Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 592: Deciduous ball ended perfectly

   This is your chance to become famous. For your teammates, save my penalty and I will shoot you to the left.

   Gremio goalkeeper Marcelo Grohe is like a traitor, a very gentleman’s traitor. He used warm and confident words to persuade the red-eyed teammates one by one, so that everyone is safe.

   Even the head coach Renato Gaucho, who jumped and cursed, was comforted by Grohe.

   In fact, Zhuo Yang gave Grohe a choice.

   Since the referee has decided, he will definitely kick in the door. Either I play on the left, or I don’t know which side to play for De Bruyne, it’s up to you.

   All fools know how to choose, Grohe is a wise man.

   Zhuo Yang said: I will kick your left, believe it or not.

   Grohe naturally doesn't believe in Zhuo Yang. He is not an honest river and lake because he is deceiving and deceiving on the court. If possible, Grae would make Zhuo Yang take a poisonous oath.

   But the temptation to save Zhuo Yang's penalty kick defeated the mistrust. After passing this village, I would never lose this shop. Grohe would regret it for his life if he didn't try it.

   Zhuo Yang was not in a hurry. He waited leisurely until Michelle was lifted down before he started preparing for the penalty kick.

   Michelle on the stretcher is still holding the football to death. Zhao Yun would dare to hold Adou and strangle him early, so the referee had to change the ball.

   When the whistle sounded, Zhuo Yang began to run up.

He will not deceive Graher, the left is the left, but the left is bigger, half of the goal is 7.32×2.44÷2=8.93 (㎡), the football is just a ball with a diameter of 0.22m, 8.93÷[3.14×(0.22÷2) )??] ≈221, there are too many positions to play.

   Zhuo Yang chose the most secure position-the arch of the foot pushed the upper left corner.

  Grae always wondered whether Zhuo Yang would lie to him.

   The speed of the ball is not only unpleasant, it can even be called slow and feeble.

   In the first fifty minutes or so, Graher, who flew left and right like a grasshopper, looked like a Pentium-generation CPU in the 5G era. It was obviously three beats slower than slow.

   actually just sat down to the left, then raised his hand into the air.

   1:0, goals are only valid and invalid, regardless of morality.

  Gremio players began to gather for the second wave of protests, but at this time it seemed very unreasonable. Quite a few people came to Zhuo Yang for his words, which was so inexplicable, Zhuo Yang simply ignored it.

   What they meant, just now I saw Michelle falling in the penalty area, Zhuo Yang should take the initiative to kick the football out of the field.

   Why? It sounds like you are a model of a fair ban, but I still have pain in my calf.

   Only goalkeeper Grae was lost in thought. Zhuo Yang did not lie to him, but he still felt fooled.

   "Go away." Zhuo Yang scolded Jerome and Jailson: "Go and ask your goalkeeper, what I said to him."

   Michel is not dead. Coach Renato intended to let him go on, but he vomited before he got to the sideline. There was not much in his stomach, and he retched ‘uh eh’

   So Renato could only be replaced by the 33-year-old midfielder Maicon Thiago. McGrady is not a defensive midfielder, but a full-back who is good at attacking. This shows that Ray coach still understands the need to strengthen the attack when he is behind.

no effect. Less than a minute after the kick-off, the ball returned to Manchester City's feet, and Zhuo Yang dribbled the ball.

   He is so hated. Jail and McGrady, who were replaced in the second half, put him on the left outside the penalty area without saying a word.

   There was a skirmish between the two sides. In order to find a balance, coach Ramos awarded a free kick, but he also gave a yellow card to the injustice Fei Niao. This was the first card in the constant foul play today.

   Deciduous ball is essentially a game of football on the air. There is no rotation like the elevator ball, but because the back of the foot has more lift to the ball in the initial stage, it is not as fast as the initial velocity of the elevator ball, but the elevation angle is also more upward.

   The air's resistance to it turned into an irregular swaying left and right like fallen leaves in late autumn. When the anger of the air finally defeated the stubbornness of football, it fell sharply in the sway.

   The air won, or perhaps the wind stopped. The football was rubbing the lower edge of the crossbar into the net in the violent fall, rubbing with a toothy metal sound.

   In the 62nd minute, Manchester City 2:0.

   So, Gremio's general trend is gone, Manchester City is sure to win, Guardiola can not help but replace Aguero for Zhuo Yang. When leaving the field, all the Said Stadium stood up and applauded.

The Gremio people have fallen into a misunderstanding. They should have used the remaining half an hour to show their personal abilities. This is a world-watched game. The European scouts on site and in front of the TV are more than the stars visible in the sky tonight. many.

   But they vented their dissatisfaction with the sudden falling behind on the Manchester City players, not on the game itself.

   The two sides started a foul fight with a few kicks, but the football has been at the feet of Manchester City. In fact, this kind of game garbage time is more in the interests of Manchester City and easier to deal with.

   In the following time, Guardiola replaced Kompany with Mangala, and Debuxi replaced Walker, just do it.

   While Gremio likes chaos but is not good at dealing with chaos, they are in chaos. Luan was injured and left the field. He was the only one who could pass the ball. The 22-year-old winger Everton Sosa was substituted.

   Everton is also under observation by some European teams, but he still needs to exercise.

   2:0 was the final score. In the second half, Gremio didn't shoot a goal. There was only Edilson's free kick in the first half. Edson became the most leisurely man. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   Manchester City won the 2017 Club World Cup champion, making a perfect ending for the year. Zhuo Yang was named the gold ball of the event, the silver ball was Tintin, and Mexico's Pachuca winger Uretta won the bronze ball.

   The penalty kick that was suspected of ‘violating fair play’ caused a little controversy after the match. Zhuo Yang said: “I think the referee’s penalty is not a problem.”

   "Gremio 5 is a good player...oh, his name is Michel. I admire his defensive courage on the court, but this is not a reason to stop the game."

"I have done a lot of actions to stop the game before, but today's scene is obviously not applicable, otherwise it is an insult to Michelle's tenacious defense. And think about it, if someone falls to the ground in the penalty area during the game, it will be suspended. In the game, can this ball still be played?"

   "As for the three consecutive hits, I can only say that it was a coincidence. It was after three hits that I felt that the game should be stopped."

"But the referee awarded a penalty. The handball in the penalty area exists objectively, so I must kick it in. I know someone will miss it on purpose, but I will not do that. I will either not kick or just kick in. Otherwise, Just hypocrisy."

   "In order to respect Michelle's bravery, I told Gremio goalkeeper that he would shoot to the left. If you don't believe me, ask him."

   There are ten thousand words in Grae's heart that I don’t know whether to say it or not.


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