Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 162: Manchester City without background

Koko said her favorite British city is Edinburgh.

It is true that, except for winter, Edinburgh is almost a perfect city. She deserves to be liked by the Duchess of Vienna from the Habsburg family.

However, Edinburgh is a British city, but not an English city. She is the capital of Scotland, in the north of England.

The United Kingdom is very small, and its area is only 2/3 the size of Japan. But the United Kingdom gave people a great impression. Seven continents and four oceans, the British Empire once ruled a quarter of the world's population and a quarter of the land.

34 million square kilometers, the area of ​​the colony is 141 times that of the mainland, and the incredible Temujin and Mongolian empires have never done it, so English is now the universal language of the world.

Manchester is in the middle of Great Britain and also in the north of England. Compared to London and Birmingham to the south, Manchester is not so cloudy.

Manchester is not as sunny as Madrid, but her cloudy sky is acceptable, unlike Londoners who never know what the stars are.

The stars can be seen in Manchester. On a clear night, the Big Dipper and Polaris seem to be overhead.

Who is the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham or Manchester? This issue has always been controversial. In terms of city area and population size, Birmingham's second place seems uncontroversial. Manchester can only be ranked seventh in the UK in these two categories.

But if you ask the British, they will tell you that Manchester is the second capital. In terms of influence, Manchester City has thrown Birmingham far away. And Liverpool wanted to speak, but nobody cared what he thought.

Ask foreigners the same question, especially foreigners who are not fans, and they will ask you: There is a second city in the UK?

London is one of the four central cities in Europe, with a population of 9 million, while Manchester, which is known as the second in the UK, has only 500,000. This is the sorrow under the shadow of the giant. However, from a football point of view, the Manchester City duo can point and not be sad in front of the powers in London.


The origin of football is the Cuju of Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, which is officially certified by FIFA. Ancient football was invented by Cheng Zhijie, General Yulinwei of the Tang Dynasty, but there is no archaeological document to prove it. There are just such rumors.

And modern football originated in the UK, and it is basically fair. Non-principle issues, do not argue. Therefore, British football clubs are born very early, not a hundred years old, and they are not qualified to greet others when they go out.

The Manchester City Club was born in 1880, when Edison had just applied for a patent for the light bulb.

In the beginning this was a church team, and it had a great connection with the mysterious Freemasonry. From its inception to the present, Manchester City has been a lifelong member of British football, winning and losing. The biggest achievement is that it has persisted until now and is still active in the first-line football arena.

In the early years, the British team disappeared more than the remaining ones. Now everyone can see the lucky ones, and Manchester City is one of them.

There are more than a dozen football clubs in the entire Manchester region, and there are five or six that have survived professional leagues all the year round, but Manchester United and Manchester City are the only ones in the city of Manchester, which guard the south and north respectively.

After football entered a high degree of commercialization in the 1980s, the status of Manchester United and Manchester City can be compared to Barcelona's Barcelona and the Spaniard.

Manchester City's ancestors have never been wide, they have never touched the threshold after football has the concept of giants, and they have not been regarded as giants until now. Even if Mansour arrived in 2009 with countless banknotes, Manchester City gave the world the impression of a nouveau riche, jealous of him, but would not respect him.

Compared with the giants, Manchester City has a history but no heritage, once the lift in the English league. The last time in 1998, Manchester City even fell to the third division, but they returned to the Premier League two years later. In that team, there is a Chinese player named Sun Jihai.

In the past, Manchester City and Manchester United, Liverpool and other England noble names are far apart, but Sheikh Mansour and the Abu Dhabi consortium in the United Arab Emirates are easy to get money, so the purchase of Manchester City in 2009 cost 260 million US dollars, and John Henry Buying Liverpool the following year was only 380 million.

However, in the six years since the purchase, Mansour spent another $1.5 billion for Manchester City. Pure expenses, far more generous than the Yankees.

The current Manchester City star should be Akun, 28-year-old Sergio Aguero. If Aguero is compared to Liverpool or Manchester United, then the previous Manchester City can be compared to Fabian Delphi.

The 27-year-old Delphi moved to Manchester City from Aston Villa last summer for £8 million. His ancestry is Guyanese.

Delphi can play left-back and left-back. It is a marginal international for the England national team. He was a pure substitute under Pellegrini last season. This season, he changed to Guardiola. If nothing else, his situation should not be. There are obvious changes.

Zhuo Yang didn't know Delphi before, or even heard of him. But the first day he came to the Manchester City training center Itihad base, the first thing is to deal with Delphi.

In the Manchester City team, Zhuo Yang is still an acquaintance, at least Aguero is one, and Yaya Toure is his old teammate in Barcelona.

But first dealing with Delphi, there is no other reason, just because after Manchester City official Xuan Zhuoyang joined, Delphi took the initiative to give up the number 18 jersey the first time.

Manchester City can't talk about much background, so the team number has no heritage. Before Delphi, the number 18 of Manchester City in the 2014-15 season was worn by Lampard, who was loaned out for a year, and was the Lampard of Chelsea.

Although it is his duty for Delphi to hand over the 18th, for Zhuo Yang, it is etiquette to express gratitude.

Since his debut in the Madiburg youth team in 2002, Zhuo Yang has not passed other numbers, and the 18th has already been deeply imprinted by him. However, these years of transfers have traveled everywhere, and only this time in Manchester City is no effort.

Going to AC Milan in 2006 was purely a favor of Jankulowski, and it was also Raiola's face. Yancu left Milan in the summer of 2011, and half a year later, he announced his retirement from his hometown team, the Barnik Club in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

I went to Barcelona in 2009. At first, Milito was a little unhappy because of the No. 18 jersey. In the end, he recognized it under Via Laporta. After Barcelona won the Triple Crown in 2011, Gabriel Milito moved back to Argentina for independence and retired a year later. This summer, Xiaomi Lito just took the post of head coach of the independent team.

In 2011, when he went to Real Madrid, Zhuo Yang spent 2 million euros to buy the No. 18 from Albiol, but he donated these two million to the 18 when he moved to Naples two years later. No. Fund'.

Back then, there were Calejon and Higuain who went to Naples from Real Madrid. Higuain went to Juventus for 90 million yuan worth of breach of contract this summer. Spicy dance and motorcycle are still there Staying in Naples, these years they have been the absolute main force of the team.

Only this time the No. 18 jersey is completely free of attention, and Zhuo Yang, who has come back from the dead, has become a football legend. Let alone Fabian Delphi, there is no unwillingness, as he himself said: it is my honor.

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