Golden Greenery

: Chapter 6 Headache and Good Vision

The origin of the football "no front line" in the past, is it the 2002-03 season Jurgen Klopp’s Debian Madibao, or the 2001-02 season Rafael Benitez’s La Liga Valencia, until now There is still controversy.

More than ten years have passed, and now the'No Front Line' is popular. Uncle Zha's running and bombing and Laogua's passing and controlling are the two most famous genres, including Mourinho who is'restricted flow' and Compressionist. Simeone, as well as Kong Er Lengzi, Uncle Ji, and Sarri, all of these famous coaches' tactics have the shadow of no front line.

What all the frontless formations have in common is the compression formation. Compressing oneself also compresses the opponent, making the distinction between the three lines blurred or even indistinguishable.

But Benitez, one of the pioneers, has a forward, because the lack of a forward is very demanding on players, and his Newcastle can't play such a high-end.

The difference between Master Bei and Uncle Zha back then was the defensive no-front, and the offensive no-front based on the Infinite Six Musketeers.

Sacrifice such as Everyone can be a defender, and anyone without a forward is actually a forward.

Therefore, defensiveness is the master's skill, but Wufeng is not. At St. James's Park, at his own door, Newcastle unceremoniously put on a 5-4-1 defense.

Although they are not well-known, Zhuo Yang still saw a familiar face. He seemed to have a little impression of Newcastle right back Harvey Mangillo today.

The 24-year-old Mangillo is Spanish and was born in Madrid. He and his twin brother Victor Mangillo came from Real Madrid youth training, but his brother was eliminated at a very young age and then went to Atletico Madrid.

In the summer of 2014, the 20-year-old Manjillo was loaned to Liverpool by Atletico Madrid, a year later to Marseille, last year to Sunderland, this year Newcastle, or on loan.

In February 2014, in the second round of the Copa del Rey semi-final, Atletico Madrid faced Real Madrid at home. Because Real Madrid's 3:0 in the first round made the game meaningless, Manguillo also got a starting opportunity.

This buddy put Cristiano Ronaldo in the penalty area very brutally in the 7th minute, and Zhuo Yang scored a penalty kick.

At the beginning of the second half, Mangillo and Luo Zong fought in an air battle. As a result, he overestimated himself and was knocked down by Luo Zong.

Zhuo Yang was very impressed. At that time, Mangillo headed upside down on the ground, and his neck was at a standard 90° angle, which was like watching a horror movie.

Fortune-telling can survive, and Mangillo's cervical spine recuperated for half a year. He is still an Atletico, but that day was his last game in Atletico so far.

Newcastle battled Manchester City. After the opening three dangerous situations, it was the Manchester City people who bullied Manjillo.

In the 4th minute, Gundogan scored the ball in midfield. Zhuo Yang took the ball from the left and cut in. Mangillo stumbled and then volleyed slightly off the post.

Mangillo sat on the ground, wishing to hug Zhuo Yang's leg and take a bite.

Two minutes later, Fei Niao obliquely suspended the penalty area at 45° from the left to the right bottom. Aguero used his running position to get a shot in front of Mangillo. The football hit the post and blew the baseline.

Mangillo sat on the ground, wishing to hug Aguero's **** and nibble.

汜减bxwx. C O汜. In the 10th minute, Manchester City won a corner kick with an anti-grab frontcourt. Tintin drove out, and Kompany and Zhuo Yang crossed positions and rode on Mangillo's small body to give a hammer, but the goalkeeper Elliott drove off.

Mangillo sat on the ground, and if there were bricks on the ground, he could not wait to pick it up and wedge it on Kompany's peerless forehead.

Today Kompany and Walker both recovered from injury and returned to the starting lineup, which finally made Manchester City's defense no longer need to be patched.

Otamendi partnered with Lao Kong, Walker on the right, and Danilo, who was in a state of bravery in the last game, on the left.

Silva has not yet returned to the team, Gundogan replaced him with Fei Niao and Tintin to form the Iron Triangle, the trident Zhuo Guizhu. The goalkeeper is naturally Edson.

Benitez looked at Mangillo, who was tortured into scum at the beginning, his brain aches.

Master Pei may be the only remaining manager in the Premier League today, that is, the kind of head coach who has mastered the transfer power of the team in the past. Therefore, Newcastle did not have a directorship.

But Master Bei can only be regarded as half of the Manager. Any signing must be approved by him. What is terrible is that the club also has a veto on any signing.

This summer after being promoted to the Premier League, the poor signings of Newcastle made Master Pei want to scold the streets. He spent 20 million pounds and even rented and bought six or seven players, but they were basically Mangillo’s 13 unreliable players. Type, proper British crown flow.

However, Mangillo soon proved that he was still useful.

In the 11th minute, Newcastle instigated a counterattack. Senegal midfielder Diame passed directly behind Danilo. Mangillo and Kompany, who assisted him, raced on the wing.

Mangillo is young and fast, but Kompany is experienced, accurately judging the footsteps of his cross, and quickly put a shovel to destroy the football.

Then Kompany hugged his leg.

A minute later, Guardiola replaced the injured Kompany with the B seat, allowing Fei to go to the central defender, and Gundogan to the midfielder.

This year is Kompany's tenth season joining Manchester City. Today is his 39th injury since joining Manchester City. Frankly speaking, Guardiola actually wants to curse more than Benitez.


Newcastle's 26-year-old left center back Paul Dumet is not the oldest on the team, but he is the oldest player. He was born in Newcastle and joined the Newcastle squad at the age of 8. Except for the 12-13 season on loan to Su Chao for a year, never left the Magpies.

Dumet was the only person who witnessed Zhuo Yang's game here 13 years ago in the starters of both sides at St. James's Park today. That day, the 13-year-old Dumet was a sideline caddie.

This summer, Benitez said: "Among the players I have coached, three are the most underrated, Liverpool's Reina and Lucas (big), and Newcastle's Dumet. UU看书 "

The most underrated Dumet suffered a hamstring injury in the 7th minute of the first round of the season and took a break until Christmas. Today is the first time he has returned to the starting lineup with Manchester City since then.

It's not that Dumet has never played in the Premier League before, and he was the main player of the team before Newcastle was relegated. But since it was the summer that Benitez was the "lowest estimate", then this game was used to verify Bei Shuai's vision.

In the 17th minute, Zhuo Yang took the ball from the right wing to get rid of Rolando Alons' entanglement, and immediately connected the Shenlong to swing his tail and drove Dumet to the penalty area.

Dumet was also unambiguous, turned around and immediately put a shovel to stumble Zhuo Yang.

Leaving aside other things, this first shows that Dumet has a clear mind and decisive action, which is a necessary quality for the style of a general.

Whether he looks at Manquillo, who has a headache, or Dumet, who is pleasing to the eye, neither of them are the defensive souls of Newcastle today. Captain Jamal Russell is the one.

The 24-year-old Russells came to Newcastle from Nottingham Forest a few years ago. He was only 22 when he was captain of Newcastle. It is said that Southampton was playing his idea because he wanted to find a replacement for Van Dyke, who could not be left.

The referee Andrea Marina soft whistle and only gave a free kick.

Tintin drew the ball diagonally to the penalty area, and Zhuo Yang bluffed in the air wrestling with Russells. After squeezing, he shrank his head to give the ball, causing Russell to eat and head into the air.

The football swept to the back post, and Sterling seemed to have been there for a thousand years.

Standing on tiptoes and lifting the hem of his pants, Sterling shook his shoulders and shook his head to attack the door.

Mi He Mi. ‘Huh! ~’

Head against the goalpost.

This is an air shake that has nothing to do with football.

It's **** second.

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