Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Sports music park

Zhuo Yang's first public event after waking up, he chose the flower town at the foot of the mountain. Although the early spring is very cold and there are not a few flowers in the town, it is still a place full of hope and joy.

Zhuo Yang came to celebrate the New Year with everyone and celebrated the New Year's Day with everyone in the town.

His body recovered very quickly, and now he would jog in the small courtyard for half an hour every day. In fact, he felt that running fast or even sprinting for half an hour was fine, but the medical team did not allow it.

Zhuo Yang is very obedient, because everyone here loves him unconditionally, so he is also willing to unconditionally listen to their opinions.

A small town full of hope, happiness and flowers appeared because of him. Everyone here also loves Zhuo Yang, so after being allowed to walk out of the courtyard, he first came here.

The appearance of Zhuo Yang caused tears in the eyes of the people in the town, and Chen Jingxi couldn't make a sound. He didn't surround him like others, but knelt on the ground and cried so hard that he couldn't stop, but he suffocated himself. Cry out.

He buried his head in the icy snowdrift, his tears mixed with snow.

Zhuo Yang finally found Chen Jingxi's strangeness in the crowd, and Ke Zi quickly introduced him to Chen Jingxi's origin.

"Mayor, don't cry, Zhuo Yang is coming to see you." Someone yelled, Chen Jingxi did not raise his head.

"Xiao Chen, get up quickly." Ke Zi greeted him, but he still didn't pull his head out of the snowdrift.

Chen Jingxi felt a pair of powerful hands grabbing his shoulders, and he was abruptly pulled up, and then he saw Zhuo Yang's smile.

Although the extremely distorted face was magical, and Chen Jingxi had grown a lot taller in the past year or so, Zhuo Yang still recognized the boy who jumped from the Mestalla stand.

"It's really your kid, is the injury healed?"

Chen Jingxi was beaten up by David Navarro, causing two rib fractures and multiple soft tissue contusions. It was originally a news hot spot, but less than a month later, Zhuo Yang had an accident. He was completely forgotten by the world, and then dejected and sent back to his country.

The injury on his body had been healed a long time ago, but Zhuo Yang's concern made Chen Jingxi's crying distortion more thorough, and all regrets, sadness, and grievances were all vented at this moment.

He almost cried to death in front of Zhuo Yang, the scene was very embarrassing for a time.

After crying a lot, Chen Jingxi sobbed and said, "Captain Zhuo Yang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

"Hi, it's a big deal." Zhuo Yang stopped him from apologizing. "I heard that you want to make a good repair here and tell everyone what you think."

"Good, good." Chen Jingxi opened her sleeve and wiped her tears and nose. "I want to spread winter grass on two small courts, and then there..."

"Wait a minute." Zhuo Yang interrupted again: "Turn on the live broadcast, and I will introduce you to the live broadcast."

Chen Jingxi nodded vigorously, wiped her face with her sleeve, and signaled Lin Jiajia to connect to the live broadcast. Lin Jiajia is not only his girlfriend, but also a live broadcast assistant, photographer, and part-time video editor.

Therefore, Zhuo Yang appeared in the eyes of the people across the country for the first time after awakening through Chen Jingxi’s live webcast. He also wished everyone New Year in the live broadcast.

The unplanned live broadcast lasted less than half an hour, because tens of millions of people swarmed the live broadcast platform and the server was immediately paralyzed. Over the next few days, the number of views for live replays exceeded 600 million.

For the live broadcast platform, this is a live broadcast accident, but for the Internet, it is a live broadcast milestone, creating many world's best. Chen Jingxi has since established the status of the No. 1 internet celebrity football broadcaster.


"Jing Xi, your idea is very good, but the courage is still too small, the vision is not wide enough." Zhuo Yang said to him: "Not only must there be a small stadium here, but also a big stadium."

"To expand, to expand on a large scale. In the future, there will be at least two standard courts, six small courts, and six five-to-five iron cages. There will also be three to five open-air concert halls and several small performance stages."

"There must be no less than 50 acres of flowers, various landscapes, and lighting and other auxiliary facilities must be fully upgraded."

"Jing Xi, I will build this place into a sports music park with you. The name of the park is Hope Town."

One year later, the construction of Hope Town at the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain was completed. It is not only a beautiful scenic spot that is intriguing, it has also become a mecca for Chinese football youth and music youth.

Under Zhuo Yang's proposal, Chen Jingxi became the honorary mayor of Hope Town for life.



After January, the football winter transfer window also closed suddenly.

It is not only because of Zhuo Yang's awakening that Dong Chuang loses attention, but there is indeed no heavy news this winter. Most of the movement in the five major leagues is mainly based on the stitches of the second and third teams.

The news that really stretched his head didn't come from the players, but Mourinho dropped from Chelsea again.

In the 2015-16 season, Chelsea's record plummeted, with 9 losses in the first 16 league games. Using the female team doctor Eva incident at the beginning of the season as an introduction, he kept accusing players, complaining about the FA, and bombarding referees. This also caused him to gradually lose control of the dressing room and trust in the club’s top management. Core players Hazard and Xiaofa , Mei Yan Costa and others became anti-Muslim pioneers.

Mu three years is a hurdle that Uncle Bird can't get through.

After class was over at Lanqiao, news came out that Mourinho would return to Real Madrid, but Galeries Lafayette soon used Zidane to straighten him to show his attitude. However, a famous coach like Mourinho, he himself cannot be idle for too long, and football does not allow him to be idle.

The media vigorously found Mourinho a new owner, more concerned than Mourinho himself. It now appears that the two Manchester teams are most likely to be Mourinho's next stop.

After Van Gaal's "big circle tactics" was cracked, UU read www.'s magic is no longer there, Manchester United's results are also going down all the way, seeing that it will be a problem once again to see if it is not a European qualification. Master Fan dismissed get out of class in the summer, and there was basically no suspense.

The Chilean engineer Pellegrini has been coaching Manchester City for three years, and the results are actually decent. Last year, the Manchester City executives also renewed his contract with him. But since Mansour took over Manchester City, the goal has always been the Champions League. On this front, Pei Gong seems to have shortcomings.

If there is no better choice of coach, Pei Gong’s position should be worry-free, but now with Mourinho, there will be Guardiola in the summer, these two big fishes, let alone the media booing, just Even Peigong himself would murmur in his heart.

Guardiola is still the target of Chelsea.

Mourinho dismissed get out of class, and it was Dutch coach Hiddink who was temporarily fighting the Blue Bridge, and Chelsea officials made it clear that he is only a transitional coach, and his term will only reach the end of the season.

Of course, there are more teams in a family of women who are attracted to Guashuai, and Chelsea's goal will not hang on a tree.

The next Premier League season will be very lively.

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