Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 556: Nothing can stop

   Paul Tierney is the same as Tagliavento five and a half years ago, he actually saw the football cross the goal line with a good selection.

   Many years later, the only thing Tierney regretted was that he didn't announce the goal immediately after the goal, but gave Dan Cook a subconscious glance. This look has created the biggest stain in his career as a sentinel.

   In the second patrol, Dan Cook did not raise the flag to point to the center line, but moved as the back line of Leicester City counterattacked with the ball, very focused.

   So Tierney hesitated. He was worried that the whistle blowing goal would be effective. It would slap Cook in the face, embarrass him, and offend his uncle, Peter Cook, the vice chairman of the Football Executive Committee.

   After hesitating a little, then hesitating again, this whistle can't be blown, otherwise it will become law enforcement that weighs the pros and cons after thinking. If you are wrong, you must be wrong to the end. This is the unspoken rule of the referee's law enforcement.

   Delph used a flying shovel to release Okazaki Shinji's ball from the sideline, interrupting Leicester City's counterattack.

   The Manchester City players felt sorry for Zhuo Yang, and immediately surrounded Tierney like a group of mad dogs and began to bite. The Leicester City people stood far away because of a guilty conscience. It didn't matter to him. Shinji Okazaki fell and almost vomited blood. He lay on the sidelines and sucked in cold air, no one was in charge.

   Except for Tierney, the whole world saw that goal scored.

   He actually saw it too, but it was Dan Cook who really didn't see it. Without VAR, the large screen at the scene does not allow the replay of controversial footage to interfere with referee enforcement.

   Tierney can never change his sentence at this time.

   Persevering in error is nothing more than obliterating an unrelated goal from Manchester City, but once the sentence is changed, let alone what Peter Cook thinks, this kind of upside-down behavior is a law enforcement taboo and will directly ruin the sentry.

   "Mr. Referee, the goal is very obvious." Zhuo Yang, who returned to the court, said: "Don't let me doubt your law enforcement ability."

   "NO! Don't doubt, the goal doesn't exist, NO!"

   "If you persist, it will become a scandal after the game."

   If I don't insist, it will become a scandal.

   "NO! I believe in my judgment, NO, NO!"

  Leak your mother's heel.

   Zhuo Yang went to the little Schmeichel to reason.

   "Do you dare to be brave?"

   Buffon is not brave, how can Xiao Shu be so decent.

   "NO! I didn't think the ball had been scored, and then I threw it out, just sauce. NO!"

  Leak your father's gourd seedlings.

   Old Schmeichel froze in the studio for a long time, and said: "Actually, it's okay to admit it. I guess this kid did not see clearly. You know, sometimes the goalkeeper...then..."

   Keelung Dyer rolled his eyes sharply: "Okay, don't say it, the more you describe it, the darker it gets."


   Zhuo Yang laughed suddenly, he laughed suddenly from an angry state.

  Okay, two goals were invalid, and two penalty kicks were not blown. Are you determined not to let me score today?

   I don’t want to admit that I am your grandfather, right?

   You don’t want me to **** your grandma, do you?

   Then I have to enter today!

   Everyone keeps their eyes wide open. As long as I want to enter, there is no door in this world that I can't break, and there is no grandma in this world that I can't fuck.

   Smiling Zhuo Yang persuaded his teammates to go away.

   "Time is running out, pass the ball to me."

   Guardiola, who jumped and scolded the street, also settled down again. He used the last substitution place to go to the D seat and get down to Delph. The whole end of the defense doesn't matter, it's the business to add a passer who can pass suddenly.


  Valdy never wanted to be a gentleman. A gentleman would forget his parents when he married a wife.

   As time approached, Vardy's heart became more and more happy. Already 30 years old, the state is not as good as that year when he won the championship. The England national team has also changed from a main force to a substitute, and there are even obvious signs of slipping to the edge.

   Southgate’s team, now the main forwards are Kane and Sterling, Ali, Ashley Young, Lingard, and even Rashford are ranked higher than Vardy. In fact, what Vardy is now worried about is not the main force, but the ticket for next year's World Cup.

   The top scorer in the league is not at all contended, even if Zhuo Yang did not come, Kane and Aguero would not pass.

   It is said that I am grass-roots inspirational, I am grass-roots your uncle, as long as there are choices, dogs want grass-roots, dogs want to counterattack, who doesn't want to have a smooth life with flowers?

   Can God give me these? The **** old thing gave Zhuo Yang all this. Only the last ‘consecutive goal record’ is left, and now he has to come to grab me.

