Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 567: 10 strategies to stop Manchester City

   The English media have mobilized 10 ways to prevent Manchester City from continuing its winning streak.

  一: Steal Zhuo Yang’s pink sneakers;

   Two: The FA issued a ban, not allowing the coach to wear tight trousers or jeans on the sidelines;

   Three: Arsenal will immediately sell Sanchez to Manchester City for free;

  4: Give David Silva a bottle of hair restorer to ‘Magic Bald’ David Silva;

  5: Immediately invite De Bruyne to make a tough guy movie, the villain actor looks exactly like Courtois;

   Six: Let Manchester City’s nutritionist Silvia Tremolda believe that drinking two liters of carbonated beverages ten minutes before the game will help improve the state;

   Seven: If the possession rate exceeds 70%, it will automatically be judged as a 0:3 loss;

   Eight: West Ham United returned Joe Hart to Manchester City, and the Premier League voted for him to become the team's main goalkeeper;

   Nine: It is stipulated that a penalty kick shall be awarded for more than ten consecutive ground passes and a red card shall be shown to the player No. 18;

   Ten: Tell her Royal Highness Princess Christine that Guardiola stole Zhuo Yang's shoes and gave her a free arrow and bow.

   is nothing more than 12 consecutive victories and 13 wins and 1 draw, but it makes the entire Premier League ‘suffer for a long time’. The ‘Ten Tactics’ are all stigmatizing, but the eighth tactic is mainly talked about, because today Manchester City is at home against West Ham United.

   Joe Hart, who returned from Turin in the summer, still has no place in Manchester City. He contacted him on loan and went to West Ham United, and Manchester City would bear half of his salary.

Under the'rock coach' Bilic, Hart became the team's number one goal, but West Ham United's record is really bad. The first 11 games have 2 wins, 3 draws, 6 losses and 9 points, ranking 18th among the 20 teams. Bit.

   The Hammer Gang and West Ham United Chairman David Gott thanked Bilic for his two and a half years of work, and then fired him.

   The next day, last season, the famous coach David Moyes who brought the'Black Cat' Sunderland to the British crown took office.

  The first thing Moyes did when he came to the Hammers was to put Joe Hart, who was the last of the 20th major goalkeeper in the Premier League in the first 11 rounds of saves and defense records, into the cold palace.

   Moyes clearly told Hart: You can play in the cup from now on, and it depends on your own fate.

   So today, the veteran Manchester City who followed the Hammers back to their hometown and came to the City Stadium, only Sabaletta, Hart did not even make the list.

   Now the main goalkeeper is the 30-year-old Spaniard Adrian Castillo, who was also the number one goalkeeper for the Hammer in previous seasons. This buddy is known as ‘the great king of Messi’s than Zhuo Yang’.

   In order to commend the ‘My Hammer Noble Team’ Noble’s loyalty for 12 years last year, West Ham United organized a commemorative match with the Hammers against the Star United.

In the game, goalkeeper Adrian dribbled the ball for more than 80 meters with the cooperation of his teammates and opponents. He passed through many Titans including Ferdinand, Sheringham, Di Canio and so on. The ball was scored into the goal guarded by James in the penalty area.

   It may be possible in the high speed, but so slow, from the heart, Zhuo Jue and Boss Mei are really not good.

   Moyes not only doesn't have a cold for Hart, he may also not appreciate Noble much. The Hammers have sat on the bench for two consecutive games before, and they are not on the big list today.

Fort Mady is very harmful. The tactics of three central defenders + two pits + biplane guards in the first half of the Champions League game made Manchester City helpless. The following Hazhen and the Saints have followed suit. Today, Moyes' hammer is also the same. in this way.

   This may be counted as the eleventh plan, and it is obviously the most maneuverable compared to the ‘ten plans’.

  Hazhen is nothing more, Southampton just used the "Eleventh Tactics" and the time delay to almost break Manchester City's winning streak. If it weren't for the terrifying Stirling's buzzer, Manchester City's winning streak would be zero.

   Sabaletta, like his former old buddy Kolarov, dislikes playing wingbacks very much, tired, and worrying too much. The veteran is always nostalgic, he only likes the one-acre three-point plot of the right back.

   But when he returned to the City Stadium for the first time after the transfer today, Moyes couldn't help but put him on the right wing back. The person who echoed him was Arthur Masuyacu of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

   The two wing guards, 3-5-3, are the two most affected in the formation, and the tactical difficulty is also the most difficult. If there is no tendency to like self-abuse, the veteran is willing to play. Sabaletta, who is the same age as Zhuo Yang, is not old, but it is eight years older than Masuyacu.

   After taking over West Ham United, Moyes experienced three rounds of 2 losses and 1 draw, and now he is gradually in control of the team. Coupled with the appropriate tactical targeting today, a scene that Blue Moon is very familiar with will be repeated in the first half-gaining momentum and not scoring.

   Although the veteran has many ideas, there are also many veterans. In the 3-5-1-1 formation, Sabaletta and the defensive midfielder Kuyat and the front midfielder Rancini connected very far and smoothly on the right side.

In the 45th minute of the first half, under the strong pressure of Manchester City, the three people organized a small group counterattack from the right triangle. Silva and Danilo were beaten behind together, and Zhuo Yang and Derby, who played the position of the bird today, had to fight back. The front line came back and broke the football that Sabaletta was about to pass.

   During the fight, the two old clappers, Debuich and Sabaletta, clashed, and Zhuo Yang knocked the black and hard Kuyat off the field with a shovel, limping.

   Maybe it was Moyes who suddenly got inspiration. Instead of putting on another midfielder, he replaced the injured Kuyat with Senegalese center Diafa Xhosa.

   Aaron Creswell took a tactical corner kick and passed it to Rancini at the corner of the penalty area. At this time, Manchester City's defense line piled at the door quickly moved outward, leaving the slow Xhosa abruptly in an offside position.

   Creswell leaned towards Rancini immediately after the ball left his foot, UU reading received his knock back and immediately crossed it from a wide angle.

   Manchester City made an amateur mistake, and everyone's attention was on Xhosa who was already offside. They were suddenly beaten with a head hammer by Italian central defender Obona.

   again lost the ball at the buzzer in the first half, 0:1.

   Guardiola is very hypocritical. He always shows in the media that he is very calm about winning streaks, saying that he would not pursue such a superficial football.

But four days ago, Sterling's buzzer's'horrible' allowed Manchester City to beat Southampton. At the end of the game, he caught the 24-year-old forward Nathan Redmond on the sidelines and snorted and sneered and mocked. I have to kick the ball for dinner.'

   Redmond is not Kong Er Lengzi, did not dare to fight with the old guy.

At halftime today, Pep Guardiola, who didn’t care about winning streaks at all, made a big shot in the dressing room. From Zhuo Yangbi to Edson, no one could run. The tactical board was stunned by him. The carbon pens all broke.

   After being trained, Zhuo Yang felt very shameless. At any rate, he was the first world footballer in Manchester City's history. Just before the game, five people took the trophy to the center of the stadium to show off to the fans. Quite festive, the hammer is coming to hit the venue?

   You are not only smoking melon bald faces, but also hitting my Zhuo Yang's ass!


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