Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 249: Sydney Mermaid Charlene

  Edinburgh is Coco’s favorite British city, because this quiet town on the south bank of Forth Bay has the richest cultural atmosphere in Britain, the longest artistic atmosphere, the most unique style of gorgeous buildings, and the most famous food.

   Although placed in a global context, the entire British culture, art, architecture and food are actually not very good.

   But in any case, compared to the ‘Mediocre’ Manchester, even Zhuo Yang feels that Edinburgh is more eye-catching.

  Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is 280 kilometers north of Manchester. On the day before Christmas Eve, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou escaped the attention of the media and arrived in Edinburgh by private jet.

   Holyrood Palace is one of the residences of the British royal family in Scotland. During the absence of royal family members, part of the side courtyard and buildings of the palace will be open to the public for tourists to come and visit after purchasing tickets.

   In Zhuo Yang’s eyes, the Holyrood Palace, built in the 12th century, is really nothing to pay attention to. The architectural beauty is not to mention, it is just an old large castle courtyard.

   Zhuo Yang feels a bit bullied in this way. He has witnessed the most glorious period of Chang'an Daming Palace and Bianliang Imperial City. I am afraid that no palace in this world can enter his eyes.

   However, it doesn't matter. Today, the husband and wife came to Holyrood Palace hand in hand not for a tourist visit, but to meet someone.

On September 23, 2000, in the Sydney Olympic Aquatics Center, Australia, the Sydney Olympic Swimming Competition Women's Medley 4x100m Relay Final. The South African team finally won the fifth place. Their third butterfly stroke was Charlene Wei Stoke's 22-year-old beautiful girl.

   Charlene was born in Zimbabwe and moved to Johannesburg, South Africa with her parents and her family when she was 11 years old. Her father is a little manager and her mother is a swimming coach. Charlene's family were German immigrants. During World War I, the great-grandfather came to Africa to escape the chaos of the war.

   Charlene at the Sydney Olympics not only has the tall and fit body of a swimmer, but also does not have the general sturdyness of athletes. The unevenness is very well-proportioned, and her appearance is especially beautiful and pleasant.

   Although the athletic performance is not enough to be amazing in the Olympic Games where the heroes gather, Charlene is the number one mermaid in Sydney that year.

   In the summer eleven years later, 33-year-old Charlene Westok and 53-year-old Prince Albert II held a grand wedding at the Monaco Palace and officially became the Princess of Monaco.

   The following year of the Sydney Olympics, Charlene went to Monaco to participate in the Swimming Open, where she met Albert II who was still regent as the Crown Prince.

   At first, people thought it was just another scandal. After all, Albert II is the most famous **** in the world, and his aventures are countless. But in 2006, they formally moved in together and the news of their engagement came out, the outside world knew that the prince was serious this time, although he still had scandals.

   It is said that Charlene is among the women the prince has blended, the only one who did not rush to cling, the only dared to refuse him, and the only dared to shake his face, so this made the prince want to stop.

   It is estimated that this is true, because after the engagement, Xia Lin escaped three times just by fleeing the marriage. The prince had to put down her figure and begged, and even used power to put her under house arrest and seize her passport before finally leaving her princess.

Charlene tried to repent of the marriage for several reasons. First, she really disliked that the prince was still attracting bees and butterflies, and she was still too old. Second, the Grimaldi royal family of Monaco also strongly opposed this marriage, in the corrupt royal court. Full of contempt for her and arrangement.

  There is no him, because Charlene is a girl from a civilian background.

   In the end, the marriage ended, but the love between the prince and the princess eventually turned into a contractual marriage of interest exchange. The agreement stipulates that if the marriage breaks down in the future, Charlene will receive 500 million US dollars at the time of the divorce.

   You can't escape marriage, but the prince can let you leave?

   After marriage, Charlene is the lowest-profile princess in the royal aristocratic circle, and she basically does not show her face. Before marriage, she was a well-known sunny beauty in sports, and countless people were fascinated by her bright smile. No one saw the princess's smile again after marriage.

   Xia Lin accepted her fate, who shouldn’t you marry? At the very least, he has a wealthy life and a beautiful identity, which is luckier than most women in the world. People must know how to be satisfied, Charlene is a contented woman.

   can be content as a woman Charlene, but as a mother, she must have something.

   In December 2014, Charlene gave birth to a pair of twins for the prince, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriela.

   There are many princes and daughters, but the infant sons and daughters are his only two children in marriage, and they are also princes and princesses, and their mothers are real princesses.

   After half a year of age, Princess Charlene moved her mind. She asked the prince about the possibility of Riac being the crown prince of Monaco, but the prince refused with difficulty because there is now a crown prince.

   His Royal Highness Prince Ergüle lay in front of Charlene, and she hated this wimpy who was only three years younger than herself.

   The problem is that Ergüle himself is a idiot, but he has succeeded the crown prince for many years and has caused a large area of ​​standing in the Grimaldi family. In other words, there are people behind the straw bag, they also look down on him, but they need him in this position.

  Many of these people are important roles in the royal family, and the prince is also very jealous of them and must rely on them.

   Xia Lin was helpless, she was a commoner without any background, and she was also helpless in the gorgeous palace. She doesn't have the strength to fight against the ‘royalists’, or even the ability to provoke a palace fight.

   Why? My child is not ten million times stronger than an illegitimate child, UU reading www. Why can an illegitimate child inherit the throne in the future, but my child can only stand aside?

   did not dare to mention it, and Princess Charlene was all tears of grievance.

   Zhuoyang was attacked on the Thames River, and later showed that Ergül could not get out of the relationship. Originally, this incident had a certain degree of blow to him, especially the arrest of Chief Guard Sharma. All the evidence left him indefatigable.

   But the prince tried to protect Ergul out of the face of the royal family, and the ‘royalists’ continued to support him, because they couldn’t get rid of them. Besides, whose royal family hasn't done anything dirty yet, and which nobleman's hands are not stained with blood in history?

  The master Zhuo Yang was still in his sleep, and he didn't care about Ergul, it was nothing more than a few protests from the Habsburg side. Obviously, this event will eventually be over here in Ergul, and Charlene still can't find a point to focus on.

   But Zhuo Yang woke up now and returned to Europe vigorously. Ergüle wanted to go through the blunder again, and Zhuo Yang had to agree.

   You want to be beautiful! If you have grudges but not revenge, wouldn't it mean that I am sorry for those who are kind to me, Zhuo Yang. Repaying grievances by virtue, how can I repay virtue?

   After strategizing, Princess Xia Lin became the breakthrough point for Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou's revenge. Zhuo Yang and Xia Lin talked on the phone secretly through the channel that turned around.

   "Sister Xia Lin, I also hope that your child can become the crown prince. See you to talk in detail."

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