Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 214: Luoshin Street Liuzimei??/a>

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"Boss May, this beard is not for you. It's a wretched middle-aged **** man who owes him a lot."

"I want you to control, I want you to control! Do you think everyone is like you, who likes to grow their face into a peeled boiled egg? Your little white face..."

Zhuo Yang felt that boss Mei could not be called Messi now, but should be called Meixu, or Mei Yan could be.

Before he had a big beard, Messi was a handsome young man, and his facial features were three-dimensional with sharp edges and corners, so he was very watery but not at all damn.

But Messi, who has a big beard, is not only disfigured because of the advantage of covering his face, but also ruining the three views. With tattoos and short legs like "Prison Break", he is not called Mei West, walking on the streets of Barcelona will be rejected by everyone.

Illegal immigrants will think twice about playing his style. It is the right thing to show half a pack of cigarettes in a bag.

However, celebrity superstars always have a halo. People who like him are just because he is called Messi, and those who love him badly because of his name are Messi.

If someone made such a marginal joke with him, Messi might have turned his face on the spot, but Zhuo Yang is so cheap, but with intimacy, Boss Mei would naturally not be out of sight, turning a blank eye and two **** words will end. Up.

In fact, Messi himself thinks the big beard is very annoying, he doesn't like it, and Antonella doesn't like it either. The image consultant in the team also advised him not to be so sloppy, but Boss Mei is now very helpless and wants to scrape off and restore his original appearance, but he dare not.

From 2014 to this year, three consecutive competitions won the runner-up, especially the America’s Cup has been called the ‘Weekly Cup’. There are only three things. In fact, before the Centennial America's Cup this summer, Messi was going crazy for the championship, and he thought it was his turn to do it.

For this reason, before the start of the competition, Messi ran to the church alone to pray and pray for mercy.

I beg no one for nothing, Messi promised to grow a big beard to the Lord, change his face and re-behave in exchange for an international championship trophy, when will he get his wish, and when will he shave it off.

Analyze carefully, Messi’s prayer is actually logically wrong. Growing a beard is a wish. How can a wish be a shave? God, does his old man care about your hairs? But he didn't go to school very seriously and he was excusable.

It is possible that the owner misunderstood Messi's insincere deliberate play, so Argentina lost to Chile's penalty kick, runner-up trio.

So Messi knew that the beard was ugly, but he didn't dare to shave it off, or else he was arranging God. Like a joke, do you want to win the championship in the future?

When Messi really shaved his beard and changed back to his old meat look, either he finally got it, or it means he has given up his pursuit of the World Cup and the America's Cup.

Messi’s final hope lies in the 2018 Russia World Cup and the 2019 Brazil 46th America’s Cup. I also heard that the South American Football Association plans to advance the 47th America’s Cup to 2020 in order to synchronize the America’s Cup with the European Cup. Afterwards, it will resume every four years, and go hand in hand with the World Cup and the European Cup.

If this is true, then it will be another three-year three-time competition, and Messi feels that he has no time to run this time. As for the 2022 World Cup, I was 35 years old by then, I am afraid...

Messi didn't say anything, but he was very jealous of Ronaldo's **** luck. Portugal played that ugly in the European Cup. It was a European Chile, but he took the championship. Your own Argentina is so prosperous, but who do you go with?

But Messi looked at Zhuo Yang on the bench at Manchester City, and his heart suddenly became more balanced.

Zhuo Yang is such a god, but he hasn't even the Asian Cup yet, and the World Cup is even more wishful thinking. Moreover, Messi didn't know if he had the courage to come back after this incident. He could obviously take a trip to his artistic life on the piano. 22 Literature Network

Messi did not dare to think about himself, it was true that he felt sorry for Zhuo Yang.



Because of his wild thoughts and distractions on the court, May boss stopped the ball and hit his nose directly, and his nose was sour. For a technical monster like him, this is pure scandal.

Sure enough, Messi caught a glimpse of Zhuo Yang on the sidelines, his shoulders twitching with his face covered with a smile, obviously holding back very hard.

Boss Mei gritted his teeth with anger: What a wolf-hearted Zhuo Yang. That day, you and Manchester United stopped the ball from the sideline. My tears almost came down. Look at you today...Bah~ villain!

Boss May got serious, and even chased back to the backcourt to reward De Bruyne with a flying shovel, which frightened Tintin and looked at him in surprise as if he didn't know him.

The stance is down, but Messi's level of defense is just that, and it did not prevent Tintin from successfully passing the ball into the penalty area.

Aguero twisted left and right to hang an angle, but was broken by Pony Ma’s leg. Messi caught the spot in front of the arc. In the blink of an eye, the football went to Neymar on the left side of Barcelona, ​​Neymar. In front is the empty highway late at night,

Boss Mei's vision and footwork are absolutely not huh, and he is recognized as the top of the world.

Neymar deliberately suppressed his speed against the sideline, and waited until Sabaletta came to intercept him until he leisurely outside the corner of the penalty area. The toothbrush in the middle opened Stones, and Neymar finally waited for the boss of May to come back.

With a cross, Messi catches the ball from the top of the arc and dodges Kolarov. After breaking into the penalty area, he takes a low shot with his left foot. The football sticks to the turf and crosses Caballero's toes and penetrates into the dead corner.

In the 21st minute, Barcelona 1:0 away, this is Messi's seventh goal in the Champions League this season. Only played in the fourth group stage, it is simply not human.

Compared with Gua's Barcelona, ​​now Enrique's team does not pursue the ultimate ball possession rate, many times they play extremely concisely, and the long pass in the backcourt has greatly increased.

Although the goal just now originated from Messi, it was also a long pass from the backcourt. If you put it in the past, in this situation, the football will find Harvey the first time, and then the people and the ball will rely on short distance passes to quickly advance to the front field.

And this goal is to simplify the requirements and let Neymar control the rhythm. UU reading football and other teammates are also waiting for the loopholes of the opponent's defense in a rush.

Or maybe it was Enrique's last resort. After all, a combination like Habaibu was unacceptable. Now Harvey is gone, and the 32-year-old Xiaobai has also begun to age. Busquets is still in the same year. With combined bonuses, his coupler function is minimal.

Nowadays, Barcelona's greatest power comes from the four men in the frontcourt. What if they don't use their counterattack speed and footwork, without playing succinctly?

After celebrating with his teammates, Messi went to the bench for Manchester City instead of looking for Guardiola. They were not so close.

Boss Mei slapped Zhuo Yang unkindly, with evil charm in his smile. Zhuo Yang is so helpless: "Beard monster, can you kick your ball well?"

The mouth beard strange shuts up Uncle Beard, Zhuo Yang ridiculed Messi so much. In order to dilute the bad impression of the beard, Boss Mei plans to find a time to dye a yellow hair after returning home.

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