Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 261: I am the master of my performance

Burnley can run too much, and it has gone beyond the concept of diligence to make up for one's weakness, which is completely equivalent to abruptly running out of the court.

It's good now, Fernandinho was sent off with a red card, and Manchester City faced the frantically running Burnley, which was equivalent to two fewer people fighting on the field. How can this ball be played?

Burnley played with 12 players, and Manchester City, with 10 players, was suddenly embarrassed, especially the midfielders, who were all busy with dogs.

Zhuo Yang also retreated to the midfield to help, but did not completely retreat, still suppressing Burnley's defender at the front from time to time. This is actually a dilemma, because the number of midfielders is not enough. If you don't ask, you will be squeezed back by your opponents. If you can't grab it, you can't get up.

But if the retracement is too deep, it will liberate all the opponent defenders. At least the two wingers will become unscrupulous, which will further aggravate Manchester City's numerical disadvantage.

There is an extremely subtle degree of this, and it requires a very keen ability to examine the situation. Therefore, Zhuo Yang chose to shift the position of the inverted triangle between the center and the Burnley defense line. When to press and when to retreat, it depends on the situation of his own midfielder.

Slipping! I can't stop at all, keep running back and forth and sprinting.

Although the Zhuo family's relatives in the box are not professionals in football skills and tactics, and do not understand the role Zhuo Yang plays in tactics, they can see him like a stupid dog, who catches and bites whom.

Mother Zhuo wondered: "Autumn, is your brother's brain stupid? Why doesn't he rest for a while?"

The eldest sister is considered a person in the football circle, but she is not an expert in this area. "Maybe... the coach arranged it? Zhuo Yang has a very good relationship with Lao Gu."

"I think Guardiola doesn't know much about football, he's far worse than Fatty An." Zhuo's father said. Zhuo Tongtong is considered half an AC Milan fan, so he thinks that the best coaches in the world are Ancelotti and Rijkaard.

"I heard Zhuo Yang say that Guardiola is actually easier to deal with than Ancelotti, he said Ancelotti...sly." Koukou said.

"If the relationship is good, let Zhuo Yang run like this?" Zhuo's mother said: "I still think Zhuo Yang is stupid."

The family discussed silly Zhuo Yang and the bad old man in Chinese, but the two of the dogs, Lande, did not understand them at all.

The eldest sister asked him in German: "Carl, do you think Zhuo Yang's kick is reasonable? It's like a mad dog...not you."

The mad dog Carl Rand looked down intently, and was silent for a while before he said: "Zhuo Yang... played very cleverly. He contained the entire defense line on the opposite side, as well as the No. 13 midfielder, which reduced Manchester City a lot. pressure."

"He is really crazy, but considering the whole team, this is the most reasonable way. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. After twelve years, Zhuo Yang is still so outstanding and still works hard."

Gou Ye is a professional, so his comments on Zhuo's family are naturally believed. In fact, they all know that Zhuo Yang can't be walked by a stupid dog on the court, he is not really stupid, but he feels sorry for him. This kind of running makes you tired.

Gouye is a person with few words, he fell silent again after saying this, and continued to concentrate on watching the game, but his mind was tumbling.

Crazy dog ​​mad dog, Rand is a mad dog player, running and biting is all of his football, which has been here for more than ten years. But from the beginning of this season, I was crazy like a dog and I started to feel tired. He used to run much more than Zhuo Yang, but from today, Zhuo Yang is still Zhuo Yang twelve years ago, but Rand knows that he is no longer the mad dog twelve years ago.

Rand is two years older than Zhuo Yang, and he is almost 33 by counting. His heart is not old, but time is the knife for killing pigs. Rand doesn't know how long he can run like this.

Can you still run to the day when Zhuo Yang returns to Fort Madi?

When Zhuo Yang left twelve years ago, the dog master vowed to guard the Fort Muddy until he handed it over to Zhuo Yang.


Abruptly turning aerobic football into an anaerobic exercise that consumes physical energy. Although Zhuo Yang is tired, he has to say it is very useful. Manchester City did not suffer from lack of people in the remaining ten minutes of the first half. There is no big flaw in the face of the long-distance runners like Burnley.

The tit-for-tat hard resistance works well for opponents like Burnley. Under the guidance of Coach Deitch, the Red Wine Corps and other traditional English football are not exactly the same, otherwise they would have been eliminated long ago.

In the face of this situation, if you withdraw to avoid the limelight temporarily, expect your opponent to be exhausted. Others are fine, but Burnley will play more and more in his own rhythm, after the three drums, there are four drums, five drums..., you may be beaten to death if you kick it behind.

Burnley can do this because Sean Dyche is a psychologist. The Burnley he trained is not unusual in tactics. On the contrary, the routines are very simple and rude, but there is no small ball to play with. The newly promoted horses are generally suffering from gains and losses, and all of them are taught to be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

We should have stayed in the Premier League. We were the ones who were able to enter the Premier League; we were all eliminated by other teams, and we are the ones who can play today.

If you are not afraid of losing, you will naturally be fearless.

You should lose the ball, maybe you can steal one if you fight, and maybe you will win if you keep fighting.

That's how Burnley's football came this season, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The first 19 rounds of com have 7 wins, 2 draws and 10 losses. Let's see how many teams are played by them.

But in the first half of today, Zhuo Yang effectively contained Burnley's fight in the frontcourt and also led Manchester City to fight each other. In Burnley's view, this is playing cards not according to the rules, so they ‘fight’ very unhappily, and naturally the effect cannot be fully realized.

However, if you think that Zhuo Yang is just fighting, it is a big mistake. To deal with this situation, the best way to break the game is to join another one of his mothers. The rest is nothing.

A gap of one ball will make the opponent think strongly, if two balls, you want to be yours.

So while Zhuo Yang was fighting, he was always looking for opportunities.

In the 45th +1 minute, the football scrambled on the right flank of Manchester City's midfield. Touré headed the ball and gave the ball to Tintin de Bruyne.

Ding Ding's passing sense and consciousness are quite good. After his chest stops, he doesn't wait to completely turn around and he makes a volley pass and kicks it to Zhuo Yang in the front court.

Zhuo Yang took the ball outside the corner of the penalty area, with Stephen Ward and Benjamin M. to his side and behind him, and Keane nearby, which was equivalent to three and a half people surrounding him.

After catching the ball, turning and pulling behind, this trick is called cross stitch, which is not very advanced. But Zhuo Yang made it worth it. The continuity after receiving the ball shook Ward and Mi completely. They couldn't think of it.

After passing by, there is not much to say, facing Keane, he drew the far corner diagonally outside the penalty area.

It wasn't Zhuo Yanglang, but from the corner of his eye he saw the goalkeeper Heaton leaning against the front post. He deserved bad luck.

After an arc, the audience boiled and the "Song of Zhuo Yang" sounded again.

2:0, I am in charge of my performance, no one can mess it up.

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