Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 325: Football field back jumper

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After the New Year, Manchester City made a big mistake in the handling of a job-it showed the intention to change the defense line too early.

The defender line is currently the biggest pit in Manchester City, and it is also where the team's veterans gather. When everyone knows that there will be a big change after the season, they will inevitably have ideas.

Younger players, Otamendi and Stones, fortunately, still have football ambitions, and they came late. Neither Manchester City nor the original team have won anything. The first choice is naturally to fight hard. , To fight for a position in the future Manchester City defensive line.

But the old players have spent a lot of time, all kinds of entanglement. It’s not that they don’t work hard or deliberately do bad things in the game. Their professional quality is quite good, but the motivation to improve themselves is obviously insufficient. They will not delve into the methods of improving state in training. They will also involuntarily relax in the self-discipline of daily diet and work rest. .

In other words, on the field, these veterans worked as hard as ever, but they passed by outside the field. In this way, when mapped to the pitch, the state will get worse and worse, and the hole in Manchester City's defense will get deeper and deeper.

They know that the prospects for Manchester City are very slim, and they don't want to fight too much. They can continue to find a place suitable for the elderly to be more attractive.

Of course, people are not sages, and the thoughts of old brothers are actually reasonable. They are all water and no one can pretend to be pure. If you are not secret, you will lose your ministers, and you can only blame the Manchester City club for showing too clearly the chart.

Kolarov was originally not a pit in Manchester City’s defense. He could be a strong defender. In fact, he is not too old. He is three months younger than Zhuo Yang and he is an eggplant. The inside story of'Big Change of Blood' chilled. So he finally got pitted.

The Monegasque is fast, and Guardiola is the one who needs him today with Kolarov. However, Manchester City conceded three goals, the first Kolarov stared at the ball but not the man, the second turned and slowed down, and the third lost the top.

In addition to showing that he worked hard enough today, every time he appeared in the key front line, the rest is really not good for conscience. And don’t forget, Mbappe’s offside goal with hair strands was also scored after Kolarov cut inside.

Mbappe is very fast, but he starts it normally, relying on runaway and can't get rid of the defense. The technique is also good, but it is not fine enough in the extraordinary skills, so at this stage Mbappé is a shooter who needs vertical space on the court.

And he is also a shooter who is determined to win and eliminate Manchester City today, because Manchester City is pursuing him, and because Zhuo Yang is his former idol.

Manchester City did not retreat to the habit of arranging the bus. Even if the overall score is dominant, the team still compresses the formation to fight Monaco against fierce opponents on the away scene.

In the 86th minute, Bernardo Silva was surrounded by Fei and Clichy, and Lemar and Fabinho were also anti-siege outside of them. The scene of chaos, but he was forced out of the trap by B seat. Out.

Zhuo Yang unceremoniously rewarded him with a flying shovel.

The football ran off to Fei Niao's feet, and was shoveled by Lemar before he could hold it firmly. Not so cheap, French veteran Clichy shot and shoveled the ball directly behind Zhuo Yang, accurately shoveling to the B seat.

Yes, it was all in vain.

It was too late for Zhuo Yang to turn around again, seat B pushed out a precise straight stop to the right, and Mbappe stepped on the turf until he smashed it up.

The scene reappeared as the ball that was blown off in the first half, except that Mbappe did not offside this time.

In the high-speed lap, Kolarov was cut inward instead of being dodged, but shit. There is one thing to say that Mbappé is indeed powerful, but this is not unexpected, and he can basically predict that he will cut in.

But even so, Kolarov still tragically appeared physical betrayal thoughts, knowing how to prevent it, but still unable to prevent it.

The Manchester Cityman opened his eyes behind his **** and watched Mbappe volley his foot, then watched Caballero's heartbreaking pounce, and then looked at the referee Rocky together to witness his decisiveness in reaching the center circle.

4:2, this is a score that makes Manchester City's head angry, and it is also a score that makes the Louis II stadium boil.

The total score is 8:8, let alone being eliminated because of away goals, 8 goals lost in two games, can it be done by a serious team? Let's not call Manchester City in the future, it is more appropriate to call Mandudiu, or just call Manchester Pit.

