Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 159: Ferguson breaks Manchester United

The first to believe that Zhuo Yang would return was the Six Musketeers, but the first to know that he would return was Lord Ferguson.

At the time when the European Cup was raging in June, Zhuo Yang, who had just made a comeback decision, first called Ferguson.

"Father, I am coming back. Will you go back to Manchester United? I will go when you go back."

Ferguson held the phone for a long time. He couldn't believe his ears. There was a problem with his heart, but Sir Alex's ears were fine.

It wasn't until Zhuo Yang uttered the original words again that Ferguson said: "Boy, you...are you sure you can still play?"

"Hehe, you'll know if you go back to Manchester United and try."

Even Ferguson, whom Zhuo Yang has always admired very much, has serious doubts, showing that the football is not optimistic about his comeback.

Zhuo Yang is 31 years old. Even if he is not sick or disaster, he has already entered the ranks of veterans. What's more, he has suffered such cruel physical injuries. It is a miracle to survive. How dare to expect professional football.

Professional football teams have very strict physical requirements. Under modern scientific training conditions, professional players are the cruelest in human history. Zhuo Yang talked about his comeback under such circumstances, and he really underestimated the heroes of the world.

Of course, this is just an outside view

In addition to believing in metaphysics in technical and tactics, the football world still has to talk about science in the end. Zhuo Yang can no longer do high-intensity sports. This is scientific common sense, so no one in world football will forget that he can return to the court.

But Zhuo Yang knows himself best. He is still passionate about football, and football also entrusts his dreams and responsibilities. From the visit to Fort Madi in early 2002 to the sudden interruption in 2014, the achievements made in the 12 years may be enough for other footballers, but Zhuo Yang was not satisfied.

Zhuo Yang is not a savior-like hero who can change the world and the destiny of mankind, nor is he in a dream, but he still wants to do something to his best, such as Chinese football.

Since 2008, he has been playing a very huge game of chess. Chinese football is still inseparable from him when he has not yet retired. Football is his passion, and Chinese football is Zhuo Yang's career and ideals.

It is impossible to only play the national team without playing the professional league. Again, don’t underestimate the heroes of the world.

In Zhuo Yang's heart, returning to professional football is inevitable, but he must first convince his family.

My parents, even Kou Kou and his sister, certainly don't want him to return to his old football career. The body that escapes from death is one aspect, and he is not too young. It is the ideal choice to be steadfast and fascinated by classical piano.

Kou Kou’s work is easy to do. A journey of dreams has changed not only Zhuo Yang, but she has also completely got rid of her previous narrowness and ego. She no longer only confines her eyes to the Qing me and me between the two, but from Look at each other's feelings with a higher and grander perspective.

Zhuo Yang's pursuit is the direction that Kou Kou supports. After life and death, everything is trivial.

My mother, Yang Hong, has always had no sense of football. 14 years ago, she couldn't understand why Zhuo Yang had to work-study to play football. 14 years later, she still can't understand why Zhuo Yang didn't take advantage of the rapid current to retreat.

But my mother loves her son as much as 14 years ago, and she will not interfere with her rude attitude.

Zhuo Yang spent three months, from low to high, from slow to fast, gradual and intensive training, and finally succeeded in persuading his mother again.

They are the people who love themselves the most in this world. Zhuo Yang will never force his own way. He uses facts to prove that his physical condition is completely correct.

Dad is a bit simpler. Zhuo Tongtong has been responsible for Hope Football Spring Bud during Zhuo Yang's dream, so he felt his son's efforts at the closest distance. If you give up halfway, let alone Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Tongtong can't accept it either.

But having said that, if you can't convince your family and get their consent, Zhuo Yang will give up the idea of ​​coming back this time without hesitation.

Fortunately, everything went well, Zhuo Yang received support from his family. After getting all this done, he began to seriously consider his next stop in June.

The first thing is to say hello to Sir Ferguson, otherwise it's not a good idea. The old man chased him for ten years, he just chased Zhuo Yang, the duck that he had gotten, and retired from chasing him. Zhuo Yang had to understand this period of grievances.

In fact, he knew that he would not go to Manchester United, not because of Ferguson, but Mourinho.

Mourinho had already taken office at Manchester United in May. Although Zhuo Yang will no longer just care about his old grievances with Real Madrid, there is no need to post himself on Mourinho. The available teams are gone, and the call to Ferguson is purely courtesy.

So although the first call was made to Sir Ferguson, the first team to be rejected by Zhuo Yang was Manchester United.


"Hey--" Ferguson sighed into the phone. "I can't accept the old, I can't do it. Boy, go wherever you want, don't think about my feelings."

"Well, Sir, you continue to enjoy life, and I will personally drink two glasses of warm rice wine with you the next day."

"Zhuo Yang, I know what your kid thinks, but I still thank you for calling."

"Master, I also thank you very much."

Ferguson is still very influential at Manchester United, but this influence is unlikely to make Mourinho who has just taken office leave immediately. In fact, Ferguson prefers Moyes or Solskjaer to be in charge of the Red Devils, rather than Van Gaal and Mourinho.

There is no personal preference, it is purely a matter of differences in football philosophy.

Therefore, it can be seen from the selection of Manchester United's coach that Ferguson's influence on the top management of Manchester United is not as great as outsiders think.

After resolving this period of grievance with Manchester United, Zhuo Yang really began to inspect the goal of the next stop.

One thing Zhuo Yang knows very well As long as he speaks, football clubs all over the world will open their doors to accept it, but it is not that they believe that he still has the strength of a top star, but that he still has a top-notch business. value.

The Chinese Super League is an exception. They really love and respect Zhuo Yang, but it is clear that Zhuo Yang's goal can only be the five major leagues, and the first choice is giants.

The Bundesliga was eliminated first, Bayern and Dortmund are both good teams, but because of Fort Madison, Zhuo Yang cannot join them. And Fort Mady was also very sincere, but Zhuo Yang still hadn't time to go back.

I don't want to go back, so AC Milan will not consider it. And Serie A makes Zhuo Yang feel a little bit excited, no matter Inter Milan or Juventus, Zhuo Yang is not very interested, even if Juventus has a second brother Meng.

Do Barcelona and Real Madrid need to go back again? Then is La Liga still necessary?

So it took Zhuo Yang only one afternoon to focus on the Premier League, which is the place he was going to conquer in 2014. It is also an immature journey and new challenges.

After excluding Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Arsenal became Zhuo Yang's targets, and Liverpool clearly ranked first because there are Uncle Slag and De Tu.

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