Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 529: Sao Paulo, Naples

Main text Chapter 529, Sao Paulo, Naples

On the first day of November, Guardiola led his team and left the cold and rainy Manchester to the warm and sunny Naples. This was the first time he walked into the Sao Paulo Stadium.

Speaking of it, it can be considered a Serie A star, but when Laogua played in Brescia or Rome, he never visited Naples.

The country of Italy is like a high-heeled boot. Naples is at the mouth and ankle of the boot, on the verge of the Tyrrhenian Sea belonging to the Mediterranean Gulf, and the Adriatic Sea behind the calf.

Zhuo Yang is not here for the first time, but he has never scored a goal at the Sao Paulo Stadium. In the 37th round of the 07-08 season, the AC Milan bus had arrived at the gate of the Sao Paulo Stadium. After receiving the news of his grandma's death, he turned his head and went straight to the airport to return home.

In the 29th round of the 08-09 season, Zhuo Yang assisted Jiuye here, and Milan beat Naples 1-0. As for the 06-07 season, Naples is still in second place.

Although he has never scored a goal in front of others, Zhuo Yang has scored 9 in the other three times against Naples, including a brace at the City Stadium two weeks ago and a five-yuan score in San Siro at this time nine years ago. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the suffering master of Naples.

After the three rounds of the UEFA Champions League group stage, Manchester had 9 times, 4 horses, 2 and 1, Manchester City won or even tied today to qualify for two rounds ahead of schedule. This made Guardiola very relaxed and did not hesitate to make new attempts in the defense. .

Four days ago at the Hawthorn Stadium, Manchester City defeated West Brom 4:2. Both of the goals lost were related to Otamendi’s mistakes. Even after Zhuo Yang scored a penalty kick in the final minute of stoppage time, Ottawa Tamendi made another return error, almost allowing Jero to seize the opportunity to pull another point.

Otamendi is not Guardiola's son, but Stones is. The old man has no reason to get used to his downturn. But Kompany was still injured, Mangala looked unreliable, and Adarabioyo was unreliable by the name, so I decided to let Kyle Walker try.

Walker partnered with Stones, Derby and Delph on both sides, midfielder Triangle Fei, Tintin, Gundogan, two wings Sterling and Sane, and broke the defense arrow Zhuo Yang.

Lao Gua is very satisfied with the team's current midfield equipment, only the rear defense is not perfect enough. The schedule has just finished the opening stage, and the back line has been injured and pitted. It is imperative for the winter window to reinforce in this regard.

To be honest, if it weren't for the "grass mother crazy demon" Coulibaly to make such a big disturbance two weeks ago, Guardiola might have played his idea in January. After all, just talking about football skills, Coulibaly would pass.

I'm not worried that the scandal will affect the club's image. I am mainly worried about his **** but charming mother after it comes. Good guys, looking back at Manchester City, these silly scumbags are rushing to be the wild fathers of Coulibaly, everyone worry-free.

Recently, the Naples players are a bit lost, not because of the poor performance of the Champions League. Because of the club’s persuasion and his son’s bitter pleading, Cooma returned to France temporarily. A group of wild fathers lost the fun of artillery fire. Lovesickly lovesickly.

This matter is still Kulibali's fault. He shouldn't hinder his mother's happiness in his later years, and the unfilial son is struck by lightning. Coupled with the initiative to provoke trouble on the court and conflict with his teammates, Naples imposed an internal suspension on him. Today, the 28-year-old Romanian central defender Vlad Quiriches is partnering with the spicy dance Albiol. .

Gulam is right, he vowed to defend his love, the dry and broken year-long love, thinking about it is a blessing. So he continued to start today.

The Naples midfield has changed a lot. Jorginho and Alan Marquez returned to the starting lineup and formed the Iron Triangle with the captain Rehamsik. The forward line is still the Jr. Moto Calijon, Insigne and Mertens. Trident.

The 27-year-old Jorginho is a Brazilian by his name, but his football started in Verona's youth training and has been playing in the Apennines so far. Earlier, Jorginho finally chose the Italian national team, which is also a naturalized player.

Fortunately for this, both Fei Niao and Fat Hu can't wait to stab each other with a knife. If Ginho is going to play in the Brazilian national team, he will starve to death on the bench.

Sarri and Guardiola are both offensive coaches. In the last game, Naples actually played well at the City Stadium. The two penalty kicks didn't make the 4:1 score look very different. If there is no ‘penalty bug’, neither Mertens nor Diawara would miss. The final result is really hard to say.

After the three wars, only one point has left Sarri even less to choose. Apart from breaking the boat, he doesn't think twice.

After the opening game, Naples seemed to be out of luck, siege Manchester City from every corner of the stadium, which really disrupted Manchester City's position.

Within five minutes, Mertens and Insigne each fell once in the Manchester City penalty area, not only crazy, but also not planning to make a face. Fortunately, the referee of law enforcement, the German Bruch, was very careful and did not give them the opportunity to challenge the bugs.

Felix Bruch’s whistle was a bit soft today. In the 18th minute, Mertens took the ball offside and rushed in. The lineman raised the flag and the whistle sounded. He still reluctantly shot the ball into the goal. But Bruch let it go, and didn't show him a yellow card.

By this time, Manchester City hadn't even shot. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

For things like the first shot, it's always the rule to let the boss come first. Zhuo Yang suddenly withdrew from the restricted area, pulled the top of the arc to connect with Debuxi's inverted triangle, and then drew out the ground monkey. Reina couldn't see the direction of the shot at the seam of the human leg.

Sterling was dying to run at the back post, a football like a traitor blocked the bottom line, a lively pig teammate.

Maggotlin was still pointing out that he was not intentional. The clever caddie threw the ball to Renner without delay for half a second.

A big foot hit the right side of Manchester City's backcourt, Reina hand throws the ball long pass footwork is very particular.

The grenade dribbled the ball and did not stick to the ball. Before Gundogan's back chase was close, he tapped the midway to transition.

It's really a group of little quick spirits. With such a fierce counterattack, Naples didn't lack any of them in the frontcourt. Mertens shook his instep on the side of the arc, and the football pierced his ribs.

Insigne had slipped into the penalty area, and Stones, who turned to block him, couldn't keep up. Insigne directly pushed at a small angle and then hurriedly attacked and then slipped to seal the three-way Edson's head.

1:0, from the beginning to the end of the four six-footed ball, Naples led the score with the Italian way.

The reasons for the goals conceded were mainly the carelessness of the Naples roosters and Manchester City during the offensive and defensive transition, but Debuich and Fei Bird did not catch up in time, and the delay in the prediction of the situation was also an important factor. There is also Walker. As a central defender, he returned to the penalty area after losing the ball. It shouldn't be.

But Manchester City is always a team that is good at learning lessons. Five minutes later, Zhuo Yang once again grabbed a half and turned around to shoot. He was hit by the bottom line by La Wu. Stirling rushed back without twisting his head and wanted to guard his own. Right.

"You are paralyzed, let's take a corner kick. Come back!"

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