Golden Greenery

Chapter 149: (Upper) Catching a captive warm water frog

"No movement!"

"No fucking!"

Jiushan took the lead and rushed into the tent with four soldiers, immediately dispersed to occupy a favorable combat position, holding a gun in one hand and a grenade in the other. The Jiushan spy company is the most prestigious and sturdy company among all spy guard companies in the Beijing Military Region. All soldiers have extremely high military qualities. Yan Yongxin, a second-level non-commissioned officer, stayed outside to guard, and also provided support for his comrades.

Everyone in the big tent was dumbfounded, and no one thought that there would suddenly be a few two-stroke'enemies' here. After a quick glance, Jiushan immediately saw that there were a total of 14 people in them, all wearing camouflage combat uniforms or training uniforms without military ranks, which was the norm during the exercise. Some people look older, at least they should be over 40 years old, and some people have a little gray hair. No one was wearing weapons, but there was a gun cabinet in the corner. That's right, some civil engineers who study technology.

"If you don't want to be killed in the exercise, don't let your mother resist. The director of the director's office is here, and his mother's face will not look good. I will leave after asking a few questions. How can you report to the upper side that I don't care." Start fooling, while pointing at each other with the muzzle while training.

"Hey, you guys..." A soldier in his twenties with an inch on his head just opened his mouth. Jiushan stepped on his mouth with a small step, and two incisors came out of the sole of the standard military hook. Blood immediately spewed out of his mouth.

"I'm fucking..." Another young man with an inch of fire next to him caught fire, but he was kicked by Jiu Shan on his mouth just now, and had two teeth.

In the most sturdy company, Jiushan is the most sturdy soldier. With his current skills, a Taekwondo master, a famous Swedish star, and black belt Ibrahimović will be kicked alive by Jiushan within ten seconds.

A one-handed arm, the small inch was too late to resist and was twisted and pressed against the table by Jiu Shan. The other one was locked by Zhao Qianwei's throat, and immediately stepped on his neck with his boots. Jiushan pulled the classic 84-style Scout Dagger from his leg sleeve and directly pressed it against the inch-sized throat. This is a real guy.

"Forgot to say, without my order, no one should speak or move." At this moment, Jiushan's eyes seemed to be red, and the madness in his expression scared a group of'engineers' because They have never seen such a pervert.

"Grandson, do you dare to say another word, and Laozi will kill you!" Jiushan said to Cuntou, the gruesome words in his words were creepy. "For you, this is a drill, but for Lao Tzu, this is war. In your eyes, you are no different from the Japanese devil, the Vietnamese monkey."

"If you don't believe it, you can try it, hehehe..." The gruesome laugh made his four comrades feel heartless.

"Now I have to ask a few questions, you..." Seeing the other party was frightened, Jiushan pointed the oldest man with the tip of his knife: "What is your identity? What is it for here?"

"...We are... from the final assembly... engineers... electronic countermeasures..." The engineer was obviously nervous and hesitated for a while before replying in a huff: "Here is... the base station used to assist... Blue Army electronic countermeasures ..." Although Jiushan didn't understand this, the answer was obviously similar to what he expected. Therefore, Jiushan was very satisfied.

"Very good, very good. In this way, no one is looking for trouble." Jiushan began to continue fooling: "I have a few questions below. In order to prevent you nonsense and confessions, you need to be tied up. Don't resist. Because, I like you to resist!"

"Zhao Qianwei, Jiang Qiang."


"You go to tie up everyone, and anyone who dares to resist will stab him, this is the order!"


"I will bear all the consequences and go to the military court alone."

Two dollars and a lot of plastic cable ties, one for two people, all fourteen people were twisted their arms and their wrists were tied together. This thing is thin and strong, you want to break free, and your wrist is broken. It's fine.

With the secret eyes of Jiu Shan and the special gestures of the scouts, eight of the fourteen'enemy' were tied particularly strong and could not move even with their legs and arms thrown on the ground.

"Come on, in order to prevent confessions, I put their mouths on me, I will ask one by one." Jiushan is like a bandit mountain king at the moment.

Everyone's mouth was ripped off with sheets or towels and smelly socks. The oldest ‘fat engineer’ who had just answered the question was smoked.

Tu Qiong saw that Jiu Shan revealed his true purpose.

"Kill them!" He pointed at the eight men who were the strongest. Several comrades stepped forward to take out the red spray can and sprayed the eight faces into Guan Gong, which meant that they had been killed by the Red Army.

"Eight of you have been killed. You will withdraw from this exercise from now on. So, you are no longer my enemy at this moment. But to prevent you from violating the discipline of the exercise, I can only tie you up first. No Stay, comrade. Salute!" Jiushan performed a standard military salute to eight people who could not move on the ground.

"As for the six of you, hey..." Jiushan showed an evil laugh after the trick was fulfilled: "You will be my captives, and I invite you to visit our Red Army headquarters."

Hearing Jiushan's words, and then looking at the fourteen people, fire could be seen in the eyes, and it seemed to be able to bleed. The eight "deaths" are gone for now, and they can't move anyway. The six "captives" struggled desperately, and the expression on their faces was wonderful. However, the six members of the Jiushan reconnaissance team happened to control one by one, and they did not want to rebel against the door.

Why can't they announce that they were captured as soon as they rushed in?

The Chinese, whether they are generals or soldiers, have a complex in their bones that would rather be killed in war than captured. Even if the grievances can survive to stay in the mountains, even if the death is worthless, most Chinese people will have no choice but to resist, they will not choose to be captured. Although this habit of rashly dying to death, despite the mixed praises, but the Chinese are this kind of beating. Are you in charge?

If Jiushan came in, it was clear that they wanted to capture them. If you don’t think about it, you will surely attract strong resistance. You can’t catch the last one, and you can’t retreat. So the cunning Jiushan adopted the strategy of boiling the frogs in warm water, step by step, controlling both hard and soft Until the end, it was impossible to resist.

As for the six people who were captured, Jiushan selected them deliberately. The number of each was just right, and the selected ones were all relatively old and somewhat blessed. They were obviously not combatants who insisted on regular training. Also from the eye contact between these people at the beginning, Jiushan clearly felt that the positions of these six people may be the highest in this group. Even catching small fish and prawns should be as big as possible. Jiushan immediately decided to catch these six people alive.

One man controlled a captive who was stuffed with porcelain and stinky socks in his mouth, and the reconnaissance team quickly evacuated the scene. Before leaving, I put a laptop computer on the table into the rucksack alone. Although the contents inside could not be understood by myself, there must be someone in the division who can understand it. Maybe there is something useful in it.

Jiushan did not touch the warrior military jeep outside the big tent, but according to the strategy he had planned in advance, taking advantage of the night, toward the northeast direction, that is, the opposite direction of his own red army, that is, the rear of the blue army. , Sneaking on foot.

The wise decision of Jiushan became the key to the ultimate success of his brilliant operation.

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