Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 317: The pig teammates hate each other

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In the 1980s and 1990s, the four kings of Welsh football were famous. Years are like a knife. Today, fans still remember the Red Army legend Ian Rush and the Red Devils legend Ryan Giggs, but they remember the Red Army and Red Devils legends Dean Sanders and Mark Hughes. It's almost meaningless.

In fact, time can't be blamed entirely, and not everyone still remembers that the first coach after Manchester City's petrochemical process was Mark Hughes. On Christmas Eve in 2009, Hughes, who had spent £200 million on Mansour’s £200 million in coaching for 18 months, had no effect, was replaced by Mancini. Kompany and Sabaletta in the team now came to Manchester City during the Mark Hughes era.

On Women's Day 2017, the 53-year-old frost-haired and silver-bearded Hughes led his Stoke City to the City Stadium again. He has no particular feelings about this. Coaching Manchester City is the same as leaving Manchester United to play in Barcelona in the 1986-87 season. It is an interesting but wrong experience for him.

The referee's whistle on the football field is derived from the police siren, and it was also introduced to the football field by the British. Neil Svobrick was able to blow the sound of this thing, obviously not a mortal.

In the roar of laughter, the game kicked off.

Guardiola knows that this game is not easy to play, and Stoke is definitely much more difficult than Sunderland in the previous round. So despite the tight schedule, Lao Gua still put Zhuo Yang and Aguero both on the front line, and Sane served as a wingman for the two big men.

In the midfield, Fei Bird, Toure, Tintin, defenders Derby, Ota, Kolarov, Clichy, goalkeeper Caballero. The rotation remains the same, but obviously a lot more cautious. Debuxi did not qualify for the European war, so he was exploited to his heart's content.

But Guardiola still didn't expect the game to be so difficult to play.

Stoke City first made an offensive provocation. In the 6th minute, full-back Peters made a pass. Senegal midfielder Diouf grabbed a shot from the middle and was confiscated by the old Kabbah side.

There are a bunch of Diouf in Senegal. The one from Stoke is called Mam Diouf. He is just a good guy, not the best Haji Diouf who has won an African footballer. This buddy had retired from the Malaysian League two years ago.

When Zhuo Yang is attacking, it is already common for American midfielder Geoff Cameron to double-back with the full-back. In the 12th minute, Stoke City's left back Philip Bardsley was overwhelmed by Zhuo Yang and received a yellow card.

Zhuo Yang kicked a high-quality direct free kick, but bypassed the wall and goalkeeper Lee Grant, but did not bypass the crossbar. The football was blown off the field.

When Grant opened the second goal, the City Stadium was windy.

England is very windy, and it is said that there will be one wind all year round, from the first to the 30th. Although modern football stadiums have taken measures to prevent wind, it is impossible to block all of this stuff. Sometimes the wind direction angle is right, and the turf will still be blown out. This is the case at this time.

Grant placed the football on the small penalty area line and retreated. Before he could run up, the wind blew the football away. Grant had no choice but to pick up the football again, slam it on the ground and press it down, then stepped back and prepared to kick-off.

It was blown away by the wind again.

After so many times, the fourth round of referees finally couldn't stand it anymore: Would you try to install another for Laozi?

Grant then pressed the football with his hands to his own defender. The wind in England has been blowing for hundreds of thousands of years, and football is always open to goal kicks in strong winds. Grant has to be hypocritical in order to slow down the pace of the game as much as possible.

The sudden wind in March and the carefully prepared opponents made this game difficult for Manchester City.

But nature is fair to both sides, and the most terrifying thing is not the opponent, but the pig teammate.

As the midfield organizer, Tintin de Bruyne, who carried out the team's final offensive pass, was in such a bad state of the game that everyone was indignant. He didn't even send a threatening pass throughout the first half. Zhuo Guisa was happily running in front of him, but he was always a source of no water.

It stands to reason that Yaya Toure should come forward at this time. He also has two brushes on offense. Today Guardiola arranged for Fei Niao to play the back midfielder in order to free Toure to assist in the offensive organization and complete the first. The second echelon cover up.

But Toulei also turned into iron and hanky in seconds, and his state was also a very confused thing. In addition to running around and grabbing, basically can't provide much help to the offense. Toure today is not alone with Toure who was just "forgiven" by Guardiola a few months ago.

This is the case with old players who are getting old. Sometimes they are too old to be better than they were at the peak of their youth, but sometimes they are old and confused. In short, the ups and downs of the state are completely obsessive, there is no pattern at all, and the ups and downs curve trend. under.

Lian Po was able to eat three bowls of dry rice in a row, but he wetted his shoes when he turned around. This is aging.

But the most irritating thing is that Tintin and Toure have two headless flies, but they are quite lucky. They perfectly interpret what pig teammates are.

In the 29th minute, Zhuo Yang received a big turn from his old buddy Debich, stepped on the corner of the penalty area and volleyed out a burst shot, but Grant, who was out of character, punched out again, and the football splashed to the dirty but aggressive At the feet of Ding Ding running.

Although the angle is slightly smaller, although the football kicks and is a little hasty, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is almost empty, how dare you fly in public? Why do you have the face to say that Kaka is your idol?

"Brother Zhuo, the wind, the wind is too big..."

Zhuo Yang laughed angrily at his explanation: "Do you think I look like a gale?"

In the 34th minute, after Zhuo Yang broke through the bottom line, he sent an inverted triangle to Aguero in the penalty area. The wind was too strong, Zhuo Yang yelled ‘leak’ in his mouth, Akun didn’t hear him, and stopped the ball forcibly, causing Sane, who was empty-cut behind him, to miss the perfect shot.

Akun was entangled by Shawcross to see that the ball was about to be lost. He hurriedly saw a sky blue jersey figure on the other side and swept over. Inadvertently, this kick gave Toure a chance to face goalkeeper Grant.

Toure was too old and stopped hitting planes. He shot a flaw.

The master shrugged: "This **** wind is so annoying~"

Because he has a good relationship with Ding Ding, Zhuo Yang feels that Ding Ding's letting the wind back the pot is justified, and Toure is shameless like this.

These were Manchester City's two best chances in the first half. The midfield whistle sounded and the score was 0:0.

Wasting opportunities is contagious. In the 51st minute of the second half, Aguero shot through the penalty area and sent directly into Grant's arms softly.

In the 57th minute, Sane outflanked but mixed garlic under his feet. He missed the football passing the sliding goal in vain. It was as sad as missing the bus at the end of a winter night.

In the 61st minute, Zhuo Yang slashed into the penalty area's waistline, rubbed the ball and hit the lintel again. He also became a pig teammate in the eyes of others.

At this moment, the Manchester City people resented each other like friends, friends, friends who had finished drinking half a car of beer at a night market barbecue stall.

This evening, the wind of early spring stirred the arena and made the pig teammates rippling. There are two teams on the court, so Stoke will soon have a pig teammate.

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