Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 197: 3 Pass the house without entering

   The 34-year-old Everton captain Phil Jagilka felt that he was too unlucky today. In the face of Silva and Aguero, who were like loach, both fouls were sent in confusion. This season is Jagilka's contract year, and these two penalty kicks made him feel old.

   Jagilka was born in Manchester, but he is of Polish origin. His parents are pure Polish and Polish immigrants. Jagilka was instilled in authentic Polish culture by his father since he was a child. Only Chopin was played on the phonograph, and only Polish was allowed at home.

   Eleven years ago, Jagilka, who played well in the British Championship Sheffield United, attracted the attention of the Polish national team and urged him to play for the motherland. Unexpectedly, Jagilka not only refused decisively, but also claimed to the media that he would never take his wife and children to Poland.

   Jagilka said: I am a pure Englishman, even if the England team never recruits me, I will not join Poland.

   Perhaps it was his loyalty that moved the FA. In 2012 and 2014, he was recruited by the England team, especially in the 2014 Brazil World Cup. Jagilka’s partner Cahill is also England’s main central defender.

   In the World Cup in Brazil, England failed to qualify for the bottom of the group with 2 losses and 1 tie.

In the penalty kick before the end of the first half, it was Steklenborg who saved Everton and Jagilka. In the 70th minute, the scene reappeared. Jagilka turned his expectant gaze to Stekronborg. Expect him to reject Aguero just like he rejected De Bruyne.

  Sergio Aguero was even more depressed than Jagilka recently. He returned to the national team's starting lineup, but played like two **** in two games and missed a penalty kick.

   Messi did not play. Aguero's poor performance made him an invincible backer in Argentina for three rounds. The media criticized him as a dog. In fact, even if Messi is on the court, no one will say that Argentina has not played well, and others will still be back.

   Aguero is not jealous of his friend Messi’s special treatment, but he still feels that this is unfair.

   What makes Akun feel most depressed is that his small complaints to the media in the national team caused Guardiola.

   Gua Shuai belongs to a stern coach who manages the air in the middle of the world, and is used to controlling the team and the locker room to the extreme. In order to be serious about team discipline, Guardiola first announced several regulations when he came to Manchester City this year.

   Strange hairstyles are not allowed! After combing and spraying a hairspray, no one in Manchester wants to put animal shapes and landscape paintings on their heads. How color-dyed melons will make you lick clean.

   Pizza and juice are not allowed in the locker room. Except for sports bars and water, no other food or drink can be brought into the locker room.

   New officials have three fires, and no one will touch Guashuai, and most other teams have similar regulations. Pep Guardiola is nothing more than a little stricter, and the players will accept it.

   But from the day after the Celtics got a 3:3 draw, Gua Shuai made another new move, but it made many players pouting.

  ——Guardiola broke the WiFi in the locker room in the training base.

   The locker room of the Manchester City Training Center is on the third basement floor. There is no mobile phone signal. Once the Wi-Fi is disconnected, the players will be isolated from the world.

   There are many social talents in the Manchester City team, especially like Aguero, who are keen on posting information on social media. They are used to picking up their phones during breaks and tweet them. Now I don’t even think about it.

   Inside the Etihad Stadium, mobile phones also do not have 3G service, which means that once the Wifi is cut off, Manchester City players can only focus on training.

Aguero talked about Guardiola’s Wi-Fi ban during the Argentine team’s preliminaries in an interview: “The dressing room and the massage area are completely disconnected from the outside world. I don’t know who he caught by the basin. Or playing on the phone while receiving a massage, but he did cut off the internet."

   After the end of the international game day, Aguero was called by Guardiola as soon as he returned to Manchester City.

   "Do you have an opinion on my decision?"

   Aguero panicked a lot, and quickly explained to Guashuai that it was taken out of context by the media. He was just introducing the new atmosphere of Manchester City to the Argentine media in the new season. He swore that he had no dissatisfaction.

   As Messi’s best friend and authentic mate tea brother, Boss Mei has already greeted Aguero: Guardiola can’t mess with him, that’s a cruel, careful eye.

   Aguero is also 28 years old, and there are some things that no longer need to be taught by others. Guardiola is famous for his ‘bad’, and he is actually much more extreme than Mourinho in terms of team management.

   Except for Zhuo Yang, no one has privileges in the Manchester City locker room, including Aguero. The relationship between Zhuo Yang and Guardiola is more like a collaborator, rather than the traditional coach-player relationship.

   Aguero knew this well, he didn't dare to be jealous of Zhuo Yang, just like he wouldn't be jealous of Messi in the Argentina national team.

   Zhuo Yang has always been very low-key after landing in Manchester, but everyone knows that his identity is different, and the significance of Manchester City is not limited to the stadium.

   Aguero knew in his heart that everyone on the team, including Guardiola, was waiting for the day when Zhuo Yang gave orders on the court. Although everyone didn't say anything, they were all looking forward to it.

   From putting the football on a white spot to retreating the run-up distance, so much content flashed through Aguero's mind in just two or three seconds.

  -Zhuo Yang has never missed a penalty kick. I won't miss again today, am I?

   This is the last thought that Aguero flashed before he shot his foot.

   also spurred the right side, and also aimed at the half-high ball in the upper right corner. Aguero and Tintin were also blocked by the side-flung Stekronberg in the first half.

   The only difference is that Steckelenburg used both hands to block Tintin, while Aguero had one hand.

   There was a sigh in the City Stadium, and Zhuo Yang also sighed secretly.

   This is the third consecutive penalty missed by Aguero and the fourth point he has missed by Manchester City this season. It's only been two months since the start of the season.

   Guardiola on the sidelines was anxious to go to the room. A minute later, he replaced the German teenager Sane with Spanish winger Nolito. Nolito is the last attacker on the bench.

After Nolito enters the field, he runs along the sidewalk towards the front court. UU Reading enters the 40-meter area and then enters the Everton penalty area diagonally. At this time, Silva comes from the other side. Lu's biography came from the air.

   Jagilka just entangled with Aguero, but completely emptied Nolito behind him. Jagilka and Aguero both fell, and Nolito comfortably shook his head in the small penalty area.

   The football crossed Steklenborg’s hasty fingertips and slammed **** the crossbar.

   Two penalty kicks missed and one must go to the lintel. Manchester City is not Dayu. It will not be touched by three times to go through the house without entering. He can only sigh for luck and stay away from home.

   can only accept a 0:1 home defeat.

The possession rate was 72.7%, the shooting ratio was 19:3, the corner kick was 11:1, and the pass was 650:253. Guardiola's gorgeous transformation robbed him of the advantage on the scene. However, Koeman defeated him 1:0 and Manchester City got it. Only two consecutive losses in the league.

   "Niang Xipi, this is football." Ferguson was fighting for Guardiola.

   Klauschen said: "Football is very unreasonable. It's not surprising that it won't score. But in this way, it will be very troublesome for Manchester City to go to Barcelona in five days."

   "Football is not overnight." Zhuo Yang said: "The season is still early."

   "Please, two old men. The freshest Turin white truffles and Chinese caviar have just arrived by air. I specifically ask the left bank to keep them for you two."

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