, and it can be said to be shameless. Old teammates are used to betray.

   The scoring part is beautiful and ugly, as beautiful as a fairy and ugly eating cake will become the number on the scoreboard, Manchester City 2:0.

  What kind of three-drum stamina tactics, this time all soaked up, and Benitez, who was on the sidelines, didn't know who to scold.

   The gleeful Guardiola hurriedly replaced Zhuo Yang, who had completed 18 combos with Sane. When he walked down, he was not embarrassed to see Joselu, and finally knew a little bit of shame.

   The 26-year-old Joselu was completely disappointed in this world. He wanted to throw away the jersey he had obtained during the intermission.


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