Guardiola was anxious, and he hurriedly sent Ishinacho, the only striker left on the bench, to replace Clichy. It's not that I don't want to change Kolarov, it's too late, and there is no one to change.

In this way, Zhuo, Kyu, Sane, Maggotlin, Ishinacho, and Navas who played as a winger as a defender, apart from the injured **** and Nolito who are not on the roster, Manchester City can The panting forwards were all on the court.

This is not called smashing the boat, it is obviously a panic, and even suspected of breaking the can.

Manchester City rushed to kick-off the ball quickly, waiting for Monaco to stand still, Rocky hadn't blown the whistle, Portuguese midfielder João Moutinho stood on the sidelines and asked for a substitution.

Germain paced down.

A minute later, Bakayoko shoveled the ball out of the field. Navas didn't miss a second. He picked it up and was about to throw the ball on the sideline. Rocky's whistle rang.

Veteran Moroccan midfielder Nabil Dilar stood on the sidelines and Monaco asked for a substitution.

Lemar stepped down, and the referee changed the display to 3 minutes stoppage time.

Guardiola rushed to find people to protest, not like it, just as if he could not afford to lose.


Three minutes passed in a flash. Referee Rocky had already seen the watch once, and Zhuo Yang was trapped in heavy besieging.

It's not that he doesn't believe in his teammates, he is completely unsure of his teammates' state today, so he dare not pass the ball.

In addition to goalkeeper Caballero, the other nine Manchester City people all rushed out and surrounded the corners of Monaco's penalty area, waiting for Zhuo Yang to get the ball out.

But the more so, the less he dared to pass, because there was only one chance.

Zhuo Yang would rather believe in himself.

Believing in yourself is tantamount to putting all the responsibilities on yourself and shouldering honor and disgrace. It is not difficult to pass it to teammates, but that also means that he has shirk his responsibility invisibly.

With the endless stream of Monegasque legs, Zhuo Yang is not a god, and it is impossible to pass people all over the world anytime and anywhere, and keep passing the ball into the gate.

Or forcing a free kick is no way, but at this time the people who surrounded him are very smart. Mutinho and Dilar are both experienced veterans. They surrounded him. Do not suppress, never give Zhuo Yang a chance to touch porcelain easily.

So unfortunately it was 22-year-old Mendy. He couldn't bear the temptation of grabbing under Zhuo Yang's feet and strode to make a clean break. It's purely a reflex of the body, no wonder he.

Mendy was pierced by Zhuo Yang, and because of physical confrontation, Zhuo Yang fell down and fell on a big horse.

Not to mention, he turned himself into a stumbling horse, Moutinho almost tripped to death by him, and Dillard almost trampled him to death.

Amazingly, the nearest defender in front of Zhuo Yang became Mbappe. But it can also be explained that all Monaco returned to defense and Mbappe, who scored twice, was most worried about Zhuo Yang's rebellion, and naturally took the initiative to approach.

The former idol, the legendary dribbling master, the extraordinary king of football, and even the powerful Mbappé hurriedly stepped back and opened the defensive distance to prevent Zhuo Yangshan from smearing people and slipping away.

Coincidentally, Zhuo Yang also took a step back while pulling the ball.

To be honest, Mbappé was stunned at this moment, and he couldn't understand Zhuo Yang's choice in a straight line.

It’s also hard to understand with any football player.

But if they were replaced by Jordan, Kobe, James and Nowitzki, and replaced by these NBA CIC Kings, they would definitely understand.

Because there is a trick on the basketball court that they can play well-backward jumper.

Opening the space, Zhuo Yang decisively rubbed the shot in place, the football incarnation rainbow bent diagonally to the back corner of the goal.

With the football over Mbappé's head, he is a foolish kid.

The football bypassed the desperate fingertips of Subasić, who was slightly forward, and Mbappe was stupefied.

The football and the side net made a crisp rubbing sound, as if a hollow shot into the net, ‘brush~’. Mbappé is a stupid tree.

This time, Guardiola really cried.

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