Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 243: The first boss is Wenger

   The grandfather of seven old eighties saw a pool of cow dung on the roadside, and he still had the urge to pick up a firecracker and light it on it, so no matter what age a man reached, there was always a teenager in his heart.

   67-year-old Arsene Wenger, since Ferguson retired, would often dream of the day he had just signed with AS Mitchell as a child to become a professional player. Half a century has passed, the excitement in the original memory has been blurred, but in the past two years, it has become clear again.

   Wenger didn't know whether this was God reminding him to be old, or reminding him not to forget the enthusiasm of his youth.

   After Ferguson retired, Wenger never had a verbal battle with anyone. In the past, other people attacked him or Arsenal, and the professor wanted to go back.

   Now Wenger treats junior coaches with more tolerance and even appreciation. Recently, Guardiola was punished by British media. Wenger, who was unable to fight, stepped forward for the first time and gave Guardiola a high praise.

   This kind of behavior of supporting colleagues for no reason, the former Professor Wenger would not do it, peers are naked hatred, but now it is done naturally and from the heart.

   walked out of the city stadium visiting team locker room, Wenger saw Zhuo Yang in the passage, Zhuo Yang also saw him, and stopped to wait for him politely, with a smile on his face.

   Wenger took two steps tightly, proactively stretched out his right hand, and also used his left hand to hold Zhuo Yang's elbow. This is a very affectionate way of shaking hands.

   "Zhuo Yang, how is your body recovering?"

   "Very good, I don't think there is any problem. Thank you, sir."

   "That's good, that's good, don't be too anxious, you are not 30 years old yet, you are young."

   "I am 31 years old and I am already a veteran."

   Wenger was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's a bit weird, you don't look like a 30-year-old at all. However, compared with an old man like me, 30-year-old is still enviable young."

   Zhuo Yang habitually said two flattering words. "Sir, are you 55 this year? I wish I could be like you when I was 55 years old."

   "Hahaha..." Wenger laughed, he knew that Zhuo Yang was saying nice things on purpose.

   The two walked out of the passage, and Wenger saw that Guardiola was waiting for him here again, so he quickly left Zhuo Yang and shook hands with the young Guardiola.

  A light vengeance must be a widow! Guardiola is a watchful eye, so he remembers the good of others very firmly. Wenger didn't fall into the air during the fire, but "speaking out of righteousness", which made Guardiola very good, so today he made a special trip to wait for Wenger to express himself. Thanks.

   Wenger, who has coached Arsenal for twenty years, is now the longest coach in the same team in the five major leagues. He is the longest coach regardless of whether he coaches continuously or not.

The second-ranked Ligue 1 Saint-Etienne coach Christopher Galtier has only one-third of Wenger's time, and the second-ranked Eddie Howe in the Premier League is only one-fifth of Wenger's. He coached Bournemouth still twice.

   Even in the long history of football, Wenger is only ranked third under Guy Rou, who has coached Lyon for 44 years and Ferguson, who has coached Manchester United for 28 years.

   Coaching the same team for such a long time is unimaginable in modern football, and it can be concluded that after Wenger, a person is a legendary coach of a team and a city, and there will be no more.

   The fast-food cultural phenomenon, which is eager for quick success and quick profit, affects every corner and every aspect of the earth, and everyone lacks the patience of the stamp age.

   Manchester City is still in fourth place. Guardiola has been sprayed as a widow by the media. If the current public opinion environment and competitive performance pressure are shifted to 20 years ago, Wenger can insist on two years at Arsenal and count me as losing.

   After 16 rounds of the 2016-17 Premier League, Arsenal had 10 wins, 4 draws and 2 losses with 34 points, two points ahead of Manchester City and ranked third in the standings.

   In the 17th round, Wenger led his Arsenal to Manchester City Stadium. Today is December 17th, and a week later, it will be Christmas, and then the New Year. For the Premier League without a double winter break, it has entered the ‘Christmas schedule’ from today.

   not only does not have a winter break, but it will be a weekly double match until one week after the new year.

Arsenal has not won the Champions League yet, and there are only three Premier League titles. But in the two decades of Wenger's coaching, the team has been in the "Nasdaq" championship group, so Arsenal is now a giant. Manchester City, with stronger momentum and greater capital strength, is not yet.

   But in terms of performance, the media has treated Arsenal more tolerantly than Manchester City. Maybe everyone is used to Arsenal's state of being'not satisfied with a strong team or above' in recent years.

   Arsenal lost 1:2 away to Everton in the last round. They were very upset, but the media seemed to take care of it and didn't take it seriously. Instead, they are still optimistic that Arsenal will beat Manchester City away in the away game.

   Wenger himself is very confident in this game. He supported Guardiola the first two days out of compassion and empathy in the industry, but it does not mean that he is really afraid of Manchester City.

   Kompany and Gundogan have suffered heavy injuries. Aguero and Fernandinho are still in suspension. Manchester City, which lacks four main players and has many weaknesses in the lineup, is a good time to beat the dog.

   The only variable is Zhuo Yang, UU reading www. has been paying attention to Chinese boys for at least 13 or four years. Wenger is very clear about what Zhuo Yang can do on the court. Arsenal have been losing money in his hands since the time of Fort Mady, and they are not spared anywhere.

   But fortunately, he can only come off the bench in the second half of the second half. As long as Arsenal are determined to win the game before then, there is no problem.

Compared with the melancholy Manchester City on the lineup, Arsenal, who came to the City Stadium today, can be described as elite soldiers. Mustafi, Welbeck, Cazorla and Ergonomics who were absent due to injury are not the main players of the team. Basically it has little effect on combat power.

In view of Aguero’s lack of strength as a forward, Guardiola simply arranged a pure no-front formation today. The five attackers Tintin, Sterling, Silva, Sane and Touré all closed in the second line of the midfield, behind them It's Fernando.

Four defenders Sabaletta, Otamendi, Kolarov, and Klich, but Kolarov continues to be placed in a high position that is more like a midfielder. The number 11 on the back of his jersey is indeed not like one. Serious guard.

   Jingdogan’s injury has been diagnosed, and the cruciate ligament of his right knee is completely torn again. He will rest until at least next summer. Before the game started, the Manchester City players collectively wore Gundogan's No. 8 jersey to express their condolences and support to their teammates.

   Arsenal’s No. 8 is the 26-year-old Aaron Ramsey, the Welsh midfielder known as the "Reaper". This buddy is well-deserved and gave Manchester City a death sentence at the beginning.

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