Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 255: Uncle Zha's Wheel Fight

  As a Brazilian midfielder, Lucas has played for Liverpool for the tenth year. He has only scored a goal in the Premier League so far. This shows how pure his defensive attributes are.

   Uncle Zha is always very ingenious in his adjustments. He let Lucas come up and become a strange man-marking midfielder, only targeting Zhuo Yang alone, like a shadow.

   In fact, he did this very unreasonable. The formation is an organism. This way it is easy for Zhuo Yang to run without the ball with Lucas, thus disrupting the mutual positioning relationship between Liverpool players.

From another aspect, even if you, as the enlightenment coach of Zhuo Yang's professional football, know him very well and are really afraid of his unpredictability, you should let De Tu come over. Past history has proved that De Tu is the most troublesome to Zhuo Yang. Defender.

   In fact, the optimal solution is to ignore Zhuo Yang, because there are too many choices for a 2:0 lead. After all, Zhuo Yang does not have the ability to destroy the entire line of defense alone. Continue to take advantage of the overall advantages of other places on the field. If Zhuo Yang can score another goal, even if Zhuo Yang can make flowers, it doesn't matter at all.

   Uncle Ke Zha has adopted the most unreasonable man-to-man defensive strategy. Many senior people cried out that they couldn't understand it. Guardiola couldn't understand either. He stroked his scalp to watch what was about to happen.

   But Zhuo Yang seemed to understand.

In the 65th minute, as soon as Zhuo Yang took the ball in the front court, Lucas did not hesitate to stick it up. This kind of defensive strength was impossible for Mane before, and Klein was still on Lucas side. Beware not far behind.

   Mane is just a pre-dinner soup, and Grand Lucas is the main course.

Zhuo Yang dragged Lucas down to dribble, but couldn't find a chance to get rid of him. Seeing that he was going to be trapped in the three-person encirclement of Klein and Kravan, he could only quickly knock the ball back to the corresponding Fei Bird. Let him transition and reorganize.

   Coming over in the next round, Zhuo Yang pulled a little away. From the first step, he didn't give Lucas a chance to get close to his body, and he immediately started with the ball, using the inward change to hook Klein up.

   Taking advantage of the moment when the two of them just formed the horns, Zhuo Yang suddenly tipped the ball with his toes, and the football went down, and then the people drew around from the outside of Klein, making a move to pass the ball.

   The bottom line is the same, and Zhuo Yang immediately wiped it in. This series of sudden stop and swift movements requires very high physical requirements. The front is very smooth, but Lucas is really not a vegetarian. He shoveled the football in the penalty area to accurately shovel the football out of the bottom line.

   After the corner kick, Zhuo Yang waved away Ding Ding, and he personally opened it.

A super arc spin ball with an arc of more than five meters on the back of the left foot directly hit the back corner of the goal. Goalkeeper Mignole was caught off guard, but the accuracy of the football was a little bit worse. It hit the bottom edge of the corner and bounced back into the penalty area. It was relieved by De Tu.

   Although he didn't score the ball, Lucas is also the strongest shadow he has encountered since his comeback, but Zhuo Yang felt it.

   is the feeling that I used to feel free to football and my body two years ago, and the rising tide of the sea is gradually flooding the dam.

   In the 71st minute, Zhuo Yang picked up the ball to speed up, and then used the swallow three-fold water, which is a comprehensive emergency stop, test his coordination and various sports joints.

   Lucas and Klein seemed to be startled grasshoppers, they couldn't help jumping around Zhuo Yang, and their joints groaned hard.

   The last copy of water caused Lucas to lose his center of gravity and fell to the ground. Klein was dizzy and still looking for the stars. Zhuo Yang strode into the restricted area and drew a cold shot from under the crotch of Kravan.

   To be honest, this series of show operations made the Red Army fans ‘KOP’ on the scene couldn’t help but applaud.