   I’m old and I don’t have any hope of going to the rich. Let me guard Leicester City and keep a humble record to pay tribute to my youth. Isn’t it OK to pay homage to my football?

   After I retire, you guys will grab my record again, okay? At that time I will definitely be like Ruud van Nistelrooy and make a decent posture.

  Valdi, who is intertwined with emotions and ecstasy, doesn't understand himself at all. He is essentially a dedicating and helpful young man, because he doesn't say anything, his heart is twisted, but his body is very honest.

   It's Vardy! It wasn't Tintin, it wasn't the big seat, it wasn't the D seat, it wasn't Sterling, Sane, or Fei Niao. It was Vardy who helped Zhuo Yang complete the face.

   In the 89th minute, Vardy, who retreated to the midfield to take the ball, encountered crazy pressure from Fei Bird and Walker. After hesitating, he chose to pass back.

   Then, he was dumbfounded, the football was passed to Zhuo Yang very accurately, more accurate than Dingding.


   Maybe... This is God’s will, I thought of it before the game...

   The team was in possession of the ball, and the Leicester City formation was on the premise. Suddenly, Zhuo Yang hit a private counterattack.

   It’s been a long time since I was so alone.

Erase the unprepared Wilfred Endidi and Okazaki Shinji, and throw Morgan on the ground with a single step and cross direction. The next thing is the empty penalty area and the little Schmeichel in the name of his father. .

   This one-shot, among Zhuo Yang's countless death riders, the difficulty is considered low.

   Vardy stared blankly, and the Leicester City players basically gave up, stopping to watch the fire.

   Who the **** doesn't seem to know, there is no use to catch up.

   Little Schmeichel did not give up. After he hit the penalty zone line, he was very cooperative and fell to the ground by Zhuo Yang.

   did not shoot the empty goal, Zhuo Yang pulled the ball and waited for Schmeichel to bounce off the ground, and then used another dial to dangle him a second time.

   Little Schmeichel thought about the dog in his heart, and then he gave up too.

   Zhuo Yang slowly brought the ball to the goal line, picked up two casters and played a fancy ball in turn, played more than a dozen leisurely under the watch of the world, before slamming the ball into the goal with his heel.

   No one came to stop him, Xiao Shu didn't even get up.

   Zhuo Yang shrugged at him, and said, "Say hello to your grandmother."

   Then ran towards the referee Paul Tierney.

   Tierney directly blew the whistle with both hands pointing to the middle circle, and ran away without even looking at Zhuo Yang.

   3:0, Zhuo Yang scored 12 consecutive league games, setting a record for consecutive goals in a single season in the Premier League.

   It is impossible to let Tierney go, Zhuo Yang chased him next to him, shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, looking at him unpredictably.

   Tierney turned around, Zhuo Yang also went around and continued to shrug his shoulders and spread his hands, smiling profoundly.

   Tierney was so embarrassed that he forced a greeting.

   "Congratulations, Sir Zhuo Yang."

   "Thank you, please say hello to your grandmother."

   In fact, this provocative behavior of the referee, and just showing off in front of the empty goal-is not sports ethics, according to the rules are enough to give a yellow card or even a red card, the goal is valid, but it is also in accordance with the procedure to punish Zhuo Yang. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   But Mr. Tierney obviously forgot.

   After the game, Zhuo Yang said to the media: "It's really impolite to behave in front of an empty goal. I don't seem to have done this before."

   "But two goals were blown. Now everyone knows that they were two good goals. They were perfect goals, and there were two obvious penalties that were not awarded."

   "I should have scored five dollars alone, but only got one. So being rude, I should be forgiven. I didn't want to offend the Leicester City fans, so I won't apologize."

   "There are many people who should apologize, but it's definitely not me."

   Zhuo Yang broke the record. This was what most people expected before the game, but the record-setting process was so troublesome, naturally, everyone did not expect it.

   After the match, the "Ghost Goal" and the record became a hot spot in the media, and it is inevitable that it will be linked to the scene of AC Milan and Juventus in 2012. After all, the two "Ghosts" are too similar.

   "Gazzetta dello Sport" said: "The ghost" descended, Milan found nothing in the remaining 70 minutes, but was defeated by Juventus, which is still sluggish to this day. While the same "ghost" appeared, Zhuo Yang continued to complete record creation in the remaining 7 minutes.

   No one can save, nothing can stop, this is the gap between the two ‘ghosts’.


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