Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 258: Everyone Loves Burnley

  The formulation of the Premier League schedule was once officially ridiculed as an "impossible task", but it has been accomplished very well, although it seems a bit confusing for people familiar with other leagues.

   Most of the football leagues in the world, including Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Portugal, basically adopt the method of ‘snake against’ according to last season’s ranking. For example, the first round: 1~20, 2~19, 3~18...9~10

   Round 2: 1~19, 2~18……9~20

   Of course, there are also snake-like matches that use one or two jumps, but it means the same thing. At most, there will be some fine-tuning to take care of sharing the home court or special circumstances for him, but the basic principles will not change.

   The schedule formulated in this way is very clear and can also be called rigid. Taking AC Milan as an example, this season's opponents for Mao Zedong are: 1 Turin, 2 Naples, 2 Udine...19 Cagliari.

   Then the order of AC Milan in the second half of the cycle is still like this: 20 Turin, 21 Naples, 23 Udine...38 Cagliari.

   is nothing more than an upside-down home and away game. If you encounter a problem during the course of the race, find a solution temporarily.

   But the Premier League’s schedule is more user-friendly and respects the opinions of clubs and fans, so it will make the unknown people confused and messy.

   At the beginning of each year, the Premier League company will first determine the start date of the next season, and then try every means to find a suitable match day for the dazzling array of matches.

   During this period, I have to fight back and forth with the FA (FA Cup), take care of my youngest son, the League Cup, and the necessary European schedule.

   Next, the staff will send rolls to each club, with three main questions.

   1: Which day do you not want to play a home game;

  2: Which specific team do you want to play with;

   3: Boxing day or which club do not want to play against.

The same rolls will also be issued to the major fan organizations and fan representatives of the clubs, and more detailed written documents will be sent to the British Chief Police Officer Association (ACPO) and the British Traffic Police (BTP) to determine the city’s next competition year Public Affairs.

   After all these investigations and applications are gathered, the schedule-making department will input all the conditions into the computer software specially developed for this purpose to form restrictions, and then use the ‘snake shape’ as the backboard, and then perform random computer sorting.

The 20 teams will have extremely large permutations and combinations, and there will also be many restrictions. Before specialized software is developed, all of this needs to be done manually. The workload is horrendous, so it’s impossible. carry out'.

  The golden rule of the Premier League schedule: no matter which game starts, every five rounds must be three hosts and two guests or three guests and two hosts;

   At the beginning and end of the season, no team will have two consecutive homes or two aways;

   Boxing Day (the first day after Christmas) at home and away on New Year's Day;

   If there are multiple clubs in the same city, the home games will be arranged separately;

   minimized the journey distance of each club on Boxing Day and New Year's Day.

   The Premier League’s schedule is formulated to maximize the interests of the team, fans, police, municipalities, broadcasters and other parties. They compromise with every club, but do not favor any club.

   Although this kind of schedule is troublesome and seems rather messy, it is undoubtedly a lot more scientific than other leagues, especially Apennines, which is famous for its lazy politics.

   However, the fundamental reason is that there are too many games in England, and the mixed competitions are so dense that they can cause phobia. If it is not carefully arranged, a game with an unreasonable time and date arrangement will affect the progress of 40-50 games at most. Therefore, people are forced out, and the schedule is the same.

   At noon on January 2, 2017, less than 48 hours before the last round against Liverpool, Manchester City ushered in the 20th round of the Premier League opponent at home. This is the result of the ‘scientific’ schedule.

   The 20th round is the first match of the second half of the schedule. Because of the Premier League's characteristics, Manchester City's opponent is not Sunderland in the first round in August last year, but Burnley in the 13th round.

   Burnley and Bournemouth are two cities, one north and one south. The difference is as big as Nanjing and Nanchang. The teams are naturally unmatched teams.

   As we all know, rugby is derived from football. It is said that a stunned boy named Ellis was kicked anxiously by his opponent during the game. He picked up the football and buckled it in his arms. He kept avoiding the block and rushed into the opponent's goal. Later, from mocking and imitating, rugby was born soon.

  In other words, football is the father of rugby. But Burnley is not, they are the sons of football.

   In May 1882, there was an internal conflict in the Burnley Rugby League. The working class were not fuel-efficient lamps. Two groups of people wiped their arms and rolled their sleeves and started training directly.

   The few gangs lost and were expelled from the Rugby League, but they were not convinced and did not want to rely on the smell of rugby anymore, so they established the Burnley Wanderers Football Club.

   The technical content of early football is not as high as it is now. The main thing is to play with the body. Many people are both rugby and football.

   Six years later, in 1888, the English Professional League was established and Burnley was one of the 12 founding clubs.

   Burnley was the Champions League last season, so he could avoid the play-offs and go straight to the Premier League. In the 13th round more than a month ago, Manchester City scored in the first and second half with Aguero, defeating Burnley 2:1. That game Zhuo Yang came off the bench in the 78th minute, UU read but there was nothing special.

   After the half-time battle, Burnley is ranked 12th in the standings, which is very good for the newly promoted.

   Burnley is nicknamed ‘Red Wine Legion’. In fact, they don’t produce red wine at all in the local area.

   Today there are only four English coaches on the Premier League coaching bench, and 46-year-old wine coach Sean Deitch is one of them. Coach Ditch is admired by Burnley fans as the godfather of the team, calling him "Saint Ditch" or "Royal Ditch".

   A ginger-haired, well-known joke player, so Sean Dyche's most famous nickname is "Ginger Mourinho".

   Burnley coached by Dyqi, in the first half of the Premier League schedule, each round of running distance surpassed the opponent. Among the top ten players in the Premier League total running distance list, Burnley alone has three seats. Burnley midfielder Boyd accounted for four of the top five cases in the single-game distance list...

   This is a typical working-class team and a typical traditional English team. In the vote of all Premier League fans, Burnley is the favorite team except their home team.

   Burnley, who is so cute and loves flowers, first visited the City Stadium when 2017 just arrived.

   They were greeted by Manchester City, ranked fifth, and Zhuo Yang, who started with the captain's armband.

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