  It's a dog, Mignole's position is very reasonable, he subconsciously sits on the ground and stretches his legs, just to keep the football out.

   Uncle Zha grinned suddenly, but still showed a mysterious smile. After Guardiola hugged his head, he seemed to understand a little bit.

   It was weird on the court. Zhuo Yang-Grand Lucas-Klein, the three of them were separated from the overall situation. The three of them played their own, and the others played as usual.

   This is very unreasonable, but Gua Shuai and Uncle Zha have calmly acquiesced to such an unreasonable existence.

Yanzi teased Lucas three times, and he stopped making trouble. When Zhuo Yang broke through the defense between him and Klein again easily, Uncle Zha's goose feather feather fan shook lightly and instructed Captain Henderson and Da Lu. Cass transposed.

   Lucas went to the middle and partnered with Detu and Wijnaldum, returning to the serious game sequence, and Henderson will weigh Zhuo Yang.

   26-year-old Jordan Henderson is in the youth training of his hometown team Sunderland. In 2011, he transferred back to Liverpool for 15 million pounds. In the following three years, whether in the club or the England national team, he has been taught by precepts and deeds by Gerrard's side and has become an iron partner of the outstanding team.

   When Gerrard left last year, Yuguchi personally sealed Henderson as his captain's armband. Today, Henderson and Tottenham’s Kane have become the leaders of England’s post-90s players.

Gerrard's vision is good. Zhuo Yang's gourd-painted swallow's three-pass water can't completely shake off Henderson. At least he is not as flashy as Lucas, even if he is thrown away, he can immediately Paste it again.

   Shadow 1.0 was upgraded to version 2.0, Zhuo Yang had to do his best.

  How about cycling? Stepping on the Hot Wheels could stagger Henderson, but Zhuo Yangjin couldn't make a breakthrough under the cooperation of him and Klein.

   Marseille maneuvers is fine, but it only costs Henderson an extra yellow card.

   In short, Zhuo Yangshi displayed eighteen martial arts skills. Although Henderson and Klein were embarrassed, Zhuo Yang also made effective shots or threatened assists.

   A little bit of time passed, and the score was still behind Manchester City 0:2, but Uncle Zha and Guardiola seemed to have lost the attention of the game itself. The content staged in the hundreds of square meters in the northwest corner of the stadium was their focus.

   This game is unique to Zhuo Yang. The increase in the ability to guard against opponents also makes him more and more familiar. The tide has passed the dam.

   So, he performed the long-lost cross flower arrangement butterfly step.

   A stream of colored smoke rose in the stadium, and the sound of the piano seemed to be melodious in the smoke, UU reading www. reproduces the most elegant Zhuo's stunt in football.

   At this moment, KOP could no longer restrain his inner admiration, and Anfield suddenly remembered the applause. Henderson couldn't stand it anymore. He twisted his legs and fell into a crunch.

   Klein was already stupid, he thought he saw God.

   God who can dance.

   Cross Flower Arrangement Butterfly Step has the ultimate physical coordination requirements, and the ball touch must also be top-notch. Many football players have tried to imitate, but they can only imitate a simplified version. Only Neymar can do the same, but the charm is also very different.

   Neymar has smoke, but the color smoke can't rise, let alone the rhythm of music.

   Zhuo Yang hasn't played for a long time, because after simplifying and removing the complexity, this kind of action is pleasing enough, but the practicality is a little bit worse. He hasn't played for a long time.

   didn't play after his comeback, because he couldn't play, and the recovery of physical coordination was not enough to support him to complete such a high fantasy dance.

   But it will work today.

   Twice to equalize Henderson, once Zhuo Yang surprised Mignole with a shot himself, and once gave Aguero a considerate assist. Although the score has not changed, Henderson is no longer an obstacle.

   In the 81st minute, Uncle Zha ordered the flag to show up, and the wheel battle was finally won. Detu exchanged with Henderson, and the old brother personally came to weigh Zhuo Yang.

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