Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 264: Bring the new son to be not old

   "Damn, master, are you so old already?" Zhuo Yang's surprised expression was definitely not a pretended surprise. "36? Why are you 36 suddenly?"

   When I met such a guy, Kaka was also speechless for a while. What he just said clearly was ‘I’m almost 35, and I’ll be 36 years old after playing this year’. As a result, Zhuo Yang heard ‘36’ as if someone pierced his kidney with an awl.

   Many people came to the City Stadium to witness Zhuo Yang’s comeback starting game, but after all, Kaka was an idler on vacation. The Bundesliga is about to start, Hasler and the dog, Rand, are going back to Hannover. When Maldini and Rijkaard are middle-aged, there are old and young people, and it is a matter of family and outside life. It is already very luxurious to make a special trip.

   They gathered with Zhuo Yang in a hurry, and then flew away. Only Kaka and his girlfriend Carolina were left by Zhuo Yangqiang.

   After the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Kaka and Caroline Serico, who have been in the cold war for more than half a year, officially announced their breakup. At that time, they shocked all the melon-eaters who admired the love of their couple, including Zhuo Yang.

   But a few months later, at the end of the year, the two announced their reunification again, revealing a high-profile intimate photo of their boudoir together. The men and women who still believe in love breathed a sigh of relief. But this time Zhuo Yang is not included, he is lying in London Bridge Hospital.

   But the more the original perfect love, once there is a crack, the more difficult it will be to bridge it. After all, the fate was overwhelming. In August 2015, Kaka and Caroline broke up again and soon went through formal divorce procedures, drawing a bitter end to this 12-year love and 9-year marriage.

   According to the media, their breakdown was due to Kaka’s derailment, and the third was the 2013 Brazilian beauty pageant Jacqueline Oliveira. I don't know whether this matter is true or not, and Kaka did not respond.

   Zhuo Yang did not gossip to Kaka after waking up from his dream, because it was not his business. He and Kaka were once called "couples", but they were only on the football lawn, not on the bed.

   However, both Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou believe that even if there is a derailed beauty pageant, it should only be the fuse, the last straw, and not all cause and effect.

   Last summer, Kaka met Brazilian model Carolina Diaz in the United States, and then fell in a second river of love. In fact, it was the third one. Before Caroline, Kaka had a girlfriend who had been with him for half a year.

   At the end of last year, that is, half a month ago, Paris Saint-Germain Jr. Lucas held a wedding in Rio. Kaka took Carolina to attend, which is a public announcement of this new relationship.

   Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou have a very good relationship with Caroline Seriko, especially Kou Kou, she and Caroline are close to girlfriends, and they still maintain daily contact. However, these things can't love Wu Jiwu, they will not have any prejudice against Carolina because of Caroline.

   Zhuo Yang is just a bellyache: Caroline, Carolina, Master, should you call Carolina Zha next...

   "Welcome, Carolina. The media arranges that I and Kaka are couples. We don't believe in rumors or spread rumors. I hope you don't mind."

  Carolina hid her mouth and smiled, she is a pretty girl.

   Zhuo Yang's relaxed joke made Kaka feel relieved. He was always worried about this dog because Caroline had made Caroline a bad face. In 2014, I learned of the phone call when the two of them broke up. Kaka was scared when he thought of it.

   Kaka’s younger brother Digan and Zhuo Yang are the same age. After playing soy sauce on the guard line of the New York Red Bulls in the major leagues for a few years, he retired at the end of 2013 and had just turned 28 when he retired.

"Zhuo Yang, as well as my contract with Orlando this year, I am considering whether to continue after playing this year." Kaka said: "I will be 35 years old soon, and I can be considered 36 years old after playing this year. I almost feel it. "

   It was this sentence that immediately surprised Zhuo Yang. He never realized that Kaka was so ‘old’.

   "Huh? 36? Are you so old?"

   Kaka has a black line: "How do you say it? You are three years younger than me. You are the same age. If I'm an old man, aren't you?"

   Zhuo Yang: "……"

Men are not as sensitive to their own age as women, especially men in their 30s and 40s. Don’t look at all the time saying that they are "empty-nest old man" and "middle-aged uncle". In fact, they never subconsciously think that they are really this age. .

  The age that    said in his mouth, and the age of actual understanding, are reasonably severely divided among men. And this split will continue until after the age of fifty, until the day when even self-deception can't hide it.

   A man in his forties doesn’t think he and the young girls of eighteen, ninety and twenty are two generations. In his thirties, he feels wronged even when he is a ‘brother’. So sometimes old men strike up a chat with a little girl. It's not that they disrespect the old, but that they think they are the same age from the bottom of their hearts.

   It is said that this kind of mentality is very beneficial to men's beauty. It is more effective than other health products and soaking wolfberry in water.

  Because of this, a man can naturally laugh at the old people of his age, without even realizing that he is an old man.

   Zhuo Yang is the same. Don’t look at him saying that he is a 30+ veteran all day long. In fact, he always feels that he is the ‘King’ and that boy in Fort Mady.

   In the ears of young people, especially in the senses of football teenagers, 36 years old is the walking coffin board, the old grandfather who is struggling to breathe.

   But the Kaka in Zhuo Yang's heart, no matter what he has experienced, has always been the jade son of San Siroli soaring in the wind. The years have passed, but this has never changed. So when Meng heard that the young master was going to retire at the age of 36, it was normal for him to be shocked.

   Ke Zhuo Yang is actually only three years younger than Kaka, turning over 2016, in this new year, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Zhuo Yang can be considered a 32-year-old man. The owner Mei, who was once as tender as green onions, is 30 years old.

   "Master, isn't it a little earlier? I won't play for two years."

   "Well..., let's talk about it, I haven't decided on me yet." Kaka paused.

   Zhuo Yang’s fuss made Kaka lose the interest in discussing in depth, nor did he tell him that it was Maldini that made him think about retirement.

   Maldini is getting narrower and narrower on the road of fashion designer, obviously has become a dead end, after thinking about it, football is the best for him. But he didn't have the slightest interest in coaching the horse team. He planned to study sports management in college to see if he could play some tricks in club management.

   Maldini’s words awakened Kaka. He had been a little muddled in these years, walking the calendar completely according to the inertia of life.

   Kaka has always had the idea of ​​becoming the sports director of the football club after retiring, and told Zhuo Yang, but he did not have a precise schedule, the root cause is still reluctant to bear the player career.

   But today’s game made Kaka completely awakened that the peerless double pride has become a thing of the past after all. Not to mention regaining its former glory, it is impossible to barely maintain the status quo. Instead of leaving a shabby back, it's better to start another dream as soon as possible, just like your own love.

   "Zhuo Yang, if I become a sports director in the future, would you like to play in my team?"

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