Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 9: 3 minutes of the watershed

If it were replaced by Zhuo Yang three years ago and Falkao was ridiculed in public, he would definitely have an attack on the spot, and he would embarrass Falkao immediately. But now Zhuo Yang won't, he doesn't even care about it, just looks back at Falcao casually.

On the contrary, because of this voice, Zhuo Yang's anger caused by the stubbornness of the score also dissipated a lot in an instant, and his emotions were greatly relieved. After all, six hundred years of experience were not given for nothing.

The gloomy expression returned to indifferent, and the corner of his mouth secretly gave himself a smile.

Feeling that someone nearby was observing him, Zhuo Yang raised his head and looked at Mbappe. This kid is really good. He played quite well today and he has a lot of game.

"You... also made two today, don't you feel that you are really awesome?"

Mbappe's facial features twitched fiercely. In his heart, Zhuo Yang has been classified as a person who is difficult to deal with, has a strange temper, and naturally feels that Zhuo Yang is deliberately provoking.

"Don't... don't, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." Mbappe explained quickly.

I don't know to what extent your old man and Falcao are friends, but what is the relationship with Scar Ribery, I'm afraid all the dogs in the world know. I'm still young, and I'm still waiting to enter the national team, so I can't provoke you old gods.

"Nothing is fine." Zhuo Yang's smile was innocent, but in Mbappe's eyes, it was clearly a wolf in sheep's clothing, hiding a knife in his smile.

Mbappé said: No, no, no, there is a generation gap with Zhuo Yang, and his personality is still so elusive. The most suitable thing is to use him as an idol from far away. It is definitely not suitable for dealing close. Stay safe.

Before the end of a game, Mbappe sighed with emotion, "You can only watch from a distance and not play with it." How deep is the child's misunderstanding of Zhuo Yang.

Guardiola, who has been watching from afar, finally realized his consciousness at this moment. Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, the score of 1:4 made him aware of the mistakes in tactical arrangements and platoon formation today, and also clearly saw the Manchester City stadium. On the pit.

The adjustment will be late, but will not be absent.

But the midfield is a series of pits, all of which can be shot on the spot after being pulled out. Who should be adjusted? Guardiola looked to the bench.

The central defender didn't count on it. Today, there is no backup central defender. There is only one Sabaletta who can play a cameo. Keep him as the last card. After all, the old Sabah will have a lot.

Gua Shuai turned his gaze on Delph, not because he felt that Delph was better than Fernando, but Zhuo Yang told him the other day: Mrs. Del is good, and she should be a reliable master at the critical moment.

Guardiola knows that Delf has a good relationship with Zhuo Yang now, this is a small message to carry private goods, but who makes him also have a good relationship with Zhuo Yang.

Midfielder Fabian Delph took the lead and replaced Yaya Touré, the "Pit Zun".

Regarding the "King of Pit" Fernandinho, who played as a full-back, Guardiola scratched his head again. At this time, it was not a question of letting him return to the midfielder, but he was already running psychedelic and was not suitable to stay. On the field, otherwise the pit will be dug bigger and bigger, and it is very likely that he will kick himself into a late neuropathy patient.

Who can replace him? Guardiola looked at **** Navas. He was once filled by Zhuo Yang's ingenuity to make a cameo on the right back, and the effect was good. Guardiola always wanted to find a chance to try again.

Making a decisive decision, Navas followed Delf on the field, replaced Fei Bird to the right back. Two for two, almost done, let's see the effect first.

Toure and Fei Niao, two black and hank, sat back on the bench, so disgusted that they didn't want to look at each other at all. Today they hurt each other and they both pitted each other miserably.

When Delf was on the field, Guardiola confessed to him: "Go tell Zhuo Yang, if you can't reduce the point difference to one goal, he won't be down today."

Delph nodded calmly, but said in his heart: If you have the patience, you can talk to Zhuo Yang by yourself~


"Old Zhuo, Pep said, we have to narrow the points."

"Got it. Fabian, pay attention to Falcao, don't lose it. Everyone else, alas, let's talk about it."

Not to mention the 1:4 score, just Monaco's four away goals made Manchester City basically bid farewell to bicycles in the two rounds of knockout matches.

Don't say anything. It is nonsense to tell other positions on offense and defense. The first task is to score a goal, and the sooner the better, otherwise it will be useless.

In fact, Manchester City’s attack was excellent before, with more shots and shots on target than Monaco, but with the exception of Sterling who grabbed points from close range, the rest were all rejected by the brave Croatian goalkeeper Subazic.

Daniel Subasić, who is less than 32 years old, is actually not old. He, Tottenham Lorris and Inter Handanovic are recognized as more powerful than famous.

Subasić has no weaknesses in goalkeeper skills. Regardless of the goal line or the attack, or the control and the time of the ball, he is very balanced, and he is very good at penalties. Such a goalkeeper, it is difficult to catch his mistakes, because he does not make mistakes.

Lloris never made a mistake, but made two mistakes in the Premier League game between Tottenham and Manchester City last month. U U Reading

Fabinho stopped Tintin de Bruyne in defense, and the referee Laos whistle sounded.

The foul place was a bit far from the goal, but 37 and 8 meters to the left was still within the direct range of the outstanding man on the toe, Monaco dare not care.

Tintin sat on the ground holding the ball and complained to the referee why he didn't play a card. Some Monegasques were coaxing him to be hypocritical, and some were sparsely preparing to build a wall. Someone from Manchester City helped Tintin carry the bar, and somebody argued with Fabinho.

Subasić walked outside the penalty kick and said something to the Italian central defender Andre Raj.

Maybe not everyone has overlooked that the referee Raos gave an indirect free kick without waiting for the whistle, but obviously everyone thinks this is just a very common offensive and defensive foul.

Zhuo Yang rushed over from the side, and shouted, "Ding Ding--" before he got there.

Tin Ding is really clever, maybe he grew up eating monkey rubber bands when he was a child. Hearing Boss Zhuo's call, he didn't even turn his head, he just sat on the floor and pressed the ball with his hands, then kicked out.

Zhuo Yang Yingqiu fired remotely with his right foot.

"...I don't have a problem in front of the door. You must prevent their No. 24 big guard from rushing to the back. You go personally..."

‘Brush~! ’

When Subasić looked back, the football had fallen into the net. Suddenly he didn't understand what happened, but he also vaguely knew something bad. Look over there again, referee Raos has pointed his hands at the center circle.

2:4, Zhuo Yang was stunned.

In the 61st minute of the second half, Falcao missed a penalty, and then Guardiola adjusted the substitution. In the 64th minute, Zhuo Yang succeeded in an indirect free kick.

This short three minutes was recorded as a watershed in the game in football history.

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