Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 299: Be careful 1 shot and then shot

  Paul Clement was very proud. He raised his head and looked at Zhuo Yang's back. He said to his heart: What kind of old iron, did I force you up?

   Zhuo Yang felt a little bit, turned his head to look at Clement, threw a smile, and gave a thumbs up: It’s really you, awesome.

   He replaced David Silva. Today, Guardiola's command line is a bit confusing, underestimating the enemy and fearing the enemy coexist, wanting to win and fearing to lose looks like a rookie coach who just entered the industry.

   The head coach also has a ‘rookie wall’. From a certain point of view, Guardiola actually lacks the experience of continuously playing against strong enemies.

   Regardless of whether they coach Barcelona or Bayern, the team before the coach is a skyscraper monopoly in the league. There are actually only one or two opponents in the league, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, and Dortmund. Don't watch the other teams happily. At the end of the season, when I look at the leaderboards, I'll take it. The points difference are basically 20 apart.

   So whether in La Liga or Bayern, Guardiola only needs to play the key battles of the strong dialogue throughout the season. Other games are uglier, that is, just play casually, even if a miss is not harmful to the entire season.

   is not that absolute, but it is an indisputable fact that La Liga and Bundesliga are more polarized than the Premier League and Serie A.

   Coming to the Premier League with pride and enthusiasm, BIG has six blue-faced fangs, and other teams do not have a fuel-efficient lamp. In many cases, the factor that determines your end-of-season results is these fuel-free lamps.

   In charge of Pope Saren, your opponent is each other, as well as other giants in Europe, in charge of the Premier League, your opponent is the world.

   How to adjust the state of the team, how to rotate the lineup, how to choose in the face of continuous fierce battles, Guardiola belongs to the old revolution and encounters new problems. There is no clear dividing line between the famous man and the rookie. The figures can overlap, just as there is no natural power gap between the British and the great powers. The strong and the weak are relative terms.

   was unwilling to be equalized by a surprise attack at home. In the last ten minutes, Zhuo Yang replaced Silva with no psychological distortion, but it fully reflected Guardiola's entanglement at the moment.

   But for Zhuo Yang, things are much simpler, nothing more than finding a way to score a goal, or finding a way to get a teammate to score a goal.

   What if I didn't score in the end? Of course it is Guardiola's back.

   In addition to leaving a forward to contain Manchester City, Swansea formed two resolute lines of defense within the 30-meter line when he retreated, five and four. In this case, no matter how Manchester City runs and pulls, there are still people everywhere.

   The best way to break through with a single force is to make a big jump, play a big jump or make a set ball. Facing the first five and the last four, Zhuo Yang can only be shallow and deep.

  Starting from the left, cut inward to the right, flick Nalsingh to pretend to take a long shot, and then continue to cut inward.

   Push Thomas Carroll again and continue cutting.

   After finishing the swan captain Jack Kirk, he can't call inside because he has come to the right.

   Finally, I slapped Spanish full-back Borja Baston, making this buddy helpless: Are you shooting or not? I'm over.

Baston is also a wonderful thing. After he came out of Atletico Madrid at the age of 19 six years ago, he changed teams every year, as if he would burn his feet if he stayed in one place for a long time, and he will continue to change it. .

   Zhuo Yang didn't shoot him because he couldn't find a good opportunity. After calling back to Fei Niao, he cut in to see if there were any loopholes in it.

Although    is two lines of defense, the two lines are very flat, otherwise they would not shrink within 30 meters. Moreover, the two lines blend organically, that is, the complementary position is very timely and reasonable.

   In the 85th minute, Argentine central defender Fernandez, who had just arrived in the winter window, was also picked up by Zhuo Yang. He said in his heart: Do you not shoot?

  Long hold is not good for health preservation, Zhuo Yang shot.

   But at the moment when he bowed his waist and raised his hips, he was kicked to the foot by the Dutch midfielder Leroy Fel, who was double-teamed behind him. So, the shot was shot, but the shot was uncomfortable, the football was high and missed out of the the court.

   Zhuo Yang also fell like a stumbling Ma Suo, so that his relatives did not recognize him.

  The golden stars in his eyes were clean, Zhuo Yang saw that it was this one, and smiled: It's you again, addicted?

   At the end of September last year, the two sides faced off in the last round, which was the sixth round of the Premier League. Zhuo Yang was kicked by Fairy Black's Achilles tendon, which caused him to be injured for a month.

   But the scene was chaotic at the time. Everyone, including the blind referee Svobrick, thought it was full back Kyle Norton, and wronged this buddy with a red card.

   But when everyone watched the video after the game, it became clear that the worst person turned out to be Fair with a dirty braid. Although the action is not great, the degree of filth is actually in the default Premier League rules, but it is true that Zhuo Yang was injured.

   Actually speaking, the one-month break was very helpful to Zhuo Yang who came back. After the reunion with football, he not only immersed himself in training, but also had free time to summarize the central ideas after hard training.

   Zhuo Yang is not a novice football player, he was just picking it up. The truce of that month was to organize the things in his pockets so that he could hold more.

   Can you thank Fair for that? Are you kidding me, does it have anything to do with him? Will a man thank the scumbag when he matures? Thank you grandma for your legs!

   will not deliberately retaliate against you, but if you do something bad again, it is a dead end.

   Zhuo Yang rubbed his leg and stood up. At this moment, he hoped that referee Mike Dean would not give Fair a red card. As he wished, the yellow card plus a free kick.

  The goal-line Fabianski is still very accomplished in the positioning of the ball. Professor Wenger later gave up on him because of his ability to attack, and with Cech, Fabianski did not want to play as a substitute.

   Zhuo Yang's internal spin passed over the mountains and the sea, but did not pass Fabianski's round finger.

   Next, Zhuo Yang should go to the trouble of Fair. Of course, he will not be killed on the spot. Football is a football match, and Zhuo Yang will pick him up.

   is not really trying to tease him, but to make him think he wants to tease him. So facing Zhuo Yang's fake action of raising his leg pretending to be a long shot, Fair was indifferent and said to himself: You are shooting~

   Zhuo Yang really shot! Zhuo Yang chose the most direct and rude way of revenge. Since ancient times, he has been a careful eye, and the Duchess of Vienna and the Zoroastrian saints can testify.

   Angrily fired a heavy gun, the football blasted directly on Fair’s lower abdomen, and for a moment he felt that he was hit by an enamored and stopped without a sound.

  OK, call it a day. Small punishment is enough. This small holiday is no longer in the eyes of Zhuo Yang, who has experienced the magnificent waves. After all, he is a kind and simple man, and Kou Kou and A Ke can testify.

   The football bounced back, and the stubborn Phil was still upright as if being nailed there.

   With a "I'm coming", the black shadow sprang out, and Fei Niao grabbed it and rounded it up. Zhuo Yang: "Don't..."

  It's late, Brazil's back midfielder is also a hard-footed head, and at this moment it is surprisingly accurate, the football fiercely blasted on Fair's chest, cruelly like Fei's grinning expression.

   Some people's badness is written on that face.

   Zhuo Yang: "……"

   It’s the same both at home and abroad. The stomach is connected to the heart. A meal really brings each other closer. Fei Niao made it clear that he wanted to avenge his buddies.

  Although Zhuo Yang doesn't think this is called ‘hatred’, after all, not everyone has his own ambition, and not everyone is as graceful and graceful as him.

   Fair fell slowly, Zhuo Yangxin said: Forget it, forget it, fortunately, he can't die.

   was about to take the initiative to stop the game, but before he could break the bounced football out of the sideline, a black shadow burst out and the bad guys came again.

"do not……"


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