Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 558: Fort Madi shotgun replacement

   Zhuo Yang will not release water for Fort Madi, it is true, but he has no reason to stop Guardiola from sending a lot of substitutes.

   But even if it's a substitute, you still have to tell who it is. Aguero, B seat, Gundogan, Derby, Otamendi, Edson, Danilo, plus Zhuo Yang, Manchester City's so-called bench lineup is also ruined in other people's homes.

   After the four rounds of the UEFA Champions League group stage, Manchester City 12, Fort Madi 5, Dun Mine 4, Naples 1, not only qualified early, but also won the group first. Guardiola has absolute reasons for willfulness. He is sending himself and Arteta today. As long as UEFA agrees, others can't make irresponsible remarks.

   The only accident was Zhuo Yang. Guardiola didn't want him to go on, but he couldn't stand the pianist's face.

Zhuo Yang said, in just three days, I was first blacked by the referee like Sunderland’s coal, and then I experienced the farewell to my football lover. Friends play a good game, this turn can't be fixed, oops~

   Guardiola rolled his eyes sharply: Three days? You are more than three days. You have flown more than 10,000 kilometers this week, and the earth is not small enough for you to toss.

   But Lao Gu basically didn't know Zhuo Yang in this matter, and he still had to let him go in the end. The only bottom line that Laogua can hold is the body test data, but Zhuo Yang is very ideal on this.

   After sending Kaka back in the United States, he was facing the fifth round of the Champions League group match with Fort Madi. The whole world believes that Manchester City and Zhuo Yang will release water to Fort Madi, because there is no reason not to release the water, and Zhuo Yang has a criminal record.

   But Zhuo Yang really didn't intend to let it go. He agreed that Hamsik was only a small part. Zhuo Yang was not Zhuo Yang nine years ago, and Fort Madi was no longer the Fort Madi nine years ago. The affection is still there, and intertwined more deeply, some things can't be done anymore.

  Fort Madi, which is undergoing a transitional period, not only needs to learn to walk on its own, but also must have the temperament to resist the cold in the cruel competitive world. Which football team has not experienced a trough in the past century? Who has never been in danger? Those clubs that cried and cried in the wind and rain had disappeared.

   Fort Madi and Dun Mine are only one point away, and even Naples, which has only one point, is equally promising. The final results of the remaining two rounds of the three teams can be arranged in 6 possibilities, all of which are possible to enter the top 16 or to play in the UEFA Cup and **** is not.

   came to Manchester’s Fort Madi one day earlier and went directly to the Etihad Training Center next to the City Stadium. Not only is it convenient, but the conditions are no worse than a five-star hotel.

   Compared to Manchester City, Fort Madi is still a small club. Compared to the splendid Etihad Center, Fort Madi training base is even more ordinary to shabby.

   "Brother Dog, we are planning to build a new training center, will it be like this?" Little Stubner asked the captain, "Mad Dog" Karl Land.

   Little Stubner’s dad, Mady Fort’s youth training director ‘East German Cool’ Stubner used to be teammates with the dog master. It stands to reason that Stoudemire should call the dog master ‘uncle’ to match his generation.

   But it would be messy to call it that way. When Xiao Song was there, he called Zhuo Yang "Uncle" and called other people "Brother", which often made him miserable. So Xiao Si, Lao Si, and Gouye are all on their own. Including Little Summerfield, so did he.

   What's more,'Guoge' is not only'brother', but has become a symbol. The whole city of Hannover, from the eighty-year-old fan man to the snotty kid, call Rand the dog brother.

   "The scale should be a little smaller, but the shape is basically the same." The blueprint design is still in progress, but the dog master knows the requirements of the Fort Madi club as the first party.

   "How much does it cost?"

   "Seven or eight billion is always there."

   "Tsk tsk, I'll be a good boy..."

   "Sebas, you have a good time. Play hard and strive to be like your father and us. You will work in Fort Madi for the rest of your life."

   "I see, Brother Dog." Stoudemire asked again in a low voice, "Team Zhuo...this time, will it... release the water?"

   "No! Absolutely not." The dog master raised his voice.

