Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 278: Lost to Goodison with 2 goals

Relentlessly teased by the opponent’s young people, the old clappers of Manchester City couldn’t hold on their faces. In just ten minutes, Silva, Krish, and Sabaletta brought down Davis and Barkley because of revenge. Got a yellow card.

The famous whistle Kratenberg whistle is very timely, the cards are also quite decisive, and the field control is very good. But although it has not developed into a chaotic battle between the two sides for the purpose of fouling, the unbalanced mentality of the Manchester City players is fully revealed.

Zhuo Yang was speechless, falling behind by two goals 1:3. The young people did not deliberately lead the battle to a melee, but the experienced veterans of his own started playing blindly.

Guardiola is not used to the problem, he replaced Sabaletta with Ishinacho, and Manchester City switched to a single midfielder 4-3-3.

In the 80 minutes of the game, Manchester City had scored as many as 20 shots, but apart from Zhuo Yang's ‘God’s Flick’, the other 19 were ‘I just can’t get in.’

It's not just a simple problem of the frontal state being abolished and the short-circuiting pit from the back. Manchester City's cross-cutting in the attack today is very bad. Coman's tactical arrangement is quite effective. The short pass that Manchester City advances to the frontcourt is always by Everton. Obstruct or even steal the ball.

Even if the possession rate is again as high as an incredible 73%, but without the short pass, Manchester City is nothing, and Guardiola is nothing.

In the 81st minute, Manchester City once again began a dazzling interleaving pass in the hinterland of the Everton penalty area. In this case, Barry and Schneiderlin will closely follow Zhuo Yang, one side in a comfortable position, no matter whether Zhuo Yang has the ball or not, as long as he enters the forty-meter middle, they will not leave.

Before Zhuo Yang had time to bring the pair of ‘dumbbells’ to his right rib, the pass between Ishinacho and Aguero was broken again. It's all legs, and it's not clear who did it.

The football jumped to Barry's feet, and Everton's counterattack formation quickly opened. In fact, Barry has a very good long pass strategy, and this kind of ability is basically the older the older the more demon. Look at Pirlo, right ?

Barry did not play the ball the first time, because instigating a long pass to counterattack requires not only footwork, but also an insight into the football awareness and thinking of the stadium. But Old Barry was a little bit annoyed by Zhuo Yang's ‘why the house hasn’t been sold’ just now. At this moment, he could not clearly see the situation when he switched offense and defense.

But the old Barry was prudent and experienced. He knew that he couldn't delay the team's counterattack in this critical zone, and he couldn't stick the ball, so he decisively pushed the ball to Schneiderlin and pulled away.

As a substitute for the French national team in the 2014 World Cup and 2016 European Championships, Morgan Schneiderlin, who was abandoned by the Red Devils and Manchester United for lack of offensive organization ability, but deeply felt that he was unacceptable, it was he who expressed his own counterattack. Great opportunity for talent.

If you don't have one, don't try to force it. It's a business to quickly push the full-back who is brushing and pressing on one side. It's up to him to find a way.

Not really!

Schneiderlin raised his head and carefully observed the frontcourt running and retreat. At this moment, he was full of ambition. At this moment, he was focused and refreshed.

Barry was so anxious that his eyeballs and **** were rushing out from the top and bottom.

Zhuo Yang turned over and took the ball with two vertical steps!

Not to mention stealing it, he was furious with anger.

You **** don't put me in your eyes too much, I'm still so big in the neighborhood, I haven't seen you so crazy. Don't such a big person go to Bundesliga, Serie A, La Liga to inquire about it? Go and ask who would dare to control the ball with a three-meter radius around me? Lived into the belly of a dog at an age.

I'm so angry, I'm so angry~~~

The ball from the top of the arc turned and took the flames to burst into the penalty area. When the offense and defense were changing, Williams and Holgate were not in the defensive position. Only the old Barry's heartbreaking split tackle flew from the side. , Trying to stop Zhuo Yang.

It's simply impossible. Barry, who was an atypical tackle, was able to stop on the turf with an **** stop when he saw Zhuo Yang driving past Robles and blasting the football angrily into the empty goal that was close at hand.

2:3, Zhuo Yang pulled back the football and ran past Schneiderlin who was dumbfounded, and gave him a vicious look. Old Barry felt the pain of tearing his anus.


When Gareth Barry was holding his **** and was replaced, Zhuo Yang was no longer angry, and he kindly came over to comfort Barry: Is it okay? Call me back and I will help you ask the Chinese businessmen to see who buys your house.

Barry suddenly felt that'rigorous' was not a problem, it was worth it.

Koeman replaced the 26-year-old Irish midfielder James McCarthy, who made his debut in the Soviet Super League in Hamilton and became famous as Wigan Athletic in the Premier League. He was known as'Irish Gerrard'.

It was not easy for England's Gerrard to come up personally. Manchester City, who pulled back a goal, once again saw vitality. In the last ten minutes, they launched an overwhelming and unreasonable attack that crushed Everton.

But it just doesn't fall.

In the 90th minute, Ronald Koeman showed his courage in coaching. Under such a thrilling crisis, he did not continue to be a defensive player, but used the 20-year-old technical speed forward Admora Lu Kerman, replaced Barkley, who had outstanding skills and organizational skills, but was completely tired of defense at this time.

Koeman's courage lies in that Lukeman is not only young, UU reading www. is also the newcomer who has just transferred to the winter window. This is also his first time playing for Everton.

Lukeman came to Everton from a £10 million transfer from Charlton. This value broke the transfer record of League One players.

Manchester City is already crazy, Zhuo Yang has been on the front line like he is constantly on the knife mountain, and the defender is in flames, rubbing Everton continuously and climaxing, and he is about to shiver at the end.

In the 90th and 3rd minute, Manchester City's own pass did not cooperate well, Zhuo Yang stuffed the ball into the penalty area, but Aguero and Ishinacho pulled apart.

Goalkeeper Robles dabbled with the ball and then drove forward with a big foot. These guys have a lot of leg strength, and the football directly reached the Manchester City penalty area line.

Stones defeated Lukaku in the race for the top and pushed the football back to the center line, but Silva missed Davis, and the outstanding young man headed for Schneiderlin.

With confidence, Schneiderlin properly sent the ball along the wing to Coleman at the front end, that is, the ball speed was slightly faster.

Full-back Clichy has floated up, Stones made up from the center to defend Coleman, I saw that he lifted his long legs and kicked you X.

The two were almost face to face, Stones' big foot kicked the ball directly on Coleman's calf, and the rebound collapsed to the center of the penalty area.

Lukeman, who just came off the bench, was there for no reason, and the pass was just so.

The unexpected joy caused Lukeman to stop the ball and he was three meters away from the ball. But it doesn't matter at all, because there are no Manchester City players in a radius of five meters.

Lukeman caught up and volleyed from a small angle. The Bravo had a short crotch, and the small door and the door opened at the same time, 4:2.

Zhuo Yang: "..."


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