Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Hawthorn bloomers

Serie A Milan duo, Ligue 1 Nice, La Liga Espanyol and Granada. In the past two years, capital from China has entered the five major leagues to acquire teams successfully.

Bundesliga does not allow foreign investors to make acquisitions, so the Chinese bosses have nothing to do. In August of this year, the Premier League was finally breached by Chinese capital. West Bromwich Albion, nicknamed ‘blooms’, was wholly acquired by a consortium led by Chinese businessman Lai Guochuan and became a Chinese-funded team in the Premier League.

There are veteran fans who will mention Birmingham. In 2007, Yang Jiacheng, a wealthy Chinese fishing port businessman, became the largest single shareholder of Birmingham Football Club and became the owner of the team.

In fact, Birmingham was ultimately affected by Yang Jiacheng. In 2010, because of the money laundering stall, the funds were all frozen. Birmingham could only rely on the main force to maintain the operation, and then fell to the British crown. He has not returned yet. . Just this month, Sun Chouhong, another Hong Kong businessman, finally took over the shaky plate in Birmingham.

West Bromwich is the name of the team as well as the place name. It is actually a small town around Birmingham, located in central England, just over a hundred kilometers from Manchester.

On October 29, the Manchester City team came to the Hawthorn Stadium in West Bromwich, the 10th round of the Premier League and the last game in October.

After entering October, Manchester City lost all five games and conceded 9 goals without scoring a goal. Talking about offensive ability is just cursing. One game in the UEFA Champions League, one in the League Cup, and three in the League.

With 18 points, the league ranking has slipped from the highest ranking to fifth. Pu 22 Sen, 20 cars, 19 stabs, 19 stabs, and just behind them are Everton and Southampton who have just defeated them.

From this point of view, those who lose are counted as strong teams this season. There is no way, but I have to comfort myself this way, or call it self-deprecating.

Today is the last battle in October. If you lose again, October will become a black hole, a black hole that no light can escape, and hope will be difficult.

West Bromwich Albion finished 13th in 9 rounds with 2 wins, 4 draws and 3 losses. If Manchester City missed another game at the Hawthorn Stadium, there would be no excuse.

Is Guardiola scared? It is estimated that he is not afraid, because he is still testing the formation.

The three guards did not change. Stones, Otamendi and Kolarov were played today. But the configuration of the six midfielders did play for the first time, with Gundogan, Fei Niao and Fernando in the middle, Sterling and Nolito left and right midfielders, and Silva was the midfielder.

Aguero is the single striker today. In fact, this arrangement is more suitable for him. Although Akun can not be said to be a pure shooter, his biggest role on the court is indeed to score goals. If you have to say anything else, it is basically to be a hooligan.

Today, such a ‘weird’ formation was forced out by the inability to defend and attack after October.

Sometimes the stats can give people an illusion, especially forwards and defenders are easy to lose, but Guardiola's smartest coach, he sees it very clearly, the biggest problem is the midfield operation.

The defense cannot give the opponent oppression and blocking, so that the back always face the attack. The offense cannot form effective waves, and the forwards can only play blindly.

So today, no matter the single forward or the six midfielders, it is to solve the stagnation of midfield operation. Guardiola's team has always played midfield.

Sabaletta and Sanya have some minor injuries, and Delf, the one who gave the 18th to Zhuo Yang, is now the sick man of Manchester City and is not on the big list today. Tintin's minor injury just happened, sitting on the bench today, captain Kompany also returned to the bench.

Another big guy also sat on the bench again, that is, No. 18, which can blind people with titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Zhuo Yang finally got the team doctor's permission to participate, and Guardiola couldn't wait to put him on the list. I don't expect him to do so much, but since he injured his heel, the team has become black ink-stained carbon. He went to heal his injuries and took away Manchester City's good fortune.

In other words, Guardiola used Zhuo Yang as the lucky dog ​​mascot, Lucky Cat.

According to a survey report from the United Kingdom, football has become the highest injury rate among all sports, surpassing basketball, gymnastics and tennis.

This is closely related to the rapid development of football. In the 1970s and 1980s, that is, Pele’s era, players averaged 6,000 meters per game in international competitions, which is even worse than some amateur games.

Now that 10,000 meters has become the passing line, the intensity of the confrontation is even more different. The excavation of the physical limits has reached the peak of human history. Therefore, it is not wrong to be a sentimental party, but it is always necessary to look at professional sports. Rapid development is right.

The increase in strength is bound to make the lower limbs of the players bear more load. With physical exhaustion and physical confrontation, the probability of sports injuries, especially various muscle and soft tissue injuries, is greatly increased.

In particular, the five major leagues that represent the highest level of football. In a sense, the stars are fighting injuries. Injuries have also become the most critical obstacle for many superstars to get to the next level.

The report pointed out that 55% of professional players' injuries are due to competition and 45% are due to training. The average number of days a player is injured and absent is 21 days.

The intensive competition has also severely compressed the content of the team's courage to resume adjustment training. Now the training in the middle of the two games has basically become the coach's formation exercise for players outside of injuries.

Zhuo Yang’s injury is unique to him. On the surface, it was caused by consecutive kicks to the same place by Raphael of Munchen and Fair of Swansea in two games, causing an ankle ligament injury, but in essence it was still Compared to two years ago, he feels a little slower in the game, and his sense of stressful self-protection is still pressing.

Eating a ditch and gaining a wisdom is also in line with his current situation. An injury can actually help him restore the feeling of the game in a shorter time.

Guardiola told him that if it's 3:0 today, I will let you go up and play for a while. It's better than expecting you to do it, just don't hurt it again.

Zhuo Yang rolled his eyes and whited him: Why don't you look forward to me?

Nearly 9 times against West Bromwich Albion, Manchester City maintained a record of victory. The last time Blue Moon lost to bloomers in the Premier League was back in 2008.

In this meeting, Manchester City took a five-game losing streak, and Cibro was much better. They just won 3 games and lost 4 games.

The veteran Red Devils Manchester United'Queen' referee Lee Mason blew a whistle. The match between Manchester City, the shortest average height in the Premier League, and West Bromwich Albion, the tallest in the English Premier League, started the battle at the Hawthorn Stadium, the tallest stadium in England. screen.

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