Golden Greenery

: Chapter 28? Asking for leave is a language art

   After playing Everton away, Manchester City’s nearly a month of "Devil's Christmas Schedule" has come to an end. There is no officially defined date boundary, but instead of double matches a week, there is finally a one-week gap before the next match.

   There is no shortage of double matches in a week in other places, but the Premier League is obviously more dense. Three games in ten days are basically the norm, and one game a week is an isolated phenomenon. Zhang Chi has the right way. The six-sky break that should have been very common at this time seems to be as long as the entire summer vacation.

   When people are free, they will miss his wife, and Zhuo Yang wants to ask for leave again. Although it hasn't been a few days since he and Kou Kou have been in Zurich, Zhuo Yang just thinks that he is particularly unreliable on this point.

   Actually, I have to go with Kou Kou. The key is to stay with his wife. Every pore is comfortable. It feels like a drunkard can’t stop drinking.

   But this time, he was a bit hard to speak.

   Manchester City defeated Everton 2:4, Guardiola canceled the single rest with a gloomy face, and everyone is strengthening technical and tactical training at the base these days. Zhuo Yang, as the old guy's iron, and the newly appointed captain, has to cheer and set an example.

   The results are fluctuating. Not only is Guardiola oppressed by public opinion, but the players are also Alexander, and the media also raises old accounts.

   In the match against Everton, the average age of Manchester City’s starting lineup was 29.5 years old. I don’t know, but I was shocked. The AC Milan, which was known as the “nursing home”, was not so exaggerated.

   Tyrant, where have all the young people gone?

   The media is counting on Manchester City. Since the summer of 2011, in the past five and a half years, Blue Moon has spent a total of 570 million pounds to purchase 43 first-line players.

   But looking back now, 41 of them are not considered successful. Aguero is at least worth the price. The real value for money can be regarded as the club's success. Only Zhuo Yang is one, and he is still worthless.

Mansour’s Abu Dhabi consortium entered Manchester City at the end of 2008. In the first few years, it was still targeted signings. The real crazy money burn was from the summer after the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Silva, Touré and Balot With Lee, Milner, Kolarov, Joe Hart and later Aguero, the skeleton of Manchester City's two Premier League titles was actually achieved before 2011.

   But at that time, the team was already showing an aging problem. However, in the next five and a half years, 570 million yuan went in again, and it is still one of the oldest teams in the entire Premier League.

   Except for Zhuo Yang and Aguero, the media went on and on. 54 million de Bruyne, 49 million Stirling, 31.7 million Otamendi, 47.5 million Stones, 20 million Bravo, 26 million Gundogan, 40 million Fenia... …

   Everyone listened carefully to Guardiola's roar in the base, for fear that he would not have long eyes and be the rafters.

   Under such circumstances, how could Zhuo Yang just open his mouth to ask for leave? Anyhow, I have to make up a reason that sounds very reliable.

   But the Irishman, Ireland, came to the Manchester City training base to visit the old and learned his story. Zhuo Yang gave up the idea of ​​making up an excuse for leave.

  Is an Irishman, and his surname is indeed Ireland. This buddy who is one year younger than Zhuo Yang has the same surname as the country and his name is Stephen Ireland.

This is not surprising. The British have the last name'English', the Scottish have the last name, the Dutch have the last name'Netherlands', the United States has the last name'America', and South Korea has the last name'Korean. 'Yes, Japan does not seem to have a surname...

The Portuguese midfielder Bruno Zina, who played for La Liga Mallorca, his'Zina' is'China'. Now the Portuguese Super Maritimo club has a 25-year-old left-back named Fabio Zi Na (·China), they are a bit confusing.

   Stephen Ireland came out of the Manchester City Youth Training and entered the first team at the age of 18 in 2004. At that time, Manchester City was still a well-known rough team in the Premier League, and the young Ireland immediately became the main force of the team with his smart feet and excellent technology.

   Manchester City's pre-Mansour era, that is, the years when Sun Jihai was in, Ireland was the core of the team's midfielder, and only moved to Aston Villa in 2010.

   But these years he hasn't been very good. He moved to Villa, Newcastle, and now in Stoke City, he is also mixed up very ordinary, the nature of the bench scraps. And his life is a mess, the glamorous mansion is actually messed up like a doghouse.

  Ireland returned to his family home this time because his professional contract expired this summer and Stoke City has no intention to renew it. He was not so arrogant that he wanted to return to the current Blue Moon, but planned to retire, and asked in advance if he could get a feel for the job of an echelon assistant coach.

   Zhuo Yang doesn’t know this buddy, but because the year is not very long, now Manchester City still has Kompany and Sabaletta familiar with Ireland. After the two old gossip men greeted their old teammates, they turned around and chewed Zhuo Yang's gossip tongue.

  Ireland chose to join the Irish national team at the age of 19. At that time, the England national team, which was also lacking in skills, had beaten its chest for a long time.