   "Why? That year was not..."

   "Don't say anything, Sebastian. Everyone has to work hard for tomorrow's game." Gouye said, "Let's...don't let him down."

   According to the rules, the players of the two sides will not be in contact before the game. The starting list of the game has long been announced, and Zhuo Yang is on the list.

In fact, Stoudemire’s speculation is basically the speculation of the entire Fort Mady team, but it is still the old man who knows him best. The dog Rand, the mallet Ackerman, and Superman Edmund are sure that Zhuo Yang will definitely not this time. Will release water. If Fort Madi wants to advance, he must work hard + good luck.

   Stoudemire asked the question again, and also reminded the dog master, and then he gathered with the club and Superman, and then went to communicate with the coach Carlisle, and then they split up to give the whole team a vaccination.

  ——Don’t have illusions.

  From a high-level perspective, Fort Madi Sports Director Hasler and the new technical director Braida agreed with the views of Peninsula Sanjie.

   is the former Rossoneri Merit Sports Director Aliedo Braida who worked in AC Milan for 27 years after retiring. He is now the technical director of Fort Madi.

   At the end of 2013, Braida finally lost to the old rival ‘Gabal’ Galliani in an internal power struggle, so he resigned sadly and left Milanello, where he had worked for 27 years.

   There was also Barbara Berlusconi who left with him.

   After a one-year break, Braida was invited to serve as the football director of Barcelona, ​​taking full charge of player transfers.

   However, the undercurrent of Barcelona's internal political struggle is more turbulent than Milan. No matter how much Braida has experience, he is always a non-Catalan outsider. Many of his suggestions are not taken seriously.

   For example, he advocated the acquisition of De Bruyne and Verrati, who were 23 years old at the time, and used them as the successors of Iniesta and Harvey. In terms of youth training, he strongly recommends 17-year-old Mbappé and 15-year-old Harland.

   But all of his motions were rejected at the meeting, and no one took it seriously, which made him feel helpless.

   So, only half a year later, Braida offered to resign, but after Bartomeu’s strong retention, he still remained as a Barcelona international transfer consultant.

  Consultants: If you hire, you have to ask questions. Just hiring or not asking is the same as playing a monkey. In the past few years, Blaida consultants have recommended Barrera, Zaniolo, and others to Barcelona, ​​as well as the ‘grass mother mad demon’ Coulibaly, but they have not been taken seriously.

   Braida is a quack, he can't stand this suffocation. He turned his face with Barcelona this summer and stopped serving.

   The old man was planning to retire completely. This year he is 71 years old and has a long life. UU reading www. is a good age for raising flowers and birds, but after a few days of leisure, he was invited out of the mountain by Zhuo Yang again.

   is essentially a person who can't stay idle, so he came to Fort Madi happily and began to quarrel with 51-year-old Thomas Hasler all day. Two generations of arena, coquettish.

   Technical Director Braida and Sports Director Hasler are jointly responsible for the future player transfers of Fort Madi. This time they led the team to Manchester together. The former technical manager, second baby father Andres Muller, resigned and went to the German Football Association Competition Committee as the vice chairman.

   This is not the only thing about the fine-tuning of the Fort Mady's senior management. The 31-year-old senior accountant, Earl Jefflin Swinburne, is stationed in the Fort Mady Club and is fully responsible for financial affairs. He is Midale's elder brother, Zhuo Yang's eldest cousin, and a high-achieving student graduated from the Keithman School of Business in Hanover.

   Jefflin has a rigorous and old-fashioned personality. He is more stable than 300 years old at the age of 30. He will stare at the huge expenditure of funds, which is at ease and safe.

   The beautiful Miss Silvia was so angry that she not only became a deputy, she was also reprimanded by the young Jefflin all day for ‘knowing nothing’ and ‘accounts are more messy than a dog digging.’

   Zhuo Yang comforted her: "Sister, don't worry about it, that product is a rotten coffin board, and he treats me the same way. Don't be angry, sister."

   With this ‘sister’, Silvia had been looking forward to it for fifteen years, and she was immediately relieved.


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