   In the first six national team games, Ireland scored 4 goals, which is clearly not an average person, but all his international experience is limited to 4 goals in six games.

   In September 2007, before the European Championship qualifiers where Ireland played against the strong enemy Czech Republic, the performance began after Ireland received a call from his girlfriend Jessica.

He found head coach Steve Staunton in tears and reported the bad news in tears: "My grandma passed away. Boss, since I was five years old, my grandma has been feeding her with shit. She is my life. The most important person in the world, I...oooo~~~"

   Coach Staunton, who was less than 40 years old, was also a man of temperament and immediately gave Ireland a warm hug.

   "Silly boy, nothing is more important in this world than your loved ones. Don't worry about the team, go back quickly, remember, we are all with you. Be strong, silly boy."

   Coach Staunton was very righteous. After reporting to the Football Association of Ireland, he also requested the Football Association to arrange a private plane to send Ireland home in the name of the team.

   After landing, Ireland called Manchester City coach Ericsson again, crying for a week of leave, because he was so sad that he couldn't help himself, and he had to arrange a funeral and do his last filial piety. So, the whole city of Manchester is with you, silly boy, go ahead with you, remember to mourn~

  Sun Jihai had already returned to China at that time, otherwise he might still be thinking about mailing a few wreaths, and they have a good relationship.

   The Football Association of Ireland is a **** righteousness, and immediately officially released an obituary in the media, mourning the mourning of Ireland’s grandmother, Patricia Tallon. Your grandma is the grandma of all of us.

  The only problem is that the Irish grandmother Talong is still alive, and the old man is so tough, so he and the young man dance the square dance with the young man. Grandma Talong happened to see the obituary in the newspaper, and was so angry that she almost didn't pass, so she picked up the phone and scolded the FA.

  Irish rain of tears whispered, and calmly explained: You heard it wrong, not grandma, but grandma. I was **** by my grandma since I was five years old...

   English-speaking countries are not so particular about Chinese. Both grandmother and grandmother are called ‘grandmother’.

   The Football Association of Ireland knew that it had a big oolong, and quickly removed the wrong obituary and replaced it with a new one, mourning the granny Brenda Kichener. Your grandma is our grandma...

   Grandma Jichena is alive, she also dances square dancing, reads the newspaper, and swears.

   Come on, silly boy, can you explain what's going on?

   Ireland wiped away his tears, swallowed and said calmly: I'm sorry, I didn't say it clearly. My grandfather and grandma divorced and the one who did not die is my grandfather’s second wife, which is my step-grandmother. She is also a grandmother, right? Since my five years old, my grandmother has been peeing...

   The Football Association of Ireland and the newspapers are not really stupid. They sent someone to investigate before changing the obituary again. They found that their step-grandmother Mary McCarthy was also alive and dancing all day long.

   The FA is angry, the national team is angry, Coach Staunton is angry, the whole Irish people are angry.

   Ireland, who has never been to school, put together a five-page apology letter, and failed to get angry people to forgive him. Since then, he has never been called by the national team. He is such a silly boy...

   It is said that the real reason for the leave in Ireland was that his girlfriend Jessica had a miscarriage. In fact, he has to tell the truth, maybe he can also invite him down. The reason for taking care of his family is quite politically correct in Europe.

   But this thing is also divided. Harvey Alonso was in Liverpool that year, the team was going to play in the UEFA Champions League, and his wife happened to be giving birth. That was the first child of Longo and his wife. As a result, Benitez didn't give him a holiday, and Long was stubborn. The face is forced to walk, and he has never spoken to Marshal Pei again, and moved to Real Madrid next year.

Professional players have been so ridiculous to ask for leave. There are all kinds of strange reasons for UU reading, but they say that their relatives are dead, and finally they say that their country’s future is dead. Ireland can be called eternal First person.

   In 2004, Valencia Mali midfielder Sissoko participated in the preliminaries in Africa. He called coach Ranieri to take a week off and said that there was a very important national team friendly match.

After    came back, Sissoko eloquently told Ranieri how he was awesome in the game, free kick and full moon scimitar. Ranieri just watched him pretendingly, then said blankly: "Your national team leader called me and said you disappeared a week ago."

   Sissoko: "..."


   Zhuo Yang slapped his tongue after listening to the Irish story, and arranged for his own relatives. Such people should be killed on the spot.

   So when the dead milk mad Irish came over to greet him humbly, Zhuo Yang shook his face without looking at him. Later, I went to find CEO Ferran Soriano and told him to refuse Ireland as a youth coach and stop teaching the kids badly.

   Zhuo Yang is an upright person. He despises Stephen Ireland for lie in order to ask for leave, and he spins a series of lies, full of contempt. He vowed not to get along with such a scum, so he gave up the leave of absence very hard, and honestly trained with the team.

   Asking for leave is a language art.

   Zhuo Yang is a man of integrity.

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